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My Warframe Plot Ideal.


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This is something I thought up while I was in the shower. It's a very rough draft but I thought it would be a good way of sparking conversation.



Part one: Awakening.


Pretty much the plotline we're in now. You awaken after centuries of cryosleep. Lotus requests your help and you agree, not mindlessly, but because you know nothing about the era you've awoken in. As you work for the Lotus you restore the legacy of the Tenno from a scary legend grineer tell their children at bedtime, to a cold hard fact of reality. The Tenno are real, and nothing can be done to stop them. Slowly but surely they weaken the other two major factions. while the lotus takes advantage of all the spoils of war ((The access to refineries, the advanced military tech of the grineer and the corpus, etc)) which leads us into part two.


Part Two: Deception


You've made quite the name for yourself. You're the kind of boogeymen that even battle hardened grineer marines quiver at the thought of. To your own side you've become an outstanding leader. But as we are soon to discover, the Lotus doesn't like that. See as you started gaining notoriety the lotus started sending you on more dangerous missions, hoping that you'd be killed. They reasoned that even if you somehow managed to survive these suicide missions, you'd in the process severely weaken the competition. and you did ((think back to every planetary boss you've fought until this point. It wasn't just that they were a threat to the tenno. It's that they were on the verge of making discoveries the Lotus didn't want them to have)) But now the lotus wants you out of the picture.They like having the tenno dependant on them, and at their beck and call, and you threaten that. So they ((assuming we're dealing with an organization at this point)) try to kill you. 

They fail, you inform the other Tenno. But they planned for this, they've been using all the technology you obtained for them to make your replacements. All those times you thought you were saving an ally? you were delivering them up to Lotus R&D on a silver platter. These new enemies are hard boiled and more dangerous than anything you've faced so far.


And now you stampede back through the universe,  destroying everything the Lotus have worked hard to achieve until you finally corner them and dismantle their organization. You're now the dominant force in the galaxy. Until....


Part Three: Vengeance


The Orokin Return. Turns out they were a peaceful sentient race of space faring aliens. ((which would explain how they had technology that even thousands of years after the fact, nobody else in the solar system is even close to fully utilizing. And also explains the rapid development of outer space colonization and pretty much every thing else that sets the warframe timeline apart from our own))


They originally came to escape their own enemies by hiding in our solar system. Unfortunately humanity eventually realized that this race that was giving them all these groundbreaking tech, also couldn't fight worth a damn. So they tried to subjugate the Orokin, and so the Orokin were forced to create the Tenno as a counter measure.A weapon that could fight their new enemy on their own terms. But Ultimately their old enemies caught up with them, things got tense for the orokin, they started hemorrhaging members, so they put their soldiers in the deep freeze to preserve them. ((Or some other explanatory plot dump))


Point is, they're back, their tech has advanced well beyond those ancient designs. and they've come to clean up their mistake with their new soldiers. Sort of a tenno 2.0. 


Now ultimately the tenno win, not due to their advanced Tech. but because they've had years of combat experience these new advanced tenno don't have. and again, we push the orokin back. Leading to....


Getting out of the Solar system. New worlds for the Tenno to explore. Much needed after spending 3 acts in the same place.



Part 2 and 3 wouldn't follow the same breakneck release of new frames and weapons. There would be a few new ones of course. The Second and third generations, but they'd be highly advanced. To compensate for this, You'd have to have both a high mastery and access to these new acts. Breaking up the intervals at which players get new content by forcing them to complete previous acts first, would go a long way towards dealing with that nasty issue of end game. 


And sticking in the same galaxy rather than continually adding new planets, Would allow the Devs to focus on other aspects of the game as opposed to having to constantly create new tiles.


Just my ideal. Took me longer to write it than it did to think it up. 

Edited by BramBlackmon
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