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I Am Done With The Game


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The same crap the DEs pull now was what forced me out of Firefall a patch destroyed Firefall and a patch is destroying Warframe, with so many bad examples out there I really thought the DEs would be smart enough to no repeat the same mistake, but seems I was wrong.


It is a shame you decided to pull the same garbage Firefall pulled on their customers, go and check and see the consequences of those mistakes, hopefully you will reconsider what you have done, until then I am out of this forum.

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Well bye then?


I assume you are leaving and not just making a post to gain attention, so goodbye, take care and have fun in your endeavours :)


Ironically the original poster has followed this topic despite saying he(?) was leaving.

Edited by BearlyKoalified
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Yes, I certainly agree, what with all the evidence and examples provided. Quality post.

Meh,  If hes angry and wants to leave its not a bad thing. No all hate letters need reasoning (otherwise there would be a lot less hate letters and more manifestos 

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Firefall's patches destroyed itself because it affected the balance of the ENTIRE game, and then broke huge sections of the game in general. In the recent patch, there were huge issues with Tier 1 items after they reduced the crafting costs.

DE's patches have yet to have broken anything huge.

Hyperbole at its best. Won't miss your sorry &#!.

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"Waaaaaaah, this F2P game made a free update that upset me, waaaaaaaaaaaaaah"


Good riddance to bad, entitled rubbish, if you ask me.


There is this word again "entitled"...

dont you think someone who has put money into a game has the godamn right to be entitled??

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There is this word again "entitled"...

dont you think someone who has put money into a game has the godamn right to be entitled??

No, they don't.

The game was F2p. They willingly put money into the game.

Now, if you were MADE to pay to play, such as Guild Wars 2 or crappy WoW, then maybe.

Even then, like they give a crap.

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Normally I'd say something like "Bye. At least your 40 dollars will contribute to this awesome game". However 7.11 makes even me to start doubting the direction this game is heading. I can understand every one's dissatisfaction with it. Even though the patch has fixed a lot of things, some of the changes feel unfavorable for the players.

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There is this word again "entitled"...

dont you think someone who has put money into a game has the godamn right to be entitled??

If his reason for being disgruntled wasn't so petty, I'd be more inclined to agree with you.


Plus, if you buy something and eventually, down the line, decide you don't like it anymore, do you think it's the vendor's responsibility to cater to your wims? Common sense dictates that it isn't. Now extrapolating to a game (this game in particular) as a continued service, if you will, seeing as how it's continuosly updated, is the developer obliged to please every single customer instead of following their creative vision? Of course not.


More, putting money into this game entitles you to get Platinum and all of the perks of being a Founder, if that's the case. That's your right, and if you don't get these things, you are entitled to complain, get your money back, whatever. That's all you are entitled to.

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