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Mechanic, Joke, Or Bug? - Mission Complete, Yet No Reward



   So, I recently did a Tower 3 Void Exterminate mission with a Clan mate (at roughly 9:30pm EST.) About 3/4ths of the way through the mission (they're generally short missions anyways,) My dog decided he really needed to go outside. I asked the clan mate to finish it up, I'd only be a minute, and would be back. I was afk for roughly 3 minutes, and a minute of that was the clock count down. Out of roughly 120 enemies, when I had gone very briefly afk, 80+ corrupted were defeated. When I got back, I come to find my mission completion screen stating the mission was completed! it used my Tower 3 key and I got basically no reward after having done a great deal of the work and it took my key. I recieved roughly 1k credits and 50 alloy plate.
   What I wanted to know, after having worked rather hard to get my Tower 3 key, is what happened here, why did this happen and if this is intentional, why punish someone who has no history at all of wrong doings and create a mechanic, mind you, for a private mission (not public) who had a real necessity that needed immediate attention. Also, if it is intentional, I propose for closed or friend only missions that do not hinder public games, this mechanic be removed from those gameplays entirely.

   If this is not intentional, I'd like to know if anyone else has experienced this and if anyone knows if there will be a fix or if one as a result of this is being or will be worked on.


PS: I apologize if this was posted elsewhere, wasn't sure what wording or topic this kind of bug would be under, let alone called, so I kinda just made a title up that sounded best.

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   Oh! I forgot to mention, I did take a screenshot of the Mission completion result but have no clue what so ever how to post or attach an image to a post and if it's even possible in these forums.

Edited by Murceal
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Yup. Anti-AFK mechanic.


If you're AFK (for at least 60seconds) when the mission ends, you get no rewards. Next time tell your buddy to wait for you to come back before ending the mission.






Edited by VKhaun
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   Oh! I forgot to mention, I did take a screenshot of the Mission completion result but have no clue what so ever how to post or attach an image to a post and if it's even possible in these forums.

upload it to an Image sharing site like 



Go to upload Images


After uploading images find the Forum BB code copy and paste, then paste that in your thread

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Yup. Anti-AFK mechanic.


If you're AFK (for at least 60seconds) when the mission ends, you get no rewards. Next time tell your buddy to wait for you to come back before ending the mission.






120 seconds IIRC.

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That's what I'm thinking too but she says 60sec in her post.


Did they adjust it later?


I was afk for roughly 3 minutes. 


nope, he/she said 3 minutes, 180 seconds.


it was changed because 60 seconds was too low.


buy yes I think we need a "friend" option, that we can activate when we play with friends, clan mates, etc.

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I see. That's REALLY annoying then. I hope they change that mechanic and find a better way to deal with individuals who abusive AFK mechanics rather than punishing the masses for petty things. I appreciate everyone's responses and assistance to my question and topic.


In regards to the image posting, thank you for the suggestion Karukiku, hopefully I've posted the right link.

(Posting this incase anyone was interested in seeing what I was talking about.)
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/q4quap0.jpg" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>

Edited by Murceal
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