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Alternative Chassis For Each Warframes?


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I see where you're coming from, but don't you think that's a bit convoluted? Why would they go "hey we have this cool concept and mesh created for Nyx....so why don't we take crap loads of more time and recourses to do additional coding, theme design, power concepts, power implementation, animation design, etc. and apply it to a completely new Warframe just cuz"? They'd be producing this mesh with the intention of making it a cosmetic. And again, considering the vast amount of time it takes to fully produce a new Warframe from scratch, there'd be no logical reason for them to add additional strain on themselves because of the unlikely notion that said mesh will somehow go to waste, since it's being applied to a pre-existing Warframe.

Yes a "fair" amount of people do outright purchase frames. However, there's a vast amount of the player-base that purchase cosmetics. The amount of players that purchase cosmetics far outnumbers the amount of players that purchase warframes quite a bit. Also, calling it a skin is in no way misleading, everyone knows what that term means. The term "skin" simply denotes a difference in appearance to the basic model, regardless of the degree of change. That's why everyone refers to Immortal Excal, Obsidian Excal, and Proto Excal as skins, despite the wildly varying degrees of changes to the original model.

Also I think you're getting the wrong idea as far as the effort that'd have to expend goes. No one is suggesting that the design team just drop everything and give their undivided attention to making custom meshes for each Warframe. This is something thag would be very gradual. As you mentioned, Proto Excal is released only once a year for a limited time. It's not as though DE would be pressured with some sort of deadline to complete each mesh. New warframe and weapons designs would obviously maintain top priority, but that doesn't mean they can't work on meshes here and there once each weapon/warframe design is complete.

I think you're underestimating the significance of cosmetics in this particular game, considering it is virtually the only item in this game that cannot be acquired for free. Consider, for a moment, that there are many players that are willing to pay the equivalent of a full retail game ($60) just for prime accessories; cosmetics.

You're presenting a situation that doesn't exist here. Nobody is asking for a cosmetic to be its own warframe, because such drastic mesh changes take a long time to produce. The entire design process for such a thing would be equivalent to designing and modeling an entire warframe, and for what payout? A cosmetic that not everybody will even like. They've shown no signs of designing such an extensive cosmetic, so telling them to "do craptons more work" isn't even a thing.

The money point is kinda moot for both of us, because neither you nor I have any tangible proof for sales.

The thing is, people look at the immortal skins and lump them together with the proto skin with effort involved. Entire new meshes are MUCH more time consuming and difficult to make, and require they're own textures and everything included for making an entirely separate warframe. It creates unreasonable expectations, such as releasing many at once like the immortal skins, and then people will complain that they're more expensive, etc.

There's also the problem of warframe recognition. These skins ideally shouldn't drastically change a warframes overall appearance, or silhouette when viewed by a teammate.

You ever noticed that DE has done this before in the form of the paras and carabus sentinel skins? And the dagger axe, brokk, and manticore skins? Notice how they have only done retextures for weapon and sentinel cosmetics? My guess is their general design process doesn't include cosmetics that require new meshes/textures because theyve seen that they're just not profitable enough unless they're gimmicky or a new piece of equipment altogether.

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I would love this honestly. I really hope DE considers adding more customization options for our Warframes. Immortal skins are a bit underwhelming on some frames, I'd prefer an actual change in appearance as opposed to a simple paint job. Alas, I think chassis swaps (ones a bit more akin to Proto Excal) are low on the list of priorities for DE. However, that isn't to say they'll never do it.

It's one of those things where if they do it it will be so far in the future there's little point in discussing it now.

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My dream for warframe is to have alternative chassis for each warframes, similarly to how we have alternative helmet. 


I'm not talking about like trollish skins like League of Legend Gentleman Cho'gath or Red Riding Hood Annie, but skins that make each warframe different from the default skin while easily recognizable. 



Something similar to this


%7Boption%7Dhttp://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/xcom/images/7/77/XCOM.EU.Slingshot.Armors2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130210232007[ /img]



What do you guys think?  This would prevent any frame from being "ugly".  More choice, more variety, more fun!


Main reason you won't see this is because of clipping issues.  Never gonna happen.

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