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Little Issue With My Sentinel


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Since the begin of the new event, I've noticed that my sentinel, Helios, doesn't attack any kind of enemy. I tried to put his mod for attack mode on the first slot, but it seems that it's not working. I'm sure that it's not attacking since I have tried to do a mission on solo, stay put and let a butcher attack me. Not a hintch. Please help me.

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1. This belongs in bug reports, not feedback.

2. The mod Targeting receptor has never been in codex as far as I know (I think due to the fact that it is not obtainable from any drops)

3. I have seen this reported already, so DE has likely already noticed and started on a fix. :D

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  • 2 months later...

My Helios has stopped scanning anything, tried switching out mods on it and even disabling his attack ability entirely, but nothing seems to work.


Missed out on a lot of codex stuff as I thought everything was a-ok, turns out my Helios was broken instead.

Back to the manual mode I suppose, melee+Scanner. Only upside to this is that I am getting a lot of reputation from all those scans.

Still; Wouldn't mind them fixing HELIOS NO LONGER SCANNING ANYTHING. Dont know why that came out in allcaps.

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