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[Feedback] Vauban


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Gotta love maxed Flow and Streamline; If I have maxed energy I can lay down over 24 Tesla grenades at once :D




Bug found. Mine Osprey's mines on a Tesla tends to reduce it's timer below expected values. It was dropped on a Tesla and happened that the Tesla fired 1 shot prior to it. The Tesla shot another 2 shots before it just disappeared.


Can you test this as well?

Thanks for your feedback.

There is quite a dozen cases where tesla disappears prematurely. I'm trying to make a list of them atm.

Edited by MrFireShot
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Alright so here is a Vauban Mass Tesla Grenade Lightning Disco Party screenshot :D



And here is how I got a loki to grow balls.


well 1 ball but u get what I mean xD


Edit: if you would read through my squad chat you'd notice how I warned the host from getting close to my vortex and how he disconnected soon afterwards xD

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Another for the list; if a Tesla lands on a grineer shield it will not affect anyone, their position relative to the grenade is irrelevant, also the grenade will remain inert in the world long after it would normally expire where ever the shield grineer was killed.


The bug with vortex not activating, will happen when you are playing solo too, while some additional problems may be caused by a laggy host, this is not the cause of that particular bug. Further, bounce is intended to stick to any surface, including walls and doors, you have that listed as a bug, when its actually part of the skills description

Edited by HexCaliber
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Another for the list; if a Tesla lands on a grineer shield it will not affect anyone, their position relative to the grenade is irrelevant, also the grenade will remain inert in the world long after it would normally expire where ever the shield grineer was killed.

Alright I'll test that and add it, thanks :D



The bug with vortex not activating, will happen when you are playing solo too, while some additional problems may be caused by a laggy host, this is not the cause of that particular bug. Further, bounce is intended to stick to any surface, including walls and doors, you have that listed as a bug, when its actually part of the skills description

well many people said the same thing but imo it is a bug. Because sometimes you will throw it on a horizontal flat surface and it will not bounce you up (probably due to an invisible mesh or something). Other than that, if you throw it at an ally it will mostly just send them flying horizontally which is really annoying if a Vauban throws one at you when you are at extraction and the timer is almost up (I accidently did that to a friend and he got thrown out of the extraction and didn't get the bonus or the credits). One more drawback is when I throw a bounce at a toxic ancient expecting to send it flying away from the cryopod and it actually pushes it towards the cryopod instead.

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So finally got to level 30 on my Vauban. Its very good on Corpus defense due to the nature of Tesla and I try to limit the amount I use it in the early rounds so I don't &!$$ people off too much.

I'd be fine with fewer grenades and higher damage, but it should remain as is overall damage wise. My concern would be players seeing the effectiveness in Corpus defense and thinking this is so for all types of mission and enemy. This isn't the case. Against Grineer and Infected this ability isn't so hot. Its also of limited use (comparatively) in non-defense missions.

Edited by pyrasanth
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Using Vortex on a Toxic Infested forces that Infested to lose his farting power while still on the ground, if he doesn't die. Probably a bug cause if not, Vauban's the next big thing in Infested Defense.




Relatedly, forcing an enemy onto the ground with Bounce or Vortex and then shooting them will make them reset their get-up animation, causing infinite knockdowns.

Edited by matrixEXO
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So yeah, trolls are falling in love with Vauban's Bounce being able to affect team mates. Did another alert earlier and the Vauban who was running ahead kept placing Bounce devices right at the entrances to doors in a Grineer/Corpus Ship, making it almost impossible to avoid being fired up against the ceiling (zero forward momentum, so no tactics can be derived from it's use on team mates). Myself as Ash and another player as Ember were the only two victims of it, as the Excalibur was ahead of everyone else the entire time. The Ember player said if any more powers like Bounce are made, they'd have to implement a votekick option, I however, said that they should implement such an option anyway.

Yeah, anyone who's seen my posts and threads regarding on how to politely accommodate rushers and everyone else knows I couldn't even tolerate the idea of votekicking, but with Bounce being the way it is with team mates? Even I have to agree that votekicking is the only viable option if Bounce isn't changed to only affect enemies, it's that great of a tool for trolls to make the playing experience for others that much less enjoyable.


An easy way to fix this would be to Allow Bounce to adopt a player's forward momentum when launching them. Could turn an otherwise irritating dynamic into a really useful skill, especially if you sprint-slide into one in the dual-elevator rooms on the Corpus Ships. (Imagine, being flung from one low balcony to the next without any of the up-across two heavily guarded platforms-down again)


Not to mention it could make Vauban and Rhino/Frost best friends in the terms of keeping up with the rest of their squaddies in open maps.


Edit: Furthermore, making Bounce ignore crouching or crouch-walking players would also be very useful in both setting up and getting around one's own traps.

Edited by Mattyrogue
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From what i can tell this is the ultimate Griefer frame and i am pretty happy its not in the hands yet of the general public. I do not have it but a list of things i have had done or seen done with this frame include.


Attaching so many of the grenade things to someone that they crash when an enemy comes towards them


Bouncing people out of the extraction zone, off the map, into space.


Sucking people in with singularity.


Hoping they include a bunch of fixes to this frame in the next update because none of the abilities should affect players.

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An easy way to fix this would be to Allow Bounce to adopt a player's forward momentum when launching them. Could turn an otherwise irritating dynamic into a really useful skill, especially if you sprint-slide into one in the dual-elevator rooms on the Corpus Ships. (Imagine, being flung from one low balcony to the next without any of the up-across two heavily guarded platforms-down again)


Not to mention it could make Vauban and Rhino/Frost best friends in the terms of keeping up with the rest of their squaddies in open maps.


Edit: Furthermore, making Bounce ignore crouching or crouch-walking players would also be very useful in both setting up and getting around one's own traps.

Also possible to make Vauban the next big thing in terms of speedrunning. We have enough high-speed characters around. We don't need it to do things like that. Just have Bounce work on Vauban or enemies only. Also, Crawlers would be unaffected by bounce then so are you saying that enemies like Crawlers are to be ignored?

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Let's look at the positivity rather than negativity. Soon enough incentives will be in place to prevent "rushers" or something like that. As for griefing, welcome to the world of online gaming. Sadly, if not Vauban, then Loki. If not Loki, then Mag. If not Mag, then... well you get the idea on this one.. but we're talking about positive feedback here, at least that's what I thought this was about..


Not trying to sound wrong, but anyone got a "second" for anything I stated? (page 3 of this thread)  I feel unloved... *sad panda*


Also, confirmed the Vortex will NOT work if it tags an enemy before anything. Throw it out in the open, let it "bounce" off the floor, and it pops like a bouncing betty from hell. Tag a teammate with it, goodbye energy (I think it's 100 at start??)... 


I myself "grief-d" someone who was rushing a mission, sending them backwards every time they got to extraction because I didn't want my teammates not getting any rewards (cash, etc).. I'm guilty there, but it's fun when you find a person who can be a sport about the "omg wtf I just randomly started running, sideways!" 

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Also, confirmed the Vortex will NOT work if it tags an enemy before anything. Throw it out in the open, let it "bounce" off the floor, and it pops like a bouncing betty from hell. Tag a teammate with it, goodbye energy (I think it's 100 at start??)... 

So, is it that when it tags an enemy or tags any being? Does Ospreys count as well?

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Not trying to sound wrong, but anyone got a "second" for anything I stated? (page 3 of this thread)  I feel unloved... *sad panda*


Also, confirmed the Vortex will NOT work if it tags an enemy before anything. Throw it out in the open, let it "bounce" off the floor, and it pops like a bouncing betty from hell. Tag a teammate with it, goodbye energy (I think it's 100 at start??)... 

Hey there, Sorry I didn't answer your post sooner but I was sleeping xD

Yes. Vortex and Bastille will not be activated if it touches a moving object before it touches the ground. Ospreys, enemies, allies, stalker,... etc count as moving objects (and I tested it on those)

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Vortex stuck on a high area (ceiling) will cause it to infinitely last. I managed to block all spawn exits and made it to wave 25 just squatting on the cyropod. With this bug in place, for now, we have a new winner in the fields of Solo Defense missions.


PS: For those intending to exploit this bug, suggest for you to place it in a place where you know you can wall-run to grab the floating loot. This means taking some time into testing where to toss it.

Edited by matrixEXO
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A DE feedback on what is intended and what is being fixed would be appreciated. I find vauban one of the most fun wf to play with, but I can feel the nerf hammer above my head. I hope this is not a hyping maneuver to make more people buy it and then smash them down to the ground. 

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Something I've noticed a couple of times - I'm not sure of the exact conditions to replicate


Tesla grenades thrown onto an enemy (i.e stuck to the enemy) will sometimes have the blue aura remain once the enemy has died and the grenade/corpse is no longer present




In that particular case, the enemy I stuck the tesla to was a moa which I killed and knocked out of bounds with a melee attack (map was Venera(Venus)).


I think the tesla grenade itself went with the corpse but the effect stayed behind and remained there for the regular duration of the grenade.

Edited by Segolia
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Tesla is very powerful in numbers on Mobile Defense missions (Hello, Kappa/Kiste) when you got Flow maxed and got Energy Siphon running. Dump the Datamass, toss 6-8 traps at the choke points nearly EVERY Grineer will go and see the numbers flying. Do it on the other side, too, and then just keep the traps at the doors where they Grineer pour out when defending the Artifact.


Really powerful for just one ability. I hope they might limit the numbers of traps you can have active at a time.

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OP OP OP OP...what is OP ? Give some feedback, not whine endlessly. Post BUGS in the BUG section, not here.


I can tell some of you don´t even have this frame and yet you blatantly spew crap about it.

To those that say his powers are OP. Lower levels ? Sure. But, which frame doesn´t have an OP ability at lower levels ?



It works the same way as Ember˙s Fire Blast. Yes, it does deal high damage. Yes, it sucks everything in, then spits it out.

If used near other players, they can easily run away with sprint. It´s not like it instantly sucks you in and even it does, so what ? Is it bugged ? Yes. So is the other 90 % of the game. It will get fixed ( infinite vortex bug ).

Is it (op) ? For normal enemies, yes. For ancients above level 30 ? They get back up after its duration has expired.



You need to take a look at other frame˙s annoying powers that work the same way. Pulls, switches and so on.

This is a fine ability if used correctly, can be of great aid to fellow players. If used by an idiot, you got trolled.



Now this power is just fantastic, what can you not like about it ? Chargers do become immortal when in mid air, so it´s bugged.



Ok, I don´t see the reason why everyone is hating on this power ? Vauban is a Corpus Killer with this, just like other frames are good against...something. At lowers levels it fries everything! Just like any other warframe´s abilities do. Later on, when mobs become tougher, this power does non-existent damage. This is mostly a CC power. Which I find useful against those pesky, Corpus flying wretches, or on mobile defence missions.



In general,

Vauban is the utility warframe, a support warframe. Idea behind it is great, powers are great, just that some are bugged even though I haven´t had the misfortune to see it myself, works normal for me.

Edited by Zealotux
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