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Founders Not So "founders" Anymore.


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Another idea I had completely separate from the founder or supports packs was the idea of premium time. Now here is what 'Premium time" would be as it relates to this game:


Premium time would be able to be purchased by days. Break the system down so each day costs X amount so a player could say I want premium time for 4 days and receive that at a proportional cost. The worst feeling is when you buy premium time, or a item in any game with real money that lasts, say 4 days, and you have to be working or cannot use it for 3 of them but the timer still counts down. This system would allow someone to buy premium time for the weekend and utilize it to the fullest potential.


What would premium time entail? 


(Someone else had posted a suggestion which was along what my original thoughts were with premium time)

- Increased AP/Credit gain (Possibly removing AP boosters/credit boosters from the marketplace in place of premium time)

- Increased Drop rates (Raises the % for rare/uncommon mods slightly enough to make an impact but as not to unbalance the RNG system)

- Possible Increased Chat privileges? (Maybe access to DC for the duration of the premium time?)

- 1 free Catalyst/reactor blueprint per X (90 days?) of premium time purchased as incentive to purchase the premium time?


I am sure many of you could come up with additions to this list that are within reason but this could be another alternative to the founders program which people may find acceptable. What do you think if DE implemented a program like this and moved away from the "Package" system entirely  Obviously they would still maintain platinum packages for direct purchases.

Edited by Dagnome
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i could agree with this.

all of you who became founders are really not treated nice enough.

and premium time could be fine, if it was affordable. NOT current price like (i imagine DE would make the price 5 bucks a day or something..)

Edited by fauxhb
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Since we are technically still in beta, it still makes sense to call it Founders. So I don't see any reason why they should enroll a new program right now when the game isn't officially released. However, an alternative support program does sound nice where people still have the chance to gain access to the design council and such.



The Solar Land Mark is now a complete and utter joke.... You have 5-8 names per planets. How ridiculous is that. There is no pride in saying "Hey that planet has my name on it!!" Because it has 7 other names on it as well... 



Let's make a generous estimation that we have 3k grand masters and the amount of active players are 300k. That is 1% of the player base which are grand masters. I don't find that ridiculous.


What I find ridiculous, is the way the Solar Mark is portrayed. It could need some revision and make it look more "unique" rather than a list of names. For instance, make it so each name links to the profile of the grand master, or mastery rank or an image of the avatar - something besides of just the name.

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I'd argue to keep the option for founders to improve their status however.

I would be in favor of this, had they closed it when it hit open beta.

The exclusivity of being a founder is non existent. The pride of having supported the game in closed beta is gone. 

I am all for offering packages similar, but stop giving the "Founder" aspect of that, as that died with the Closed Beta. 

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I would be in favor of this, had they closed it when it hit open beta.

The exclusivity of being a founder is non existent. The pride of having supported the game in closed beta is gone. 

I am all for offering packages similar, but stop giving the "Founder" aspect of that, as that died with the Closed Beta. 


The fact that you already gain several exclusive items and features among thousand and thousand of players, should more than enough provide you the feeling of being a "special player".

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You're not really missing all that much.  Rule #1 of the council always gets broken....  Whatever goes on in the council barely stays within the council for more than 5 minutes.  LOL.

Edited by sushidubya
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Since we are technically still in beta, it still makes sense to call it Founders. So I don't see any reason why they should enroll a new program right now when the game isn't officially released. However, an alternative support program does sound nice where people still have the chance to gain access to the design council and such.



Let's make a generous estimation that we have 3k grand masters and the amount of active players are 300k. That is 1% of the player base which are grand masters. I don't find that ridiculous.


What I find ridiculous, is the way the Solar Mark is portrayed. It could need some revision and make it look more "unique" rather than a list of names. For instance, make it so each name links to the profile of the grand master, or mastery rank or an image of the avatar - something besides of just the name.

While I agree that it is 1% roughly, the Founders Package was protrayed as a Closed Beta only thing. It had a close time, and that has been indefinetely pushed back....

It just feels like a bait and switch. 

"Hey, get this package and be a Founder while in Closed Beta!!! We will be closing this before we hit Open Beta. Oh wait, nvm, Free For All."

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Personally I bought my Founder pack solely for access to the Design Council. Everything else is just an added bonus as far as I'm concerned. However I do understand that some of my fellow founders [who've been here since what feels like forever like myself, or even longer] may feel a little peeved that being a founder has lost it's uniqueness.


What I am less okay with is the way in which DE communicated the Founder's packages to us. As I understand it a lot of people trusted DE when they said the Founder's pack was ending and felt pressured into buying it. In my humble opinion DE should have stuck their guns with the closing date, even though they didn't have a new program ready.


I see no harm in closing the Founder's system and opening a new, similar one. Hell, I'd probably purchase the new packs if it comes with some awesome incentives.

Edited by Notso
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The fact that you already gain several exclusive items and features among thousand and thousand of players, should more than enough provide you the feeling of being a "special player".

It is not about being a "Special Player" it is how the Founder Package was portrayed in the first place, and a package for Closed Beta Founders who Donate.... That has since been changed, and it leaves a sour taste in peoples mouths.

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Personally I bought my Founder pack solely for access to the Design Council. Everything else is just an added bonus as far as I'm concerned. However I do understand that some of my fellow founders [who've been here since what feels like forever like myself, or even longer] may feel a little peeved that being a founder has lost it's uniqueness.


I see no harm in closing the Founders system and opening a new, similar one. Hell, I'd probably purchase the new packs if it comes with some awesome incentives.


You and me both, I would purchase a second package! It is really disappointing. 

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I completely agree... They have thrown so many on that now it just looks trashy and over crowded... 

well its not like there are not going to be extra maps, so once more maps get realeased then the solar landmark will surely get distributed

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I feel where you're coming from about "founders not being founders" i tried the game during closed beta for about a week and got caught up with moving and other things that tend to happen in life but i just recently started playing again under a different account so i feel sorta kinda like a founder...but there are some who are what i call "The Whining Pay-To-Winners" who will shell out their last just for a damage boost or bragging rights! I just recently bought the low tier founders package and i already feel the title deminishing...but hey who am i to kick scream curse and spit?! Also i cant see my forum badge or doo i have to set it myself?!!

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Do we realy want to feel special and maybe "superior" because of supporting the game in beta?

Because thats what it sounds like here, seeing that more players become founders and therefore loosing that speciality one felt for supporting the game just like us "new" players. I think the founder program can go on all the way to launch.

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Do we realy want to feel special and maybe "superior" because of supporting the game in beta?

Because thats what it sounds like here, seeing that more players become founders and therefore loosing that speciality one felt for supporting the game just like us "new" players. I think the founder program can go on all the way to launch.

weeeell, the solar landmark thing lost its worth. it's a cluttered mess of nicknames.

at least the highest tier of founders could be closed for good, so not to make it into even a bigger mess.

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weeeell, the solar landmark thing lost its worth. it's a cluttered mess of nicknames.

at least the highest tier of founders could be closed for good, so not to make it into even a bigger mess.


Yeah, that can be cut off. Not like that is the selling point for me in the pack.

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It is not about being a "Special Player" it is how the Founder Package was portrayed in the first place, and a package for Closed Beta Founders who Donate.... That has since been changed, and it leaves a sour taste in peoples mouths.


Buy the Founder because you want to support the devs, not because they say "this is only during CBT".

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possibly grant them access to Vandal weapons or another exclusive item that all CBT or open beta weekend players had access to


Upvoted, because I'd really like to get my hands on the Braton Vandal (or another Braton reskin with the same firing sound *hint hint*) because I missed out on the opportunity to get it that weekend (I still received the Lato Vandal for being in CBT).

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Upvoted, because I'd really like to get my hands on the Braton Vandal (or another Braton reskin with the same firing sound *hint hint*) because I missed out on the opportunity to get it that weekend (I still received the Lato Vandal for being in CBT).


No, please no.


I don't have the Vandal items either, and the Braton is absolutely taunting me for not sticking around the CBT which I deeply regret. But please don't turn such exclusive items into common items. The items were a thank you gift from the devs to the testers, and it should stay in that way IMO.

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I might be new to the game but either way the amount of posts and threads I've seen about it suggests it might be best just to shut it the program down now instead of dithering. In the meantime focus on a new program which, in my opinion, really shouldn't match up to the current one as there'd be little to no point closing it down at all then.

I feel DE has just kept it open though as they love the money they're getting from it which is a bit of a slap in the face to those who purchased it quite early on before the supposed deadline.

Edited by Naith
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I feel where you're coming from about "founders not being founders" i tried the game during closed beta for about a week and got caught up with moving and other things that tend to happen in life but i just recently started playing again under a different account so i feel sorta kinda like a founder...but there are some who are what i call "The Whining Pay-To-Winners" who will shell out their last just for a damage boost or bragging rights! I just recently bought the low tier founders package and i already feel the title deminishing...but hey who am i to kick scream curse and spit?! Also i cant see my forum badge or doo i have to set it myself?!!

I understand that completely. 

And appreciate that you understand the otherside as well, especially for those who have been playing for 4+ months. 

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Buy the Founder because you want to support the devs, not because they say "this is only during CBT".

You are missing the point. It was an exclusivity thing as well. It was pitched and sold as an exclusivity thing. 


"Get the Founders Pack while you still can before the end of Closed Beta."


See how that went? Now those who did, regardless of reason, have been tricked in a sense. 

I Bought Masters for supporting the Devs. I Upgraded to Grand Masters for the perks.

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I've always thought they should keep the founders option open until the end of open beta, its still beta yet so still early on in the games life. Once the game goes fully open there will gradually be more and more people who join the tenno ranks and older people will probably leave making the founders still pretty rare. 


Just my thought.

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