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Level 0 Warframes In Draco... Gotta Love Them!


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An unranked frame with an aura can fit in Vitality or Redirection(both with 2 D polarities) which gives them (close to)as much survivability as a rank 30 frame, as long as they bring decent weapons then I don't see the problem unless someone can't play the game without spamming powers. Oh yeah we're talking about draco........ nvm carry on


tbh i always thought only veterans know about this and will counter up on this thread, but considering u're a xbox player, not bad. Kudos for ur logic thinking. Unlike those that only knows what they were taught to do.

I agree, i guess thats basics when modding your warframe.. and that any team wouldn't suffer from any downfall if you are just able to hold one objective point. About spamming powers, it depends why you are playing the mission, if you are leveling up your weapons, you'll end up spamming your powers more often. If you are leveling your frame ,you'll spam your weapons, cause im talking about level zero frames. UNLESS you want to point your finger to any specific tipe of playing, thats different then to get the job done,simply complete your objective... I was talking about that, not how you do it.

Moving to the second comment, what does that contribute to topic? 

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Yeah I agree with what you're saying, but it's just like life though ain't it?  Good people and bad people everywhere.  


In so many ways I'm really happy that I was part of the old school that had several copies of medium ranked Vitality and Redirections.  (Back then we had to have multiple copies of mods, for multiple frames...  It was either that or swapping out mods every time we swapped warframes.)  So yeah, I have some non maxed survivability mods around to stick into an unranked frame, but yeah...  With all the mod sharing between frames now  (which is a great thing) I can understand why people don't have extra copies of mods or different ranked copies of mods laying around.


I feel ya man, it's a fine line that the devs walk.  If they lock lower MR players out of higher level planets like Ceres, there's the issue of the really skillful player that only wants a couple of frames and weapons and doesn't care about MR being excluded.  Also, many advanced players want to invite new players, friends to Warframe and know this is a quick way to boost their levels.


All in all, not an easy problem to solve.

Kudos to both of you

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hosted a t4 dev and one of the recruited people said - by using mesa and carrying 2 level 2 weapons for levelling -, you will care about me right


i told him he may leave and then he told me he is using mesa very well


at wave 14 3 people was on the ground, thats too much


for a t4 people should be ready for very good teamplay, no more, no less ...


people have to get aware about teamplay, finally in general in warframe, 90 % of the players rush without any sense to the finishline when lotus announces: we are finish


i dont care about age, lifeexpirience or whatever anymore, people have to wake up from their useless dreams and learn to play in a team


i would be glad and thankful if this "tenno-counciller-speech" inbetween the starter-screen to new missions carry lots of tips how to play in a team


cant imagine that all this people have to care about the real world in their real lifes, because they are mostly too faar from every sense of easy socializing


and where should they learn about if not in a internet-game which lore carry saving the universe ... all this daydreaming couchpotatoes are somehow a laugh if they wouldnt ruin so much good gameplay which is straight offered by warframe and DE =)

Edited by Khampa
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hosted a t4 dev and one of the recruited people said - by using mesa and carrying 2 level 2 weapons for levelling -, you will care about me right


i told him he may leave and then he told me he is using mesa very well


at wave 14 3 people was on the ground, thats too much


for a t4 people should be ready for very good teamplay, no more, no less ...


people have to get aware about teamplay, finally in general in warframe, 90 % of the players rush without any sense to the finishline when lotus announces: we are finish


i dont care about age, lifeexpirience or whatever anymore, people have to wake up from their useless dreams and learn to play in a team


i would be glad and thankful if this "tenno-counciller-speech" inbetween the starter-screen to new missions carry lots of tips how to play in a team


cant imagine that all this people have to care about the real world in their real lifes, because they are mostly too faar from every sense of easy socializing


and where should they learn about if not in a internet-game which lore carry saving the universe ... all this daydreaming couchpotatoes are somehow a laugh if they wouldnt ruin so much good gameplay which is straight offered by warframe and DE =)

I agree about your opinion on teamwork it's needed everywhere, but let's stay on the topic, and leave personal feelings aside, about a simple tread that was made to improve the conduct of some players for the better.

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I usually leave those squad, or create another squad or leave it at mission also in when I've almost finished one alert and then anybody else come to it, I cut my Internet for some second until that people get DC, so nobody gonna get something it by free.

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I rank my unranked frames and some weapons in T4S T4D and draco too, but before u accuse me of leeching, my end mission result scores the 2nd (if not most) kills and highest dmg dealt, what's the point of ppl with max or almost max stuff in it but are actually leeching? but whatever, u guys probably are the ones that cant stand on ur own feet anyways

 Aww that's cute that someone still thinks the person with the most damage dealt and kills is always the hero.


The trinity that kept you full of energy and in "god mode" alive off your back so you can get all those kills, begs to differ with that rational.


Just sayin

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If I take an unranked frame to Draco (and I do it a lot) I have tne courtesy to do a few things:


1)  I will use an aura mod that my frame has a polarity for.  I will try to make sure this is a team-friendly mod like Energy Siphon.

2)  I will equip Redirection (and Vitality if possible) and bring a Sentinel with Guardian to maximize my survivability.

3)  I will bring a max-rank multiple-Forma weapon so I am still useful.  I will usually bring two, just in case a drahk master gets lucky and takes one.

4)  I will try to stay out of trouble and avoid situations where I can be attacked from too many directions.


If you follow these simple steps, most people won't even notice you're a rank zero frame because you'll be doing just as much as they are (and usually more).

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If I take an unranked frame to Draco (and I do it a lot) I have tne courtesy to do a few things:


1)  I will use an aura mod that my frame has a polarity for.  I will try to make sure this is a team-friendly mod like Energy Siphon.

2)  I will equip Redirection (and Vitality if possible) and bring a Sentinel with Guardian to maximize my survivability.

3)  I will bring a max-rank multiple-Forma weapon so I am still useful.  I will usually bring two, just in case a drahk master gets lucky and takes one.

4)  I will try to stay out of trouble and avoid situations where I can be attacked from too many directions.


If you follow these simple steps, most people won't even notice you're a rank zero frame because you'll be doing just as much as they are (and usually more).

I really, really doubt you'll be doing just as much as they are and usually more.  Rank 0 cannot stand on their 2 feet long enough to do more then higher rank frames especially in a high level mission.

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Seriously, I don't like complain about this kind thing, because everybody can chose who they want to play with. And if you dont like it , you can leave.

But its reaching the ridiculous, to the point that almost every time i try to play this mission, there they are, the level 0 frames. There are other missions that are as profitable in terms of xp that you can play. I'll point it out to you, go to any dark sector because you wont get past 1st round anyway,and you get to farm some credits on top of that. Not that i think thats the way those missions should be played

.Anyway, if it depends on me once you are down, you are out,and thats what happens because when they dont get revived just leave... I always try to revive players at any cost, because it is a cooperation game and every player as role to play.

But thats just wasting everybody time.

I would like to ear you agree with me, or am I just making to much of deal out of it.



Seriously, I don't like complain about this kind thing, because everybody can chose who they want to play with. And if you dont like it , you can leave.

But its reaching the ridiculous, to the point that almost every time i try to play this mission, there they are, the level 0 frames. There are other missions that are as profitable in terms of xp that you can play. I'll point it out to you, go to any dark sector because you wont get past 1st round anyway,and you get to farm some credits on top of that. Not that i think thats the way those missions should be played

.Anyway, if it depends on me once you are down, you are out,and thats what happens because when they dont get revived just leave... I always try to revive players at any cost, because it is a cooperation game and every player as role to play.

But thats just wasting everybody time.

I would like to ear you agree with me, or am I just making to much of deal out of it.


if you  don`t like to see lvl 0 frames make a squad before starting the mission, don`t join random squads(duh ._.).

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if you  don`t like to see lvl 0 frames make a squad before starting the mission, don`t join random squads(duh ._.).

If he doesn't have a squad and wants to join as random like many do and as myself do.  It is our right to join random.  Rank 0 in a high level mission?  Come on get real now.  Higher rank players are not there to just revive you guys.  Don't get me wrong.  I am sure many of us don't mind helping low rank but at their level.  Again, I will say Rank 0 frames have no business in high level missions unless your there with another person who is there to help you when you go down. We are not there to revive you guys every minute you go down.  If I have a frame that is not ranked I go to Apollodrus next Kiste then to Draco.  DUH!!

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I really, really doubt you'll be doing just as much as they are and usually more.  Rank 0 cannot stand on their 2 feet long enough to do more then higher rank frames especially in a high level mission.

The weak Tenno takes many hits and needs revival. 

The strong Tenno takes many hits and survives. 

The smart Tenno doesn't get hit in the first place.

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The weak Tenno takes many hits and needs revival. 

The strong Tenno takes many hits and survives. 

The smart Tenno doesn't get hit in the first place.

LOL.  I've seen all Tennos go down.  Even the best.  From Rank 19 to 0.  So don't even go there. 

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If this new Starchart kills Draco I'll rejoice



I am confused as to why its so bothersome what other players do with their time. I use Draco sometimes, other times I don't. Whether other players make those same decisions or not has never bothered me on a personal level.

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funny thing is... mostly all those that level on t4def or draco with unranked stuff are a pain on the squad 7/10 of the times.. so...


the player at least if he wants to level up stuff should have some backup plan and skills

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If he doesn't have a squad and wants to join as random like many do and as myself do.  It is our right to join random.  Rank 0 in a high level mission?  Come on get real now.  Higher rank players are not there to just revive you guys.  Don't get me wrong.  I am sure many of us don't mind helping low rank but at their level.  Again, I will say Rank 0 frames have no business in high level missions unless your there with another person who is there to help you when you go down. We are not there to revive you guys every minute you go down.  If I have a frame that is not ranked I go to Apollodrus next Kiste then to Draco.  DUH!!

if you join a random squad  don`t cry about what those random people bring there... it`s not mandatory to revive them if you don`t want to... it`s where people like to lvl stuff... if you don`t have a squad make one... it`s easy :) DUH ... all theese lame  QQs on forum make me sick ... barely see any real topic, 99% are just lame stuff 

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Depends on their actual loadout. If their entire loadout are nothing but unranked gear then they're obviously leeches but if they have a full loadout with just an unranked frame then that's fine.


Tbh though, I prefer having someone with an unranked frame and full weapons rather than someone with level 0 weapons and unranked frames. It's not hard to keep yourself alive if you use common sense and not run into a large bunch of enemies and think you can take them on but if you have level 0 weapons, you wouldn't even be able to dent them and all you'd do is obviously be leeching since either you kill them with your frame and reward no EXP to your weapons or let others kill while you level your weapons whereas someone with an unranked frame would still get exp from weapon kills.

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So many complaints about people farming draco.... from people playing draco.   Generally i play with a set group and we will alternate between who is what, 2 guys have mesa so they alternate, all 4 have a mag so only need 1 per round, that position can alternate.  Frost is nice but not necessary, have run with mesa and max range mag before and survived to round 4.  Personally i will use a nyx and sit on the mesa with absorb to keep alive if we have no frost, also volt can do same job, there is always 1 slot that is up for grabs, why not a level 0 frame?  Everyone is leeching off mesa anyway.

As for having to constantly revive level 0 frames....  sounds like you are not doing a Draco farm properly, if you want to play it differently that is fine, do not join "H Draco" cos you know what it is going to be.

If i am in a squad and we have the 3 wanted frames already i tell the 4th person to put on whatever they want, any frame, any weapon, they are basically just there to fill the squad, cap this flag, now stand here.


My thoughts

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It depends if they can actually contribute. I have no problem with someone who just formad the frame and with an aura can fit in some basic survivability mods on and has a dependable primary or a really good secondary maxed. But if they just get downed constantly and can do no damage I hate to see it. Or like one Oberon I saw. He just crouched under the stairs the whole time hoping not to be seen by the enemies, or us. That being said, I never bring 0 rank stuff at all. I just feel lame about it even if I am contributing. I usually get ranks in excavation or something first and go to draco if I feel like the leveling is slowing down and I can squeeze in a couple of good mods.

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I think the game should restrict you bringing ALL 0 rank stuff in matches so you would be forced to take at least one lvl 30 thing. This overall would help decent people and make leeches rage a bit.


Some epic fail screenshots with a leech and simply noobs:


This leech found out that the chimney is an epic leech spot.




Every single idiot had a low ranked frame here (yes I am mastery rank shaming them), needless to say I RQ'd after taking it.



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