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Diminishing Returns! Press 4 To Wi.i.ineffectiveness


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With the newest update DE announces abilities will now be useable against bosses which can only be seen as a "buff."  I find this to be of little consequence as boss difficulty beforehand speaks for itself.  More importantly however is that it introduces Diminishing Returns of those abilities on said bosses AND their newest enemy type - Bursas.


For the first time that I know of a non-boss type enemy will gain increased resistance to the ever so popular "press 4 to win."  Kudos to DE for taking this first, albeit slight, step into discouraging this lazy style of play.  I wholeheartedly encourage you to expand this to all enemies and game mode types as energy has proven to be a poor limiting factor to ability spam.


With a game like Warframe, so rich in character types and weapons, it is unfortunate to see it simplified to the extent of  pressing a button over and over.  This is exactly the compromise needed to keep players on their toes, gameplay interesting, and help secure its longevity.

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Indeed - it was about time that we dont have to deliberatly choose our warframes for their appropriate tasks anymore. Take whichever frame you want and hold mouse button 1 to win is much better. Nice brainless shooting is what I expect from this game since I play it ( years ).


/sarcasm off


Will render all damaging frames useless if it goes on and only things like Trinity remain effective - until its Wednesday, better nerf Trinity day again.

Edited by AdFinitum
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I think the diminishing returns post is actually about CC duration. 


Previously either a regular enemy would, for example, sit in Bastille all day long while boss would just ignore it. Only a few specific enemies would hang temporarily and then break free or become immune. Now they're opening that up and you should see bosses being affected by CC they were previously immune to.


As you said, this is definitely a buff for now but will become a nerf if this is applied to more common enemies. I think the one to watch is probably Eximus units. I could easily see DE giving Eximus diminishing returns and seeing a lovely forum blow up about high level endless as people started to realize.

Edited by VKhaun
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To get rid of ability spam to win, they would first need to change the entire the game. Numbers is everything and skill is much less relevant. They would have to get rid of the way high level enemies completely murder you in a second, chain stun you and so on. Unless numbers become less important, and I mean to an extreme degree, CC spam will be necessary.


Take a look at how other action games handle combat. Most of them revolve around not taking damage, not around being able to tank it. You can't avoid being shot at by 30 enemies with hitscan weapons, all of which will kill you in seconds, unless you're using some sort of CC or defensive skills.

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To get rid of ability spam to win, they would first need to change the entire the game. Numbers is everything and skill is much less relevant. They would have to get rid of the way high level enemies completely murder you in a second, chain stun you and so on. Unless numbers become less important, and I mean to an extreme degree, CC spam will be necessary.


Take a look at how other action games handle combat. Most of them revolve around not taking damage, not around being able to tank it. You can't avoid being shot at by 30 enemies with hitscan weapons, all of which will kill you in seconds, unless you're using some sort of CC or defensive skills.

Were you around for U11?  Don't you think the enemy accuracy levels back then made the game much more fair?  Also, there wasn't a host of overpowered weapons and things like vanilla Soma, Synapse, and explosives were the standard for endgame.  Things have only gotten more and more out of hand since then, I feel.  

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