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Vauban Blueprints


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More awful ideas ? but....but....´re not supporting devs. :/ derp* Quote from the first page to all who want it so badly.


It has been said thousand of times already. Pay for it. If you cant afford/doesnt want to pay then wait patiently.

In any other mmo you probably would need to wait... for a year for it be free.


Also theres app for android which really helps as it can work as alarm clock.


There ;) The idea behind it is great, it´s just people are like dogs, they want every bone for free at any given time, or I don´t know....let devs give people a fresh, new warframe that just came out for free ( meaning by farming ) and let them also make all the mats for Vauban easily acquirable ? Wait for it, just like you would for Frost prime. You won´t be disappointed.

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i don't think putting blueprints in '?' only is a great idea, though it does work to pay the dev's sandwiches...


i would rather see it as Raid mission rewards, similar to the Banshee parts. even if it has to happen few days/weeks after the release.


Okay off on a tangent, but can anyone tell me why "Glaive" has come to refer to a big ninja star? In real life a Glaive is a polearm with a big choppy blade on the end. The closest real life counterpart I can find to glaives as they're found in a lot of games is the Chakram from India.

if you are aware, DE, the devs of this remarkable game, were also responsible for another game, Dark Sector, with as main weapon a tri-blade, called the 'Glaive'.

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DE's have stated that the way of obtaining Vauban BP's is not going to be from Alert ? Missions permanently. Hopefully it'll be from a new boss from the new system they want to add or atleast kind of like Banshee BP's by getting them randomly at the end of missions or being able to get them in endless defense checkpoints. I understand why they wouldn't implement this early due to a lot of people just being able to get it within 2-3 days from farming right after it's release and having people complain about more updates with more material not coming out quick enough. If you are that impatient buy it with platinum. If you don't want to buy it with platinum be patient. I want Vauban just as bad as others but since sleep and work are more important I don't care too much about missing it because I've done alert ? missions that other people have missed on my days off when I've got them extremely late at night or early in the morning(-10 GMT.).

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