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Was Taking Out The Dark Sector A Good Idea, When The 2.0(3.0) Version Is No Where To Be Seen?


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One of the main issues, is that the dark sector system that was in place, made it so that you could bring all your experience and work to bear against other players. The current conclave system is the equivalent to playing COD in third person. What is the point of building my frame and weapons up if I can't even use them in a grand end game scenario. Players want end game. End game always has been and always will be the lifeblood of games that use a form of progression, that involves working for better and better items and gear. tldr people are bored.

Edited by VarCarion
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I was told quite a bit about the PVP in warframe. The guy that got me to play use to tell me nutty stories about holding down planets & getting credits & being the top rank clan/alliance & all the fun they use to have. Then just a month ago I come bopping in like the little newb I am thinking about fighting the hardest of the hardest with my friend & his clan to get the planet spots they need only for him to tell me that the clan I just joined was dying & no one was on because the thing I joined for is gone now.


Supposedly it was replaced with this new pvp thing I've seen in other games that have no real consequence on the map that I couldn't care less about. I am still playing due to the friends that play, but it's pretty bad when almost every one in the warframe room is playing Tera online & flipping farm simulator. FARM SIMULATOR! Did you know that their was a water simulator too? I didn't until a guy in our warframe lobby told me that he was playing it! I was talking to a guy playing guise of the wolf & I was too close to playing that piece of cow vomit over warframe! Then when I do play & I get downed when playing with randoms doing a defense & I get told "Git gud skrub!" How can I get good when I got no competition to play with to make me care enough to get good enough  to not die against random computer mobs that can't even look at a decent player without dying, let alone players that actually know what they are doing!


I can't get good if I can't see the numbers & taste the violence! Stalker gets his head cracked because I know what he is going to do before he can do it, just like every other NPC mob & most folks I play with fear HIM! The guy who's face I ripped off with a paris when I was told that I shouldn't have been able to do that. I was told he should have eaten my mag! If that is even the case, I murked the stalker solo but then I still get told to "git gud" by randoms who fear him!?

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Again if you held the sectors for this long then you would understand what these guys are doing, but obviously these guys aren't governments powering the Sectors cause they are elected to. No they took it and held it off using communication and again tactics. No salt here buddy just a thread talking about Dark Sectors and how it affect some of us.

Look, if no one's explaining these so-called tactics, they might as well be the equivalent Gmag Mesa Nekros Frost Draco for all I know.


No salt? I look around and everywhere I see a river of salty tears, and I must say, I prefer drowning in tears to drowning in >90% tax on entire planets. So far? I have yet to see any compelling evidence that this did more than keep people from getting their jollies off screwing the rest of the playerbase as hard as possible.


Are you sure? There are lots of politics involved with dark sectors. Most of these "faking" high battle pays are actually to pay alliance members for fighting. Most of the time battlepay runs out and alliance members are never given their just rewards. I know I cannot go to far into politics without this thread going into a personal S#&$storm.

Outside of the "Monopolization" of dark sectors. Each alliance is playing the game with the systems DE Has given us. I would enjoy actually sitting down and having a conversation with you. With the attempts at breaking most of the ignorance you have towards the hard work players put forth.

No amount of *ahem* "hard work" justifies tax gouging to the sky. I only ever saw a few good rail holders among all the people who would rather set their rates so high nodes became completely worthless for months on end. If those "politics" are anything like the system in the country I live in, I would rather see the system disabled than watch it constantly screw us Tenno who actually want to be able to get some bloody resources and credits from the missions we run, and don't choose our clans and alliances for the sake of dark sec metagame.


But please. Do tell me how any of this supposed effort justifies all the underhandedness, as opposed to DE rightly shutting down a heavily abused system until it's fixed to prevent those abuses. In private, if you must do so to prove it. I look forward to it.

Edited by FelisImpurrator
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I honestly dont get the idea of removing dark sectors and having an ego fight on pvp as it is right now. The thing on dark sectors we had pvp for a purpose. Right now its like just an ego fight, nothing more. By removing the dark sectors you just killed the soul purpose of the game. I am waiting here to have it back but trust me that we are so bored that we are all playing other games, doing other stuff whatever. Why dont you just release the DS as it was untill you fix the next version of it? 

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What is more... 


In my opinion the whole f***ing concept of Dark Sectors is bad.

you fight to put down a rail to an area that is good for farming, build up a whole army of people in one alliance, and fight to the death, IN A PVE GAME, to control that one tiny section of space.

This game is not built for PvP. Movement and weapons are almost strictly keyed to a PvE environment, and every gun is at least viable somewhere in that environment. that DOES NOT EXIST in PvP.

All the weapons aren't good for PVP? 
WHEN did you see someone with a sniper riffle otherwhere thant PVP? Thoose weapons aren't usefull in PVE just beacause reck everything with a boltor or IDK what is far more wother...
The game mouvements is really good for PVP? Dodging ennemy fires, jump in the air for more mobility but a lot of deadly expostion TAKE PALCE IN PVP and not in PVE...

Edited by Sofros
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People can debate whatever they like about the pros and cons of the Dark Sectors but one truth remains. After the forced Armistice players left the game in droves. Personally I watched Alliance chat go from an average of 300 members online before the Armistice to an average of 50 online currently.

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Look, if no one's explaining these so-called tactics, they might as well be the equivalent Gmag Mesa Nekros Frost Draco for all I know.


No salt? I look around and everywhere I see a river of salty tears, and I must say, I prefer drowning in tears to drowning in >90% tax on entire planets. So far? I have yet to see any compelling evidence that this did more than keep people from getting their jollies off screwing the rest of the playerbase as hard as possible.



Well lets take a look holding the sovereignty over the Sectors can only be done if you organize and use your resources you have. Just like any power country out there, there will always be connections and communication between other countries to maintain the dominion between all. Now I do not want to mix up real world politics with Warframe because lets all be frank here. It's just a game. But these tactics still can apply since the game does require some kinda of tactics to maintain a certain part of a game. Lets be honest this goes with any other game. If a certain guild/alliance dominates a part of a game such a PvP some part of the community will automatically be hostile cause they do not have a chance to show their might or whatever. Now as for taxes I do not know what the strategy behind it is about, but all I can say is that if any other alliances held control of Sectors over time you would see the same trend. Its like a never ending loop who knows things might change, but the only tax you should be really complaining about is the one you have to pay in real life and not in a virtual game, that is if Dark Sector is really important to you. And with the statement of ENTIRE SECTORS having 90% tax then surely you have been paying attention only to ICE and not the others.

Edited by StrikerSaint
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What is more... 


In my opinion the whole f***ing concept of Dark Sectors is bad.

you fight to put down a rail to an area that is good for farming, build up a whole army of people in one alliance, and fight to the death, IN A PVE GAME, to control that one tiny section of space.

This game is not built for PvP. Movement and weapons are almost strictly keyed to a PvE environment, and every gun is at least viable somewhere in that environment. that DOES NOT EXIST in PvP.

All the weapons aren't good for PVP? 
WHEN did you see someone with a sniper riffle otherwhere thant PVP? Thoose weapons aren't usefull in PVE just beacause reck everything with a boltor or IDK what is far more wother...
The game mouvements is really good for PVP, dodging ennemy fires, jump in the air for more mobility but a lot of deadly expostion TAKE PALCE IN PVP and not in PVE...


One of the main issues, is that the dark sector system that was in place, made it so that you could bring all your experience and work to bear against other players. The current conclave system is the equivalent to playing COD in third person. What is the point of building my frame and weapons up if I can't even use them in a grand end game scenario. Players want end game. End game always has been and always will be the lifeblood of games that use a form of progression, that involves working for better and better items and gear. tldr people are bored.

That's exactly what I wanna say! What is the point of puting format in a weapon if it's not to fight with it? 

in the end.... ANYONE in ANYCLAN can take a rail... They just have to be patient... There are ppl sitting in the rail for hours just to defend it, do it in attack and beat us, give some challenge that's all I hope! 

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It's about time that DS were balanced and made solid - time for other clans and alliances to have a shot at it and not exploit the system. I'll be honest, there was plenty of that mid last year, and it was fun. But it kind of gets old after a while. The game was originally of a relaxed nature, and that's what it was meant to be, not a game where power-hungry people could come in and practically absorb every single clan and alliance in the game and take it all over.

I'll be looking forward to the day where the game returns back to its balanced self. I miss that actually. The all nighters after irl work can be a bit much.

Edited by (PS4)IIIDevoidIII
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Check your info.  Might be slightly incorrect.  And I won't tell who we were part of, since it kind of was a big deal back in the day, but good times indeed.  (also, nothing like having red text come after you, right?  that was fun lol)  We also operated as an independent unit.  It was just nice to have an alliance emblem on the other shoulder.


It's about time that DS were balanced and made solid - time for other clans and alliances to have a shot at it and not exploit the system.  I'll be honest, there was plenty of that mid last year, and it was fun.  But it kind of gets old after a while.  The game was originally of a relaxed nature, and that's what it was meant to be, not a game where power-hungry people could come in and practically absorb every single clan and alliance in the game and take it all over.  


I'll be looking forward to the day where the game returns back to its balanced self.   I miss that actually.  The all nighters after irl work can be a bit much.

I agree that other clans and alliances can and DO have a shot at taking the Dark Sectors, hell before they took it down some Clans and Alliances did take some sectors. But again there are some parts of Sectors that do have to be balanced, but to call people power hungry well it's not like these guys are going to every corner of Warframe saying that they are the almighty gods of Warframe sure the taxes can be a bit surprising but again it's all perspective on how you define power hungry and a solid state of dominion. Simply they just do what any other alliance would have done and that is maintain control as much as possible and not demand power given to them no no no. Like being president or annexing another country you try your best to maintain your power there because well you technically earned it yourself and not given to you. There's a difference between power hungry and maintaining your foot hold in a PvP mode. 

Edited by StrikerSaint
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Well lets take a look holding the sovereignty over the Sectors can only be done if you organize and use your resources you have. Just like any power country out there, there will always be connections and communication between other countries to maintain the dominion between all. Now I do not want to mix up real world politics with Warframe because lets all be frank here. It's just a game. But these tactics still can apply since the game does require some kinda of tactics to maintain a certain part of a game. Lets be honest this goes with any other game. If a certain guild/alliance dominates a part of a game such a PvP some part of the community will automatically be hostile cause they do not have a chance to show their might or whatever. Now as for taxes I do not know what the strategy behind it is about, but all I can say is that if any other alliances held control of Sectors over time you would see the same trend. Its like a never ending loop who knows things might change, but the only tax you should be really complaining about is the one you have to pay in real life and not in a virtual game, that is if Dark Sector is really important to you. And with the statement of ENTIRE SECTORS having 90% tax then surely you have been paying attention only to ICE and not the others.

Not seeing your logic here. So countries can git gud and make alliances conquer other countries, and because they used their strategy, this is a good thing to have... anywhere, including in PVE games with little bits of PVP tacked on? That "it's just a game, so any amount of dirty tricks should be perfectly fine"? And you think I'm hostile to this because I'm part of those who "don't have a chance to show their might", instead of maybe I'm a solo PVE player who doesn't want to get screwed all the time? Yeah, no, not following.


Also, ICE and its 90% was just the example I used to illustrate how the system can be and has been gratuitously exploited. When I say decent rates, I mean the tiny handful that kept them 20% or lower - and from what I've heard, over 10% or 15% used to be unthinkable before the huge monopolies rolled in. I hear old dark sector was actually good - smaller clans had a fighting chance, taxes were fair, it was actually a competition and not a straight up curb stomp.


If the experience I had had been like that, and not a rolling train of greedy milk fighting greedy milk, maybe I would actually care about what happened to the dark sector players. As it is? I'm sitting here, still with no compelling reason to believe it wasn't worth putting bullies in their place.

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We have dark sectors, don't we?


People are still farming them for credits, resources, and XP.


It's just that they can't be greedy milked for mostly useless taxes while people farm them, which makes farming more profitable.


I fail to see the problem here.

Problem being that I can't swoop in to collect 1 million credit battle pays.


Those were really nice when you were on top of it, especially if you were like me and never really did dark sectors except for battle pay :D. I probably made something like 4 or 5 million that way.

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Problem being that I can't swoop in to collect 1 million credit battle pays.


Those were really nice when you were on top of it, especially if you were like me and never really did dark sectors except for battle pay :D. I probably made something like 4 or 5 million that way.

So did I. Was a boost upward when I was new... at least, when it was actually being handed out for real.


Still not worth the corruption of the system.

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I agree that other clans and alliances can and DO have a shot at taking the Dark Sectors, hell before they took it down some Clans and Alliances did take some sectors. But again there are some parts of Sectors that do have to be balanced, but to call people power hungry well it's not like these guys are going to every corner of Warframe saying that they are the almighty gods of Warframe sure the taxes can be a bit surprising but again it's all perspective on how you define power hungry and a solid state of dominion. Simply they just do what any other alliance would have done and that is maintain control as much as possible and not demand power given to them no no no. Like being president or annexing another country you try your best to maintain your power there because well you technically earned it yourself and not given to you. There's a difference between power hungry and maintaining your foot hold in a PvP mode. 

you're also very biased, being part of them :) When you have to assimilate other major alliances and clans into your own and create a mass alliance that just trades off nodes before anyone else can get to them, that is maintaining control, yes, but in an exploitative way.  The way this is, and has been, run doesn't allow other clans or alliances to try and maintain a node unless they are stocked with 400billion credits to out-bribe the competition, have the manpower (which, to my knowledge, there is only one alliance out there that has proven formidable against, what, 12,15 others, not including mercenary clans?), and the knowledge to carry this out.  Most clans have given up because of how much the system has been exploited to where no one else can take it.  I'm glad DE put an armistice in - maybe it will end the tyranny that is the "greater alliance" when they implement the new system.  

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         I've read the responses, and one fact is surfacing. "Attrition" no matter what opinion you may have about the Dark Sectors. Dark Sector brought clans, alliances and a large size of the Warframe community together. They assembled, plotted, and executed no matter win or lose. The Dark Sector generated more than a new game mode, it created a cohesive active community which is now stagnant due to undetermined Armistice we are plagued with now.


         I feel DE should review this post, first thing in the morning. And discuss their next move. Because honestly, I believe your losing your audience. 

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Not seeing your logic here. So countries can git gud and make alliances conquer other countries, and because they used their strategy, this is a good thing to have... anywhere, including in PVE games with little bits of PVP tacked on? That "it's just a game, so any amount of dirty tricks should be perfectly fine"? And you think I'm hostile to this because I'm part of those who "don't have a chance to show their might", instead of maybe I'm a solo PVE player who doesn't want to get screwed all the time? Yeah, no, not following.


Also, ICE and its 90% was just the example I used to illustrate how the system can be and has been gratuitously exploited. When I say decent rates, I mean the tiny handful that kept them 20% or lower - and from what I've heard, over 10% or 15% used to be unthinkable before the huge monopolies rolled in. I hear old dark sector was actually good - smaller clans had a fighting chance, taxes were fair, it was actually a competition and not a straight up curb stomp.


If the experience I had had been like that, and not a rolling train of greedy milk fighting greedy milk, maybe I would actually care about what happened to the dark sector players. As it is? I'm sitting here, still with no compelling reason to believe it wasn't worth putting bullies in their place.


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         I've read the responses, and one fact is surfacing. "Attrition" no matter what opinion you may have about the Dark Sectors. Dark Sector brought clans, alliances and a large size of the Warframe community together. They assembled, plotted, and executed no matter win or lose. The Dark Sector generated more than a new game mode, it created a cohesive active community which is now stagnant due to undetermined Armistice we are plagued with now.


         I feel DE should review this post, first thing in the morning. And discuss their next move. Because honestly, I believe your losing your audience. 

the audience was lost 6 months after the curb stomp started to take place.  You know this, you were part of the head of it, organizing and taking ownership of most of this. (pretty sure you still are).  Happy?  you've done your time, my friend.  Let some others have a chance.


There is no community among this group of people, only a collective that is focused on their power.  (kinda like the Borg collective lol)  Big difference.  Might be good for you all to take a break and get a bit rusty. :D

Edited by PriZms
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As a V alliance's clan leader.. I lost a loOOOooOooOoooOoot of members (like half of them) just because we are bored and have nothing to do... 

WTF you are taking off a bokend thing sure... But during 3 month you are leaving nothing behind... 

Look I was close to leave the game because I was BORED... Whathever you give us, give us something competitive... 

Remove dark sector will make more and more ppl leave the game... Do something...


You are saying that just because you are weak... There was a lot of tactic in that Dark Sectors and lots of conters... if you aren't patient enought to understand them, you'll get crush like a cracker...

While I appreciate your Grineer roleplaying, no, it wasn't about patience. It took maybe a month for the alliances holding the rails down to become for the most part set in stone, and from that point unless you had the money to hire the entirety of China to farm credits for your alliance, there wasn't anything you could do about it. Only time things got shaken up was when Eclipse committed suicide, but they reformed rather quickly.

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Not seeing your logic here. So countries can git gud and make alliances conquer other countries, and because they used their strategy, this is a good thing to have... anywhere, including in PVE games with little bits of PVP tacked on? That "it's just a game, so any amount of dirty tricks should be perfectly fine"? And you think I'm hostile to this because I'm part of those who "don't have a chance to show their might", instead of maybe I'm a solo PVE player who doesn't want to get screwed all the time? Yeah, no, not following.


Also, ICE and its 90% was just the example I used to illustrate how the system can be and has been gratuitously exploited. When I say decent rates, I mean the tiny handful that kept them 20% or lower - and from what I've heard, over 10% or 15% used to be unthinkable before the huge monopolies rolled in. I hear old dark sector was actually good - smaller clans had a fighting chance, taxes were fair, it was actually a competition and not a straight up curb stomp.


If the experience I had had been like that, and not a rolling train of greedy milk fighting greedy milk, maybe I would actually care about what happened to the dark sector players. As it is? I'm sitting here, still with no compelling reason to believe it wasn't worth putting bullies in their place.

Screwed all the time? Then you must run Dark Sectors all the time and well not the other nodes that are in the same planet as the Dark Sector. Like I've said in the previous post if you do not like how Dark Sectors is then do not do it and if you think that Dark Sectors is the only way to acquire any type of credits or resources then I don't know what you are doing right. Look some parts of Dark Sectors shouldn't be regulated by DE since it is a player versus player interaction. Yes patch things that are OP in PvP I'm all for it honestly, but because people can't form some type of "rebellion" and become successful in such endeavors in taking a Sector AND holding onto it then well I don't know what to tell you. 

Bullies? Well again anyone could have taken the Sectors at any point and time. It just takes patients and coordination not going in flailing around hoping for the best. Listen these guys im pretty sure are not going to stand there and let their rail be taken they are going to put up a challenge.

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you're also very biased, being part of them :) When you have to assimilate other major alliances and clans into your own and create a mass alliance that just trades off nodes before anyone else can get to them, that is maintaining control, yes, but in an exploitative way.  The way this is, and has been, run doesn't allow other clans or alliances to try and maintain a node unless they are stocked with 400billion credits to out-bribe the competition, have the manpower (which, to my knowledge, there is only one alliance out there that has proven formidable against, what, 12,15 others, not including mercenary clans?), and the knowledge to carry this out.  Most clans have given up because of how much the system has been exploited to where no one else can take it.  I'm glad DE put an armistice in - maybe it will end the tyranny that is the "greater alliance" when they implement the new system.  

Welcome to the real world. 

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you're also very biased, being part of them :) When you have to assimilate other major alliances and clans into your own and create a mass alliance that just trades off nodes before anyone else can get to them, that is maintaining control, yes, but in an exploitative way.  The way this is, and has been, run doesn't allow other clans or alliances to try and maintain a node unless they are stocked with 400billion credits to out-bribe the competition, have the manpower (which, to my knowledge, there is only one alliance out there that has proven formidable against, what, 12,15 others, not including mercenary clans?), and the knowledge to carry this out.  Most clans have given up because of how much the system has been exploited to where no one else can take it.  I'm glad DE put an armistice in - maybe it will end the tyranny that is the "greater alliance" when they implement the new system.  

Look I'm trying to be unbiased as much as I can. And again with money. If you have dedicated people regardless of how much a alliance put down and if you all really are fighting for a cause to lower taxes down then there shouldn't be a problem in mobilizing a large enough unit to take down a Sector without problems. I understand what you mean when you say it is an exploitative way, but how about the times when other alliances and clans actually deployed there rail on the Sector? Why not flock to aid them and help gain control of it? Because you don't have enough money for it? Well again if you all are fighting for a cause then fight for what you think is right and not what the amount of money you will get. As well for tyranny again we hold only a small portion of the game. We are in no way telling you how to live your life or how to play the game. 

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Screwed all the time? Then you must run Dark Sectors all the time and well not the other nodes that are in the same planet as the Dark Sector. Like I've said in the previous post if you do not like how Dark Sectors is then do not do it and if you think that Dark Sectors is the only way to acquire any type of credits or resources then I don't know what you are doing right. Look some parts of Dark Sectors shouldn't be regulated by DE since it is a player versus player interaction. Yes patch things that are OP in PvP I'm all for it honestly, but because people can't form some type of "rebellion" and become successful in such endeavors in taking a Sector AND holding onto it then well I don't know what to tell you. 

Bullies? Well again anyone could have taken the Sectors at any point and time. It just takes patients and coordination not going in flailing around hoping for the best. Listen these guys im pretty sure are not going to stand there and let their rail be taken they are going to put up a challenge.

striker, you and I both know you are part of a group of people who have been gaming for over a decade and have used tactics of exploitation in the past to do in other games exactly what you all are doing in warframe.  Yes, you all need to have a force rise up against you again that will slap you all in the face.  Not everyone could have taken the dark sectors, because you all have the knowledge of how to do these things more than the modern gaming community does, especially those just starting out (and maybe not you specifically, but more your superiors.  I'm very well acquainted with them).  There will be a force.  It's the quiet before the storm, my friend.

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Allow me to shed some light on the current issue;


Until recently(pre-armistice) , I was the average Tenno sitting in a clan that did all the research and let me be. Life was fine. I saw Dark Sector levels and thought

" Eh. Another node. There's a few I can use for leveling."

I recently joined an alliance, though, a big one. In full honesty, I didn't know that the clan i was joining was part of the powerhouse I'd seen across the starcharts. You know what I found out? I found a group of Tenno who had organized themselves and got their stuff together to maintain their hold in the Solar System. I was impressed by the organization involved with holding a node. These guys are putting in serious effort in order to maintain what they have.


Let us take a moment to quote the Dark Sector Release note;


DARK SECTORS - Tenno are building Solar Rails to bring back the light to the Dark Sectors throughout the Solar System. Ready your Clan and build Solar Rails to lay claim to these lost outposts. Collect Tribute from everyone who uses your rail but stay alert, Tenno -- other Clans can try to overtake your Sector.


The nodes are controlled by allaiances who met early on in the process and shook hands and now hold close something that they've had to gaurd and maintain for almost a year now. These aren't new players. These are guys who have played and played and played to figure out every advantage they can get and who can blame them? Can you honestly say that if you organized hundreds of people and had to pay them that you wouldn't set a tax that could let you afford it?

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Screwed all the time? Then you must run Dark Sectors all the time and well not the other nodes that are in the same planet as the Dark Sector. Like I've said in the previous post if you do not like how Dark Sectors is then do not do it and if you think that Dark Sectors is the only way to acquire any type of credits or resources then I don't know what you are doing right. Look some parts of Dark Sectors shouldn't be regulated by DE since it is a player versus player interaction. Yes patch things that are OP in PvP I'm all for it honestly, but because people can't form some type of "rebellion" and become successful in such endeavors in taking a Sector AND holding onto it then well I don't know what to tell you. 

Bullies? Well again anyone could have taken the Sectors at any point and time. It just takes patients and coordination not going in flailing around hoping for the best. Listen these guys im pretty sure are not going to stand there and let their rail be taken they are going to put up a challenge.

Easy for those on top to say "Well, you just didn't work hard enough", isn't it? You're not even reading my posts properly - just assuming things about my playing habits in order to justify your inadequate reasoning. Is it so unreasonable to not want to be locked out of entire nodes because someone got a little too greedy? Who does that benefit, if people stay away from the node and leave you all standing over an abandoned prize?


"Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair" - well, if that's really what you want, I don't know what to tell you either.


Oh, but do tell me who this "anyone" is, who can counter buying off the rest of the playerbase with billions upon billions of credits. It's the idealism of the powerful - "Well, no one has managed to take me off my throne for so very long - that must mean I deserve to be there! Clearly they just didn't try hard enough." Sounds like the justifications rich people feed themselves to explain the existence of poor people.

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Allow me to shed some light on the current issue;


Until recently(pre-armistice) , I was the average Tenno sitting in a clan that did all the research and let me be. Life was fine. I saw Dark Sector levels and thought

" Eh. Another node. There's a few I can use for leveling."

I recently joined an alliance, though, a big one. In full honesty, I didn't know that the clan i was joining was part of the powerhouse I'd seen across the starcharts. You know what I found out? I found a group of Tenno who had organized themselves and got their stuff together to maintain their hold in the Solar System. I was impressed by the organization involved with holding a node. These guys are putting in serious effort in order to maintain what they have.


Let us take a moment to quote the Dark Sector Release note;


DARK SECTORS - Tenno are building Solar Rails to bring back the light to the Dark Sectors throughout the Solar System. Ready your Clan and build Solar Rails to lay claim to these lost outposts. Collect Tribute from everyone who uses your rail but stay alert, Tenno -- other Clans can try to overtake your Sector.


The nodes are controlled by allaiances who met early on in the process and shook hands and now hold close something that they've had to gaurd and maintain for almost a year now. These aren't new players. These are guys who have played and played and played to figure out every advantage they can get and who can blame them? Can you honestly say that if you organized hundreds of people and had to pay them that you wouldn't set a tax that could let you afford it?

I've been on their teamspeaks, and I've never seen a more disorganized force.  They have numbers, but everyone is so frantic right now haha oh well.... 

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