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Conclave Feel Much More Frustrating At Times Compared To Other Pvp Games.


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Title. Why do I feel this way? Well honestly, it is the lack of control I have before I die. I hardly feel like I earned a death. When I do feel like I earned a death I don't feel frustrated. Even when I am doing good I get put into a sour mood when I play conclave. I don't really rage quit (unless all of my teammates quit and I am stuck in a 1v4, or put into an playable laggy match, but I wouldn't really consider those rage quitting), but somethings in this game make me pretty damn annoyed. I never felt this way in any other game or in old conclave because in most other games deaths feel deserved. I'm just gonna list somethings that don't feel right dying to. These are just my opinions (and I know I'm gonna get a some hate for this thread, not that I already have hate).


Martial Magnetism + Relentless Assault: This combo feels beyond cheap. I wouldn't have as much of a problem with Martial Magnetism if Relentless Assault didn't exist. The mod takes away all of your stamina making it much harder to get away from melee attackers, and the downsides of Martial Magnetism aren't downsides anymore. Possible solution: Remove one or the other, you can't have both or else there are no downsides to Martial Magnetism.


Bullet Attractor: Aimbot with huge range, and it causes you to kill yourself so you can't fight back. I feel like this is one of the powers that should have been completely different from the PvE counterpart. Possible solution: Change it so it isn't aimbot anymore. It should make it so the effected target takes double damage under the duration, keep the explosion that Bullet Attractor already has if the target dies when under the effect. This makes Bullet Attractor much less frustrating while still being powerful.


Warcry: I'll admit, I use this power pretty often if I am having trouble with someone, but this power is just takes away control from a player almost completely. The 75% slow is just insane, and it lowers the speed of all of your actions, not just movement speed. The only way I have found to counter this is to have a bow shot readied up and and get a head shot while they are in animation (that is assuming they don't hit you with Warcry trough a wall). Possible solution: Nerf the slow effect to 25%, and have it not effect attack speed. Valkyr's other powers would need a buff however since the rest are either mediocre or crap.


Radial Javelin: Now, this is one of the ultimate powers I have a problem with. This ultimate has a fast casting time and has an almost unnoticeable warning (completely invisible with black energy... fix black energy). By the time you see Excalibur cast RJ, you are pretty much dead. Other ultimate powers either are escape-able, or like in the case of Oberon's ultimate, it doesn't kill you in one shot but immobilizes you. Possible solution: Make the casting time longer, increase the range, have it work in a radius effect like Frost's ultimate, and have the same warning as Frost's ultimate. This would make Radial Javelin not kill people who leave it's range (does it already do that?) and kill people who enter it's range during the casting animation.

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I was thinking on say something constructive, but i cant do it anymore, doesn't matter what I have to say about powers people its gona start complain about it, untill warframe become like 1.0 was, just a "Quake Version".
Sorry about dont say something constructive, all i have to say is, DE, if you make more limits on warframe powers, you are going to make a limitation on "Why I have to choose Nyx, Excalibur? If i cant use RJ or RB", any other Energy limitation takes away the point of usage differents warframe because his utility.
Im sorry for contribute with nothing, but i feel i have say all as i can about powers, i give people solution on how to counter, how to learn about 4th skill usage, but this is going to happend like melee weapons, nerfed it to the ground, and now only 3 are viables for usage, its funny, now are coming Glaive Threads.
All we can do about people who want "diversity" with all the words, wait about official answer from DE about warframes powers.
Nice Job PvP Team (no sarcasm) you have already done a excellent job about the current diversity on weapons and warframes, where i can use my excalibur and my nix prime, because it works on pvp and its balance about differents ways to play.


Yeah, maybe the powers annoy a little but people evade the way to learn, and focus on what he likes, without having completely learned the system.

On last Point, yes Excalibur RJ was reworked when 2.0 comes out, on how LoS works, you can evade it between obstacles, or just jumping away fast like 4th Skill from Volt/P.

Sorry if what i say is out of context, they can delete it if they want.

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MM + RA - Can't you jump and aerial melee out of the situation?  I'm pretty sure you can do that...


Bullet Attractor - Pull out melee and start Blocking.  Blocking does work to stop it, but I'm usually in an open area and by the time I can react the caster has already sent a bunch of hitscan bullets my way.  For 75 energy and only one real target, I think it's okay.  It's almost an Ult, and given Mag's Ult doesn't do too well in Conclave, I don't see it as a problem.


Warcry - It does have a cast time and a range it can be used.  Actually hitting opponents with it does take proper timing...and 75 energy.  Like a mini-ult.  Like Bullet Attractor.  Its potential to take out whole teams compared to Hysteria is rather limited.


Radial Javelin - why no issue with Volt's Overcharge, too?  Both ults pretty much have the same cast time and range.  And with testing, it does not KO targets that get out of range.  All targets must stay in range in order to KO.  We'll see how this shapes up with U17, tho.  I have KO'd quite a number of Excals whom have decided to try using their ult, but then were sitting ducks after the damage was cast.




I do agree that PvP can be frustrating with unwinnable situations.  However, I don't know if there's a PvP game where there are always winnable situations.


I think the only times I've gotten frustrated are when players hog energy so I don't have any (but with 8 players and only 3 or 4 energy spawns, I can see how that happens), when I'm CC'd by a power or weapon, when I'm going against players using weapons they clearly know are overpowered (Strun Wraith prior to 16.7, anyone?  Or how about that Bo Prime + Clashing Forest + channeling for only 5 energy per hit?), or someone using a combo of powers and weapons that KO's me within half a second.


Being CC'd is pretty much a factor of Conclave.  There isn't any way to fight it, except through Oberon's magic carpet and power augments.  It doesn't actually happen very often, but when it does, I think it's only frustrating because I'm staring in 3rd person at my Warframe as it futilely struggles to regain footing before getting riddled with bullets.  Kinda like watching a sports game where your team is getting helplessly slaughtered and all you can do is watch in pity.  Perhaps it's an aspect of 3rd person that simply cannot be fixed.


Weapon balance is a continuous work in progress.  I'm okay with that.


Someone using a combo of powers and weapons...is actually the most efficient way to fight.  If someone pulls off a Glaive throw and shots, good on them.  If someone Smites me and then Grakatas, I can't say it's invalid.  Using combinations of your whole arsenal is the best way to fight, and shows premeditation, which is a form of skill.

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