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[Yet Another Warframe Concept Iii] Jinx


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Sentinel-based Fanframe



A melee type Fanframe



And a... sheep? Or something.




Thought about this idea for a frame during my accounting exam today. Bleh.



Shields: 100(base)

Health: 75(base, same as Loki and Mag)

Power: 150(base, same as Loki)

Sprint Speed: 1.0(standard)

Armour: 10(same as all female Warframes except Mag and Saryn)

Shield Recharge: 22.5(same as Excalibur Prime and Mag)


Jinx is a slender, lightweight Warframe outfitted with several disruptor and telekinetic modules that are still in their experimental stages. These modules give her the ability to generate energy fields and currents that cause bizarre effects to any enemy unfortunate enough to be targeted.




Ability 1

Suspension | 25 Energy | Cost to equip: 2/3/4/5(halved by polarity)

Raises an enemy into the air and suspends it by the ankle. Upgrading this ability increases its range and duration.

Jinx gestures at a target and releases a current that causes him to flip upside-down and hang in mid-air, flailing and writhing. During this time, her victim is unable to retaliate and completely vulnerable.

Rank 0: 15m range, 2sec duration | Rank 1: 20m range, 3sec duration | Rank 2: 25m range, 4sec duration | Rank 3: 35m range, 6 sec duration

Balance notes: Unlike Mind Control, this ability can be used on multiple targets and can be used effectively in disabling multiple Ancients.



Ability 2

Mischief Mayhem | 50 Energy | Cost to equip: 4/5/6/7(halved by polarity)

Throws a bomb that inflicts an undesirable status onto enemies caught in the blast. Upgrading this ability increases the duration of its effects and its splash radius.

Jinx tosses a glowing orb containing a cocktail of disruptor fields. It explodes on contact, causing a series of unfortunate events for all enemies in the area of effect. See spoiler for list of effects.

The guns of Grineer Lancers and Grineer Troopers explode when they attempt to reload, dealing damage, blowing them away and forcing them to switch to melee combat.

The guns of Corpus Crewmen and Corpus Snipers fire sideways. After about 4 seconds of shooting their comrades next to them they realize that their weapons are now defective, and will either scavenge another pulse gun from the nearest dead Corpus or switch to melee combat.

Ancient Disruptors and Healers and Toxic Ancients trip over their own feet for every 9m they travel.

Infested Chargers run backwards, reducing their movement speed and turning ability greatly.

Grineer Heavy Gunners' shockwave module is corrupted, causing them to punch their own feet whenever they try to release a shockwave attack.

The targeting systems of Grineer Bombards are corrupted, causing their missiles to lock on to the nearest target, friendly or foe.

When Grineer Seekers attempt to release Latchers, they refuse to detach from their arms and explode when their timer reaches zero.

Grineer Sawmen, Powerfists and Flameblades have the weight of their weapons greatly increased, causing them to walk with an awkward stagger. Powerfists and Flameblades also laugh uncontrollably to make them as effective at stealth as Sawmen.

When Grineer Napalms fire, their incendiary grenades only manage to fall two feet out of their launchers before exploding.

Ammunition magazines of Ballistas become frustratingly difficult to extract from their pouches, increasing their reload time to ten seconds of agony.

Grineer Commanders' shield batteries are overloaded, depleting their shields and painting their dull grey armour a hot pink.

Infested Leapers travel 3 times their intended distance when they leap, potentially sending them into chasms and pits.

Infested Runners cannot explode.

Crawlers are lulled into hibernation from the soothing frequency of Jinx's energy currents.

Ospreys have their self-destruct sequence initiated, causing them to implode after a countdown of 5 seconds.

Shockwave MOAs succeed in only knocking themselves down whenever they stomp.

Mayhem disables the recoil compensators in Railgun MOAs' weapons. Whenever they fire, the resulting recoil will cause them to somersault backwards and crash to the ground.

Fusion MOAs stop moving and begin pressure-cooking themselves, depleting their health rapidly. If they receive external damage, their damage-avoidance protocols reactivate, cancelling the meltdown sequence.

Shields of Shield Lancers are blasted with antigravity, escaping their owners' hands and floating lazily out of sight. The mesmerized Lancers will watch their shields fly away for a moment before attacking with their Sicarus.

Grineer Rollers have their combat inhibitors melted, causing them to attack all nearby enemies.

Prod Crewmen are blinded by a flash of light emitted by their prods in response to the currents released by Mayhem. They run around in a frenzy, zapping everything in front of them.

Bosses are stunned for a fixed 2 seconds.

Rank 0: 3m splash radius, 9secs | Rank 1: 4m splash radius, 11secs | Rank 2: 5m splash radius, 13secs | Rank 3: 6m splash radius, 16secs




Ability 3

Radial Gravitation | 75 Energy | Cost to equip: 6/7/8/9(halved by polarity)

Jinx increases the gravity of the area around her, slowing all enemies and damaging them over time. Upgrading this ability increases its duration, range and damage.

Jinx takes about 6 seconds to redirect energy into her gravitation module. On the 3rd second, a gravity well erupts in the ground beneath her. She is able to move unrestricted when the chanelling duration of 6 seconds ends. All enemies that enter the area of effect move 75% slower, and receive resistance-ignoring damage over time. The duration, range and damage of this ability is affected by the Continuity, Reach and Focus mods.

Rank 0: 7 secs, 5m radius, 75dps | Rank 1: 9 secs, 7m diameter, 150dps | Rank 2: 11secs, 9m radius, 225 dps | Rank 3: 13secs, 10m radius, 310dps

Balance notes: Jinx is NOT invulnerable for the 6 seconds while she is casting this ability!


Alternate Ability 3

Radial Interference | 75 Energy | Cost to equip: 6/7/8/9(halved by polarity)

Jinx emits disruptor waves that result in a variety of ailments for all nearby enemies. Upgrading this ability increases its range and the duration of timed ailments.

These disruptor waves are emitted over 6 seconds. Every two seconds, all enemies in the area of effect will receive a random status ailment(for a total of 3 waves). Jinx is able to move after the first 2 seconds.

Petrification: Does not affect Infested. The armour of affected targets are turned incredibly dense by a strange current, preventing movement and attacks while also increasing their resistance to all damage except armour-piercing by 20%.

Corruption: Only affects MOAs, Ospreys and Rollers. These units are shut down for 3 seconds. When they reboot, they are unable to differentiate friend from foe.

Pacification Field: Does not affect MOAs, Ospreys and Rollers. Affected enemies are overcome by a peaceful and pacifist sensation and do not retaliate.

Shockwave: Affected enemies are immediately knocked to the ground.

Misdirection: Affected enemies cannot turn.

Temperance: The fire rate of all affected enemies is reduced by 66%.

Tower: Disruptor waves create a massive electrical current that zaps the target for 444 electrical damage.

Strength: The next melee attack to hit the affected target will deal an additional 444 damage.

Devil: The unfortunate enemy receives 666 resistance-ignoring damage.

Death: Affected enemies have their health and shields reduced by 13% of their maximum.

Rank 0: 6m radius, 4sec duration | Rank 1: 8m radius, 8sec duration | Rank 2: 11m radius, 10sec duration | Rank 3: 13m radius, 13sec duration

Balance notes: Bosses do not suffer negative effects and are merely stunned for 2 seconds.



Ability 4

Misfortune | 100 Energy | Cost to equip: 10/11/12/13(halved by polarity)

Jinx unleashes a series of currents at bizarre frequencies. Mysteriously, all affected enemies become more vulnerable. Upgrading this ability increases its duration and range.

Jinx emits a bright, yellow and wide radial shockwave. All enemies caught in the blast begin to spark with yellow energy. While they are affected by Misfortune, all attacks by Jinx and her fellow Tenno have their critical chance doubled and inflict 44% more critical damage(added after base critical damage multipliers and critical damage mods).

Rank 0: 5secs, 15m radius | Rank 1: 8 secs, 20m radius | Rank 2: 11 secs, 25m radius | Rank 3: 13 secs, 31m radius

Balance notes: Applies to critical hits only.




Jinx can be equipped with a Calamity helm, lengthening power duration but reducing health.

Power duration + 13% Health -5%



I should really stop doing this =/ Comments appreciated. 

Edited by Amistyrja
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Apart from the 3rd ability (  (looks very similar to mag's) everythine else seem to fit pretty nicely I dig her =) Id substiture the 4rth for the third for the same energy cost ( 100 ).For uber I currently have no ideas on my head if something comes ot mind ill post it ;)

Edited by Blackhog
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