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[Suggestion] More Gore And Blood


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Hello everyone, I have an idea that may be interesting. Abstract: I already know that the game has blood and violence, but let's do it at higher levels, such as Doom. to put a lot more violence, and when the Warframe, receive damage with the shield drain, in addition to the red edge that appears, also some blood spatter. type Doom, Far Cry, Unreal and the like. and enemies, as well as the ability to cut them in half with his sword, including the ability to mutilate a body part (arm, leg, head, etc. ...) with type Snipetron weapons, shotguns, Latron. in short, more violence. tell me your opinion. Thank you.

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I love blood and gore and violent shooters, and feel the amount in WF is just about perfect. We already have Big HUGE splatters on the walls, multiple limb dismemberment (arm's and legs) and decapitations (heads literally ROLLING). And thats not even mentioning what happens when a Sentinel finally dies: the splat is so huge you actually drop a few frames-per-second if it happens.


The only thing I could truly ask for perhaps is a slowly spreading pool of blood from downed enemies - the bleedout effect, with a slight liquid-y sheen of gloss. One of my personal faves.


Also we can can already slice and dice enemies in half... and thirds... and quarters... etc. If you actually stop to inspect some of the Grineer and Corpus bodies after splitting them into pieces, they're super-gory already, and very awesome.


Maybe a tiny bit more gore would be okay but honestly it seems almost perfect how it is now.

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I tend to agree. A large part of the joy of a good mindless/repetitive dungeon crawl is the visceral animations. Diablo wouldn't have been half as fun if it weren't for all the endless waves of dudes getting graphically creamed.


More than blood and guts specifically, more reactions to dying that 'feel' like you really did something. Currently it seems a bit bugged with elemental damage, mobs rather than getting cleaved in half or going flying with limbs missing... seem to just get stuck in a standing position. Not exactly a satisfying kill, and can be confusing. People regularly are beating up on standing corpses not realizing they are already dead.


I really like a lot of the death animations in this game, so kudos to the animation team. I would ask for more of the same (along with far more diversity of enemy types and ai), and to fix the bugs that keep the cool death animations from happening so often.

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This thread is awkward :D



I am actully quite satisfied with the gore amount. Fits the game perfectly. More gibs will make the game dull and overloaded. More blood and people will laugh at it like they do with Django Unchained (which is not a problem for Quentin Tarantino movies though).


I say, don't overdo it. Keep it classy :P

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Armoured targets don't bleed a lot but blade weapons make a bloody mess out of everything.

I'm all in for new death animations and torn off limbs but more blood would be unrealistic.


Also, you can slice an enemy 'from the nave to the chaps' in this game. What else do you need?

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I think DE recently did an update on the ability to do some crazy stuff to grineer, like slice their arms off and take chunks out of their body.


I think this might be a nvidia physX effect though, I'm not sure. This post makes it seem like you have never seen this happen in-game and I have seen it plenty of times only on grineer, and I do use physX


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Nah, I can cut Grineer in half, make them lose limbs, etc - and I don't have PhysX. If they do include even more gore, though, well... Like someone else already said, don't overdo it. It works pretty well as is, in my opinion.

Or just make it optional. I have a friend I'm trying to introduce to Warframe that hates gore in all of its forms, so mandatory, over-the-top gore might put some players off of the game.

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I believe the level of gore is currently perfect (though I agree that it should be more consistent, and perhaps some new gore meshes for blunt weapons) but what I would like to see is more realistic blood.  As it stands, blood just appears on surfaces, with limited spatter coming from the corpses, while in reality, a severed limb or decapitation will result in a spurt of blood from the damaged area.  If this were added, this would be one happy panda.

But of course, DE, focus on the more vital issues first - like bug fixes and new base content.  Pretties can come later.

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Should be an option, not something mandatory. Some people may be disturbed.


But I'm all for more blood and guts.

of course if they do something similar to what I wrote, will also put an option to reduce violence. so at least those who are sensitive or does not like too much violence, can enjoy the game well.

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already happens.


Shoot a grineer in the shoulder with a snipetron and you blow his arm off.

Slicing enemies in half happens all the time...



What game are you guys playing?

I play old school games like Doom, Unreal, Quake and the like, but also games like CS, TF2 and games like Battlefield. just because I'm a fan of FPS games old school, I wanted to put this to make Warframe, different from the masses. I do not know if you understand what I said in that last sentence?

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