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Defense Break At End...


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Or just tell your team to leave the last one alive? It's my secret tactic and it is working so far.

And with high wave levels you will have a frost with you else the silly objective will be one-shotted, so just keep the dome up and keep 1 person with the objective at all time (alternate scavenging).


Having people wp tag the blue fountains for the last player to pick up the mods quickly also helps.


But, having said that; I'd love to have a "please pick up stuff now"-period or option so people don't keep leaving the objective in random groups (oft ending in a dead objective) while rushing mods mid wave.

Edited by sGs.salp
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Something that gave you the option to delay the vote, but still allowed for immediate voting once you picked up the item.


Trying to envision how it would work exactly, but you could regain control with the mouse after selection, changes claim/exit and battle to #1 #2 keys (still functional with controllers, since these would be the same as power 1 and power 2)


This delay feature would push the options down to the bottom of the screen, and operate similar to extraction, where if the majority of players has voted, the timer resumes, this being the case for if the team is opting to continue, not for claim/exit.  Reasoning is, if you are going forward there is time to pickup the mods in the coming waves, if you are planning to leave, you are given some more time, but can't hold the team up from going forward.


If you select to claim/exit you will leave the game as you would if others decided to continue.  So you have not opted into this delay period you are still free to leave whenever, but gives the option to a single player, or multiple players to remain ingame without moving to the next five waves to pickup items.


Host migration is the largest issue I'm seeing with this, though as it stands if the host leaves while others continue, this occurs anyway.


I don't think this is the perfect answer, it needs refinement, but could be something that helps.


Even something as simple as the delay giving 30 seconds for vote period, and allowing movement during it.  Like others suggest.

Edited by Enot83
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Could there possibly be a way to fill vacancies that are left when people leave after a match?




Wave 5, 1 person leaves. 


Wave 6, 3 people continue, 1 person wants to join in and they can.


Wave 10, 2 people leave, 2 people continue


Wave 11, 2 people join in, bringing it up to 4 once again. 

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Could there possibly be a way to fill vacancies that are left when people leave after a match?




Wave 5, 1 person leaves. 


Wave 6, 3 people continue, 1 person wants to join in and they can.


Wave 10, 2 people leave, 2 people continue


Wave 11, 2 people join in, bringing it up to 4 once again. 

I think I had an idea very similar to this.


I love defence missions, but I hate having to leave before I feel I've had enough, and I hate being forced to stay longer than I want. I also hate the idea of forcing others to stay in a mission until everyone agrees to leave. 

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Well, give the exit button as is now, BUT!

Allow folks to move around, pick up, and once all pressed the Claim and Exit (or Battle) then the game would proceed with given command.

But ONLY if all have pressed the button.

Move the window to the upper or lower part of the screen (preferably upper) so we can see where we run, and see where the goodies are.


Last session I lost 4 mods that dropped in the very last wave, because the fella with me figured it'd be cool not to leave one standing.

Sad, really.

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Or just tell your team to leave the last one alive? It's my secret tactic and it is working so far.

And with high wave levels you will have a frost with you else the silly objective will be one-shotted, so just keep the dome up and keep 1 person with the objective at all time (alternate scavenging).


Having people wp tag the blue fountains for the last player to pick up the mods quickly also helps.


But, having said that; I'd love to have a "please pick up stuff now"-period or option so people don't keep leaving the objective in random groups (oft ending in a dead objective) while rushing mods mid wave.



I tell so many people in these levels to leave that last one alive just a little longer.  There are so many upsides to it...

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I think I had an idea very similar to this.


I love defence missions, but I hate having to leave before I feel I've had enough, and I hate being forced to stay longer than I want. I also hate the idea of forcing others to stay in a mission until everyone agrees to leave. 


Yeah, I know how you feel. 

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