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Pvp Balance Issues And More (Experience From Ps4)


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Now I will start with that I'm fully aware is in progress and not the finish product but there are more issues in that then actually be resolve before the build was submit for the console. However I'll think is fair said that a feedback is better then none, right?

I will make a Index like start that people who want to know what subject I cover.


1. Ability: Damage Vs. Utility

  1.1 Warframe Balance

2. Option: Aim-Assist

3. Stamina Management

  3.1 Alternative Idea for Improvement

4. Battle: Retreat and Fight, my Reason.

5. Bugs?



1. Now People who been invest in the PvP for little bit will notice the majority in the feel if the map is small will be dominate by Volt Prime and the race for 100 energy for his Overload. There is enough issues with it to cover a whole topic with it in fact that Subject alone for the "ultimate" are quiet broken. So I don't want to point out what is broke on one ability rather on all!

It's extreme annoying to get hit by any ability that ignore cover entirely many should involve a light in sight and should not pass cover regardless what it is. Also the fact that Some are one-shot  is very cheap if you can keep run in circle and save up and then go for the object and use it take it and run out is quiet unpleased as it's nothing in skill rather be like coward tactic. What are the Tenno warrior or a bunch of wanna be?

I do have Idea to resolve it by just make all it follow the same some basic.

* First, No ability is a guarantee one shot.

* Second: First Ability has always the highest damage output if follow rule one.

* Third: Fourth ability is depend on ability make damage would involve utility or simple no damage but a quiet powerful advantage but still need the Tenno skill to finish the enemy off. here Some example:

- Overload: Give a Shield Boost to you allied of 1500 and 50% of max shield (no Health) but the Over-shield will depleted very rapidly but also take regular shield with it, that of course in 15-20 second and that is quiet a time to make storm attack and rush back for the point.

- Radial Javelin: It marks all enemy within radius of 20 meter with a javelin for 30 Second also if the enemy is in line of sight it deals 50 Health damage addition to first ability

* Now surprisely the 2nd and 3rd don't seem as broken as the 4th one and quiet balance or maybe some are better then other like who use "Super Jump"?



Yes there are one or two issues, No Prime should advantage over the regular one and should be poorly cosmetic and no more! I believe is fair said because let face it between Volt and Volt Prime or Rhino and Rhino Prime is no brainer, right?

Now also it should show there sprint speed because I think in PvP is quiet good to know if you a walking tank, all-rounder or a speedy glass cannon. But also should rebalance states a little bit too its fun to use different frame base on the profile I mean if the ability don't work the way they are why not rebalance the state along with t to make it fair and also more suited or will will have another frame of choice for that and it will be overused over and over.



That here is a wow, because I never use it until I wrecked with my friend my skill that I though was just wast superior but I just remember that there was a assist so I turn it on and suddenly the game with the same guys was flipped 180° and I must say that is quiet broken and should NOT be in PvP at all, in fact it should either be turn off always! So that it can't be abuse because it makes pretty much everyone much better in PvP rather be a Skill and competitive gameplay, however I do have  another issues why it should be on always and that is just the Next topic....



Stamina Management is in here pretty much none existent what I see is just a bunch of people spinning a round, slide jump and hopping around  like there where some monkey in circus show, so to use aim assist to take those flying monkey down is quiet good but that doesn't really give aim assist  reason in fact I still thing it should be always off. The reason why everyone doing it is because Stamina there is no punishment and the mods just make it pretty much even further useless. There is no style involve, no skill just take the orb and get back and use all traversing like copter, slide spin, etc

while the enemy try desperate to hit it without aim assist. I do have suggestion so here are the follow thing that I want.



* You start with 100% Stamina but if you die you stamina start 2x of the Stamina you have if you reach 0% by then you should start with 25%.

* Stamina Recover: All Recover rather will be reduce significant so that use of Stamina should use wisely, only way to use of recover would be two ways. First way give you 100% recover rate and if walking only 50% other then that there is none, not even in slide as it will not recover at all.

* Slide will NOT recover Stamina at all and also the Spinning of the Slide as well, only the walking jump or falling from high elevation will recover with the same rate as walking.

* Over-run: If you run out of Stamina your Tenno must recover by start to slow down and then stop and can do movement action again after 50% has been recover however is able to use gun and melee but it melee speed is reduce by 50%.

* Over-attack: you attack stop and movement as well you totally be unable to use anything at all until you recover stamina 25% which give you again the ability to defend yourself with gun and melee but no movement speed and also the melee reduce again to 50%, total recover is also at 50%of the stamina again.

* Of course it kill basic so many thing of so a increase of stamina by either 50% or 75% would be viable and also quick rest will be reduce from 90% to 48% in PvP but since the base is quiet high now the marathon don't need any boost however action should finally be choice good then see a monkey circus over every PvP.

* Mods that are exclusive would be also good like that convert Energy or Health into Stamina, I mean we already have one for Shield!




If all has been implement so far my suggestion go there should be no issues if not let be make like a rewind quick. if the Cheep one-hit ability regardless be 100 exist there will be always cheap way to cheese thing out also with the restriction of the special Stamina System in PvP have 100 energy will be rather hard then easy as it right now since people just aim with the Volt prime  for overload and so on. Combat is base on Skill more and retreat should be choice base on your state and hunting one down is also be restrict and depend on situation. Tactic should priority the barbaric circus monkeys (no I don't hate monkey I actually think they cute, hehe). Movement and traversing is so much more important and melee spamming become into a choice of situation if you in CQC or not, as it should be.

Also it actually increase the ninja approach as each fight and path can be determent the game.

None or less it's still will be a brawl but those who master the skill will be victories over the simple one. 

That is my Idea as a whole.



Dual Raza, maybe is just lag but I and my friend got the feeling the range is forminable long, actually it range seem like be 4-5 meter as the swing seem so far away and the damage seem to be out-pace the Dex Dakra after my first strike we just exchange our blow but he still took me down first as a Rhino and he as Frost our defense should be the same.

I don't know though, you guys have the same issues or experience?




Now Many probably see that is just a rant but in fact that here is a suggestion for improvement of the single warrior and play as a team and not be afraid relay on them and as they relay on you too. Tactic over blindly charge in.

I sound like broken record, hehe.

But I try to do my best to write it readable as I'm not native In english speaker so I hope you could understand what i wrote ;P


So if you agree, why don't give it a 11 as It maybe also show DE that the Threat here should be look into it.

Or you simple have suggestion more?

Share it into the comment Section!

Cheers have a nice day, :D


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