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Any High Mr Or Veteran Players That Haven't Done Raids?


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MR 19 here, I've never done a raid. I really don't know anyone to raid with, despite being in a clan. I'm really shy in nature which makes it extra difficult for me and I got major trust issues when it comes to players I do not know.


Fun times.

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MR 16, and I don't do them because the effort:reward ratio to get together a team and do these raids is not high enough for the regular or NM trial. But people in this game will grind for anything, so DE is never going to learn that they are not worth the trouble because people are still daily running these missions to get a 4% chance to recover shields that are gonna get wiped in two shots anyway.

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I won't touch them without a decent team, which I will never probably get.


I don't get what's so fun about needing to cooperate just to decide WHICH DOOR TO GET THROUGH, or getting one shotted from shock procs and level 85 seekers.


Fun, you say. Bovine manure, I reply.

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I've done both raids a few times now.


Chat breaks going from client to server. It's like watching a double rng, will there be a person hosting a raid if and when I connect to chat? If chat does decide to work then we have to cordinate frames, auras, and possibly get more people/replace those that dropped out.


Challenge: We have frames with so much utility that even a level 9999 wouldn't matter because we can easily get around it by stopping, slowing, or stunning it. DE's solution to this (and damage nukes) is to give enemies invulnerable phases, abilities to completley stop your abilities 24/7, and recently capping the amount of damage done to the enemy. Meanwhile the mod system sits there laughing.


Arcanes: First I thought these were a gyp as they required an accessory. Syandanas being equipable between each frame are prefered but mostly require plat (pay to get stronger/win). Then I thought it was okay as syndicates have syandanas and most people have a special frame they use that they can put the arcane on. However recently I found out it requires 10 arcanes to max out an effect. We can get 2 arcanes every 24hrs (if you manage to get a match) but you might not get the same arcane. So I'm back to thinking it's a terrible idea.

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MR 15, about 1k-1.5k hours or so I think. Haven't done them because they don't seem like they're worth it. They take a lot of time, and don't give much beyond the credit rewards. I did one normal raid for the cosmetic badge thingies, but other than that I don't see much reason to do them. Arcanes are situational and mostly unreliable due to the low proc chance and weird requirements for activation. Even the credit rewards aren't really worth it considering the amount of credits, resources, and mods you can get from doing Draco runs and selling the spare commons, uncommons, and Oberon parts you get from those.

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MR 17 and aparently 1630 hours acourding to steam, i havent done it due to bad timeing when trying to find party to join, + i had a person telling me to bring a frame other then mirage despite my mirage build is pure dps and CC (full power duration + strength) and wanting me to bring a rhino or loki despite seeing ppl already having those frames.

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Edit: Forgot mention my MR is 19 .-.


I play it when my schedule isn't full~


Both modes can be fun when everyone on the same page. :3


Yea I had some fails like rage quitters, d/c player, bad on their frames, etc.


I just try again for dem arcanes ~~ 


^-^ Shoot me whisper if need a filler. 

Edited by Fionntan
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Nope, haven't played it once and not planning to either.
I sort of like the idea of 8-player missions but something about its implementation just irks me. I now can't even look forward to the upcoming J3 since they stuffed him into an Archwing trial.
Maybe it's the game's balance turning every high-level mission into a boring cheesefest and the fact that I resent such tactics on principle.

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