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Tyl Is Rigged I Quit


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The tubeman of regor event has officially become fair to completely rigged within a matter of hours I am fed up with the event being rigged. I am officially gonna quit warframe if Alad v wins and most of my guild already quit because of raid lag. This is very disappointing we want to support Neffy but the event literally gives stuff that no one refuses and it takes all the war and conflict out of it and overnight has turned neffy into a joke and not even an option to vote for thanks to all the catalysts and reactors. If neffy doesn't give something worth keeping this fair I'm done I'll delete all my frames. All my guns.. All my stuff.. And just @(*()$ quit.. DE im disgusted on how rigged this feels what's next DE? Excalibur prime? The brakk? This needs to stop

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The tubeman of regor event has officially become fair to completely rigged within a matter of hours I am fed up with the event being rigged. I am officially gonna quit warframe if Alad v wins and most of my guild already quit because of raid lag. This is very disappointing we want to support Neffy but the event literally gives stuff that no one refuses and it takes all the war and conflict out of it and overnight has turned neffy into a joke and not even an option to vote for thanks to all the catalysts and reactors. If neffy doesn't give something worth keeping this fair I'm done I'll delete all my frames. All my guns.. All my stuff.. And just @(*()$ quit.. DE im disgusted on how rigged this feels what's next DE? Excalibur prime? The brakk? This needs to stop

Crying won't help.  Nef was ahead so Alad gets better rewards to keep the competition close. If Nef pulled way ahead at the start then Alad never had the chance to catch up, what would be the point?   Having the underdog get better rewards just makes sense.


Makes sense story wise as well, because Alad V has the most to lose and has done more to the 10o, so it is in his best interests to offer better rewards.  Let's not forget that we just attempted to bankrupt Nef, so it's not like he can afford to pay big anyway.

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True I apologize to anyone who views my post for the high rage posts I have been making and I apologize to DE for just doing their job and making a great game, I have been a lot on edge with a lot happening and I apologize for loosing my cool everyone at de and on the forums so thank you fr being patient with ,e I have been under too much stress x.x Nef Anyo may not win but I grouse and griped a bit too much and it was uncool of me to accuse De so I apologize and your right it's probably to make in interesting and true banking Nef was probably not the smartest lol but those mods

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Crying won't help.  Nef was ahead so Alad gets better rewards to keep the competition close. If Nef pulled way ahead at the start then Alad never had the chance to catch up, what would be the point?   Having the underdog get better rewards just makes sense.


Makes sense story wise as well, because Alad V has the most to lose and has done more to the 10o, so it is in his best interests to offer better rewards.  Let's not forget that we just attempted to bankrupt Nef, so it's not like he can afford to pay big anyway.

Nef was ahead due to the fact that majority of PS4 players wanted the dera because PC got the karak. Now DE is releasing rewards such as 25 R5's/  orokin reactors for the alad V side and 50K credits for Nef's side. Saying someone is crying when all they are doing is posting facts is a bit childish dont you think? 

Edited by (PS4)dA_BLoK_iS_hOt
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Guys is this your first time on the forums? FFS even the PC players were complaining about the rewards when the event happened and the winner was still the person the community chose.


I don't get why you're all getting pissy about mastery fodder weapons anyway....

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Nef was 6-0 up, then an update happened then the next day alad was level. If alad wins im betting its rigged.

The update was to add Darvo Deals back. With almost 24 hours left and Nef like three wins ahead I think it's safe to assume we won.

Edited by (PS4)Yugureki
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Oh wow who could've guessed. With 23h left I think it is safe to say that there can be only up to two more rounds (however I suspect that it will only be one more round, seeing how alad v levelled after another glorious round of 25 golden for alad vs 20 silver for nef), and surprise surprise: Alad V gets 150k credits vs 50k creds for nef. The only way they could've rigged this S#&$ more obviously would've been if they did another round of credits for neffie and golden mods for alad v. But I can understand DE pulling this, because who wants to have to cater to two different storylines right? PC Players decided how the story will continue for everyone when they lead Alad V to victory, whereas console players are second rate players at best and are only there for the ride.

Edited by (PS4)Dekaku
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True I apologize to anyone who views my post for the high rage posts I have been making and I apologize to DE for just doing their job and making a great game, I have been a lot on edge with a lot happening and I apologize for loosing my cool everyone at de and on the forums so thank you fr being patient with ,e I have been under too much stress x.x Nef Anyo may not win but I grouse and griped a bit too much and it was uncool of me to accuse De so I apologize and your right it's probably to make in interesting and true banking Nef was probably not the smartest lol but those mods


You don't need to apologize for voicing the facts and the truth. You don't need to apologize for your opinion either. The simple fact is that Alad V has been heavily favored by the devs to win by giving him totally unbalanced rewards by comparison to Nef. The latest reward says it all - Nef 50k vs Alad V 150k. They are wasting the time of players by pushing for a predetermined outcome. Personally I don't understand why players are buying into this garbage, they're only giving more of what can already be gained through regular gameplay for the most part. The worst offense by DE so far is matching Nef with 20 silver cores vs Alad V completed orokin catalyst. This event has been a total waste of time for those of us trying to get the Dera Vandal which is unavailable by any other means. No offense meant to anyone that wants the Karak Wraith, but it is an improvement on a weapon that is garbage to start with. Can't say I'm going to be happy to be forced to take an "improved" garbage weapon when the event ends in less than a day at 12-12 with Alad V still being heavily favored through DE's interference.  Run a clean, fair event or don't do it at all.

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Oh wow who could've guessed. With 23h left I think it is safe to say that there can be only up to two more rounds (however I suspect that it will only be one more round, seeing how alad v levelled after another glorious round of 25 golden for alad vs 20 silver for nef), and surprise surprise: Alad V gets 150k credits vs 50k creds for nef. The only way they could've rigged this S#&$ more obviously would've been if they did another round of credits for neffie and golden mods for alad v. But I can understand DE pulling this, because who wants to have to cater to two different storylines right? PC Players decided how the story will continue for everyone when they lead Alad V to victory, whereas console players are second rate players at best and are only there for the ride.


Right on the money, that is exactly what's happening. Why write an alternate line of events altogether for another system when you can force the outcome and have way less work to do.  We the players are too dumb to notice for the most part anyhow, right?

Edited by (PS4)x_x--RAGE--x_x
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The main reasons to be upset with this event on PS4 are twofold.


1) Our choices are rendered meaningless by those who couldn't care less about the story and are more interested in the short term rewards.  By pushing better offerings out for Alad V he has been almost guaranteed high support from anyone not paying attention to the story, leading to his victory.  Supporting Nef was a means for PS4 players to remove a character from the game (potentially) by allowing Alad V to be consumed by his infection. Into his place Nef Anyo would step in (presumably).


2) Our efforts on behalf of Nef have been rewarded poorly by comparison to Alad V's rewards, and we also get stuck with the Karak Wraith as final reward as opposed to the Dera Vandal which is arguably a superior weapon based on the default weapon specs of the the Karak and Dera.

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@DesecratedFlame Lore has nothing to do with it, they did increase neffies rewards on the PC event too, when it was getting too obvious that he was losing, but in that event they didn't change the outcome that was obvious from day one.


@MakoPriest it wasn't fine, before, it pissed me off since day 2 of the event. I gave them the benefit of the doubt because as I mentioned, they did something similar on the PC. Only that they are now going full on 'screw you', actively altering the outcome of the event.


And yes it is a major kick in the teeth to everyone who supports nef for the story. We don't get all those shiny r5 golden mods and catalysts because we made a choice, that now is being rendered null by the devs.

Edited by (PS4)Dekaku
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I supported Nef all the way through - however I did play a couple for Alad - in my defence the percentage was like 90% and a full gone conclusion tyhat Alad was gonna win.

I still came out with 14/4 for Nef in the end (yes I did miss a few due to sleep and that thing called work whatever that is!)

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Supporting Nef was a means for PS4 players to remove a character from the game (potentially) by allowing Alad V to be consumed by his infection. Into his place Nef Anyo would step in (presumably).



I have to say, I don't know about that. Based on Regor's own words, it seems very likely that Alad would end up getting a cure either way: "Try to stop my science? My progress? The inevitable! That's impossible. Too many numbers now... 'n when the research is finished... so many more."

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lol its fun how lots of peep blame DE bcs rewards, when was us who made alad tied it,  is just call greed in real world, most players only care  about have the 4 supported round (1 side or other)  then go for best reward just jumping from side to side, to get the best deal, without losing those 4 points, soooo


most of us have been working as mercenaries all event ( with no loyalty for 1 side or other, included me lol) is how world is.......



i think we all need to relax a bit, and enjoy the game, instead yelling with no constructive words



  btw, i have seen all kind of comment as


those were the funniest (sarcasm mode on)


                  1/ i was going to buy prime access but as i saw alert is rigged, i will not  (who care who buy what or who stop playing)  i dont

                  2/ if alad V died i will quit ( so u are saying that u only play WF bcs u love alad v really .... )


..... another thing, i dont think that history line will changehis course  if alad or nef  win


alad lose and next tact alert is about him soo....


Black Seed Operative






im not 1 of those kind of hater ....  but world is what it is


Chapeau! to all those only support 1 side  alad of nef without caring about reward

Edited by (PS4)ozric79
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