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These Catalysts Feel Like Trolling Now...


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Euro player here. I missed todays taters because I was at work. I don't scream, I don't whine for them to be scheduled at around 18:00 GMT+1.

If I really need them I either get lucky or buy them. They are a buck each so F*** your entitlement.

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I would suggest that different areas of the world get a different set of alerts. For those that don't know, if you go into your options menu in Warframe you can change your server zone based on location. People with their zones set to North America West/East get their own set of alerts, people in Europe East/West get their own set, South America East/West get their own, and Oceania gets their own. DE would have to make changing your zone between continents require a support ticket to prevent exploitation or alert farming, but it would probably shut up a lot of people complaining that "Area X gets all the good alerts".


Edit: In case it isn't clear everything would be mechanically the same, the only real difference is that it would make people realize that there's no "continent bias" going on.

Edited by Skoll85
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you arent MEANT to get EVERY SINGLE ALERT. it means they expect you to HAVE A LIFE. enjoy it. dont gripe about the fact you missed 2 catalysts. you get 12 hour potatoes from every live stream. i dont see you complain about those. you dont need every single potato that shows up in an alert. you dont need every single bp, you dont need ever single artifact. just PLAY THE FREAKING GAME. quit whining about RNG.


If the system threw out potatoes for 50 hours straight tossing out a new alert every 30 minutes would you still complain? "oh no I missed 16 hours of potatoes because i had to sleep both days! then I had work for 20 hours! so I missed most of 2 days worth of potatoes! I only could play for 14 out of 50 hours!"


Thats just the wrong logic. It's not about what you missed. The nature of the RNGs and the fact they put out potatoes with every live stream means eventually as you play enough you WILL get enough of everything. And guess what? At the end of it, when you get a potato in every frame and weapon you own, it WONT MATTER.

Edited by xenapan
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Ok, and like there's no issue that the other side of the world IS getting free potatoes, and plenty of them, while this side either has to stay awake all night or just not get them?


The alerts are giving free potatoes regardless.

My issue is that they're all going elsewhere consistently.



And DO YOU EVEN PROGRAM? Developers can change alerts in a second. They can schedule plenty if they want.








Maybe if it actually looked random I would say it's random.

But the fact it's been fairly consistent for a rather large sampling of alerts...in science we call that repeatable, not random.


As someone who works full time in the UK, its a problem for us too. All the alerts are either early in the morning for me, or when im at work/getting home from work. Havent gotten a single one yet.


Its done via RNG, they cant change it, as soon as they introduce an element of predictability to the formula then it becomes easy to farm. It sucks, but its better this way.

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It seems every other day there's a catalyst alert now.



At 5 am. Always at 4-5 am.



There were TWO IN A ROW at 5 last night.




Is it so hard to put a freaking alert that EVERYONE WOULD WANT during normal hours for the US? Like 3 pm. 3 pm would be nice.

Heh, bless my timezone.

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Maybe if it actually looked random I would say it's random.

But the fact it's been fairly consistent for a rather large sampling of alerts...in science we call that repeatable, not random.


Lol, if you call this perceived pattern in a sample size like this "consistent", you obviously have no clue about science or randomness. Rngs do streaks, they always do, and you will usually not get a perfectly equal distribution over short time spans like a day or a week because that would actually not be random at all.


I'm not saying the system is perfect, but there is no indication for it not being random.

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Your gross misunderstanding of what true random is almost dwarfs how insane this conspiracy theory of yours sounds.


Go flip a coin 20 times, and tell us how you got perfect 10/10 split every time.


Edit: And as a EU player, please, tell me more about how all our alerts are perfectly outside work/sleep hours.

Edited by SilentCynic
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I agree with the OP!


The system needs to change and here is what I would suggest:


The server should detect when you, the center of universe, logs onto the server. From here, the server is then prompt to spawn alerts with ? nonstop.


Of course, that's only a stop gape measure, to really fix the system they have now, they need to recruit professor X and build Cerebro. Whenever you log in, a siren would go off in in Prof X's ready room, calling him to Cerebro, where he will read your mind for what you want from the ? reward and pass that information to servers so it can give you exactly what you want.

Edited by finalgenesis
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Lol again somebody complaining about a feature they never need to put into the game, which  gives you stuff which otherwis eyou need to buy with real money... Stop freaking whining and be glad that you even have the chance to get items... those "i am the center of the world guys" are just annoying...

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Oh? The mods come out too early for you?
Go to bed earlier.


What's that? The mods happened in the evening because you went to bed early?
Stay up late.


What's that? You're missing the morning ones?


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just close this useless 192374985th topic about haters of RNG's clock -.-


i'm in ur same situation but i dont care if it happens. it's a game.


get em when they are avaiable and keep calm when you cant, the other day there was 1 at 6pm for example

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