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Clean Up The Grandmaster's Names On Planets... Looks Awful.


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I'd go Alphabetical over date purchased, to much effort and would leave more time to worry about things like update 8 :P

Haha, Alphabetical would make finding your name easier as well.


When I first started, I thought that was what it was as well XD like the first people to complete the whole planet or fastest or something. Took me a month or so to figure it out.



Give them something else instead.


When I first started playing, I thought it was a notification telling me who was currently playing a match on that planet.... took me quite a bit of time to realize they were the solar landmarks

^ That is not ok, it is even confusing people when they first start..






So it is currently:






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A hall of fame for each planet with their respective names sorted would be much more clean than the current lists.


Additionally, would be cool if there was a small avatar (currently using, akin to the current 64x64 forum avatar) besides the name and the name would link to the player's profile, like you can do from the Contact list with Recent Players.

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I love the idea of "claiming" a mission as said before in this thread and that's what i thought a solar landmark would mean, it just doesn't have any significance when it's just clustered with names and that being one of the highlights of Grand master package it should be of somewhat importance.


I'm sure there can't be that much of a problem of getting something along those lines fixed for every grand master or maybe just imprinting the name in the level in some way xD

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I like the idea of a "Hall of Fame" but if that doesn't happen then something really needs to be done about the landmarks
As said above the Solar landmark is unique to the GM pack and should be treated as such, not saying give everyone their own node or anything but maybe restrict it to 4 names per node maybe? Would fit better with the 4-operative cells that Tenno function in

Just my two cents anyways

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or even cheesier, make a decal with randomly picked names from the list (and the corresponding avatar) that randomly appears on the map as wanted: dead or alive signs.  


My opinion is that It isn't going to look like a "landmark" if it doesn't have a specific location and the ability to visit it.

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I've read through this thread and I have absolutely no idea what the OP is complaining about.

I am going to bite my tongue and just say that you are either being rude here, or English is not your first language...



I would make a request  for a change.... ............The Solar Landmarks give back in return for a Braton Prime  :D

 Haha! I would be game for this, even just for Gold paint.. ;-)


I love the idea of "claiming" a mission as said before in this thread and that's what i thought a solar landmark would mean, it just doesn't have any significance when it's just clustered with names and that being one of the highlights of Grand master package it should be of somewhat importance.


I'm sure there can't be that much of a problem of getting something along those lines fixed for every grand master or maybe just imprinting the name in the level in some way xD

 I agree absolutely, something needs to be figured out, and it should come with the importance that the price warrants.


I like the idea of a "Hall of Fame" but if that doesn't happen then something really needs to be done about the landmarks

As said above the Solar landmark is unique to the GM pack and should be treated as such, not saying give everyone their own node or anything but maybe restrict it to 4 names per node maybe? Would fit better with the 4-operative cells that Tenno function in

Just my two cents anyways

 I like the 4 operative idea a lot!


I'd go for a mini-lobby window which opens when selecting a planet where the players can wait for others/gather up for a few seconds, seeing also the Grand Master names there.

 I would love to see something like this, that is still fixed and presents itself, but is not a cluster junk.


or even cheesier, make a decal with randomly picked names from the list (and the corresponding avatar) that randomly appears on the map as wanted: dead or alive signs.  


My opinion is that It isn't going to look like a "landmark" if it doesn't have a specific location and the ability to visit it.

I also like the idea of "Visiting" the landmark, but they would have to make it highly visible so people notice it!
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The worst is when it's alert time and the actual numbers of GM's at that location becomes horribly pixelated and the names sometimes don't fit the text box for some reason as it tries to squeeze in what it can. 

Edited by Naith
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And because people have ugly names....


It looks $&*&*#(%&. What they should do is instead create a monumental wall in the dojos or in the new orokin maps with their names on it.

Hmm a Monument in all of the dojo's would be pretty sweet actually...

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I like the idea of an alphabetical toggle-able list.  Maybe click the solar mark and it brings up the list.


That said, a physical place to visit with all the names on a wall/monument would be really cool.  And/or place in our dojos where we could construct one.

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I like the idea of an alphabetical toggle-able list.  Maybe click the solar mark and it brings up the list.


That said, a physical place to visit with all the names on a wall/monument would be really cool.  And/or place in our dojos where we could construct one.

Agreed, I would love a Dojo addition!

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I like the idea of an alphabetical toggle-able list.  Maybe click the solar mark and it brings up the list.


That said, a physical place to visit with all the names on a wall/monument would be really cool.  And/or place in our dojos where we could construct one.


But... but.... ugly names.....


I don't want xXxNarutoBankaiSaiyanIchigo69YOLOSWAG360noscopexXx plaguing my dojo with it's derp.

Edited by FatalX7
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But... but.... ugly names.....


I don't want xXxNarutoBankaiSaiyanIchigo69YOLOSWAG360noscopexXx plaguing my dojo with it's derp.

Lol I totaly agree with you there! But how do we deal with that?  Someone wants to be known by that name enough that they payed $250 for it... In that case we honor the contribution and try to ignore the stupid i think. 

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Lol I totaly agree with you there! But how do we deal with that?  Someone wants to be known by that name enough that they payed $250 for it... In that case we honor the contribution and try to ignore the stupid i think. 


Not if that "contribution" was for the sake of "lul im elite u suck nub".

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