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Passive Abilities?


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So I was thinking, why not give warframes passive abilities? maybe its a mod that can be levelled up and has its own slot, but nothing else can be put there. Here are the ones i have so far:


(These are the effects when maxed out)

Frost: No effect on sheilds when it is an ice mission

Nyx: Nyx has a small chance to alter enemies state of minds, and make them temporaraly hallucinate and shoot their allies, your enemies. (small, balanced chance)

Saryn: Saryn has an aura that when enemies pass intto it, it poisons them. some small amount.

Ember: Doesn't take fire damage.





Trinity: When Trinity's health drops below 5% (or an ally's that is close enough) Trinity begins to restore the health at a very slow rate.

Volt: When Volt walks by mobs, the frame will send one bolt out at them, (one per enemy in its life) doing like 20 damage or something

Mag: Gravity is increased slightly around mag, all mobs have their movement speed (halved?)

Rhino: Armor goes up the lower health is.


If a frame does not have a passive written, I could not think of one. feel free to give me suggestions.


Discuss. Haters not Accepted

Edited by Feldgrep
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I would also like to see more passive effects though not necessary the once you posted here.

yeah, maybe there could be multiple, but you could only choose 1 or 2. the only problem with lots would be the coding and balancing

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It would give the Warframes more characteristic to them.

I like the idea you have going.


thank you. Seems like currently the warframes are more just about the ults. this would make you have to use a few more brain cells when deciding which frame to use :)

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Overall an excellent concept, and I'd like to see it implemented, but...

Nyx: Nyx is surrounded by an aura, and bullets that pass into it have a (enter balanced percentage here)% chance to have their mind altered and sent back at their shooter.

...I don't even...

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I think for me if your going to make frame specific mods they need to be more game changing like changing the general role of the frame to something different. How i am not sure but something that inherently changes the way the frame plays not better or obvious upgrade something that asks the questions should i equip this or not?

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I think for me if your going to make frame specific mods they need to be more game changing like changing the general role of the frame to something different. How i am not sure but something that inherently changes the way the frame plays not better or obvious upgrade something that asks the questions should i equip this or not?

.... what?

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An aura that alters the 'mind' of mindless projectiles to make them turn around and attack their original shooters? The other ideas I'm kind of on board with, but you might want to rethink that one. Maybe it'd work on something like the homing rockets from the bombards, but even that is a stretch.

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An aura that alters the 'mind' of mindless projectiles to make them turn around and attack their original shooters? The other ideas I'm kind of on board with, but you might want to rethink that one. Maybe it'd work on something like the homing rockets from the bombards, but even that is a stretch.

if you have a better idea, im all for it. cause i just made those up on the spot, and i know most of them are only half baked.

also, people im open to usggestions to the ones i didnt get passives for.

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Agreed, that one is much more fleshed out. Plenty of solid ideas in there.

And yet this is what I pounded out while busy doing math homework in about 3 minutes. as i said, i understand my post wont compare to others, it was just what I wanted to see

Edited by Feldgrep
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if you have a better idea, im all for it. cause i just made those up on the spot, and i know most of them are only half baked.

also, people im open to usggestions to the ones i didnt get passives for.

Nyx would likely reduce the accuracy of all enemy units in a particular area by a small %, or give a very small chance for enemies to occasionally attack their allies via brief, spontaneous hallucinations. The key being that she affects the mental state of enemies. Projectiles don't have a mental state to affect.

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Nyx would likely reduce the accuracy of all enemy units in a particular area by a small %, or give a very small chance for enemies to occasionally attack their allies via brief, spontaneous hallucinations. The key being that she affects the mental state of enemies. Projectiles don't have a mental state to affect.

See? improvement.

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Loki could have a chance to teleport an enemy who attacks in melee a short distance away.

Excalibur could either deal extra melee damage, or attack faster.

Ash, faster movement while crouched.

Mag, small chance for every shot that hits her to be redirected. Either whoever shot it, or a random enemy.

Frost, increased sliding distance.

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Trinity: resurrects fallen teammates much faster.

Rhino: small chance for an attack that damages health to be completely ignored.

Nyx: psychic backlash. Chance for an enemy to be stunned when they have aggro on her. (this way it doesn't ruin stealth)

Banshee: has a reverberating aura that the human ear can't perceive, lowering enemy resistance, taking more damage, or something similar.

Volt: static buildup. Moving either regenerates power (making him actually have a potent alternative to gunplay) or causing his next electrical attack (either weapon or ability) to deal more damage.

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Personally i think a better one for Loki would be something along the lines of when he reaches a certain percent of health (2-5%) then he would teleport away a short distance. Or become invisible for 3-5 seconds, nothing huge, but big life savers.
Reason being is that when i played Loki, I could care less about his ulti, I used his teleport and invisibility and they allowed me to deal massive damage that most other frames could not (due to the fact that when your invisible, you cant even be hit by bullets at all..) just my 2 cents.

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