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Pvp Need A Team Deathmatch.


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Capture the celaphon is a fun Gametype. However it really seems that true combat only happens once in  a great while, when people are not bo prime rushing eachothers celaphons, and ending matches withing 3-5 minutes. Alot of us have used it, as pvp as it stands rewards rushing the objective, and doesnt have much balence for spawn camping. Players are easily able to rush in with a team of 4, grab the celaphon, position up 3 allys, and hold the match.

Not all players play in this manner, but its enough to need addressing. It most certainly effects how people percieve their first few matches of conclave,


This is not fun but is one of the results of the current styling of conclave. Im sure the update today will address a few things, and create a few others. However I would like to say a large amount of players, and friends of mine have still found the whole concept of "capture the celaphon" as is stands to be something not worth their time or grief. This means ive had to do all my pvp solo, which sucks to think out of everyone in my clan who tried it i was the only one who found it fun.


We cant speak for other players or clans on their pvp activity, but this is just our experience on the matter.


Adding another gametype such as a Team DeathMatch will add a new flavor to pvp to those who dont like to be forced to play capture the celaphon for pvp rep.


It will be buggy, and have some balencing issues, but lets put it out alongside capture the celaphon and let it evolve with us =].


Honestly it gives people a choice of what gametype the want for pvp, objective or kill based, and will definetly attract some new faces.


Some other things need addressing such as the bugged vote UI in matches,squads being mixed after the first match able being able to join games that are pretty much over just to have the host disconnect at the end.!)

It would honeslty be nice to hear other tennos input on this matter, and the current styling of capture the celaphon.




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I'm not a PVP players and i usually don't do PvP anywhere.


But PvP should have "features" to make sure that it's balanced.


Let's say, you join Melee match, you can only use melee.


You join Custom Match, Penta, orgis, dread and bo prime are not available to use.



Those small features can make things go right, instead of go wrong, and are quite "simple". 

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Yes, TDM and DM its coming in 16.5 confirmed.
Sadly today CTC its a coptering fest for rushers/ and no rusher, just copter around, who just see fun doing it, its his play style.


More weapon variation its coming with that update, 2 new warframes allowed in pvp, Nyx and Ember (I think his Prime variation too).
I dont know we just can sit and wait until all movement mechanic and modes get his balance.

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