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Parkour 2.0 Devstream 55 Feedback Megathread


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I think the combination of DE nerfing all the drop rates, giving us a ton of forma, nerfing ducat values, and then making us walk through the maps is going to be awesome.  I can't wait until I have to sharkwing through half the map in between.  >.<


I'm not buying anymore plat until I see how this all turns out because it's not looking good imo.

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I like the new idea of momentum based movement over Stamina based jogging. Here my little input for the fate of the good old Stamina Bar:


What about changing from a Stamina bar, that decreases when you sprint, to a momentum bar, that builds up when you sprint?

You could use the built up momentum for combat, bashing into enemies to damage and throw them according to built up momentum, or stagger them as you rush by.

You could use the built up momentum for defense, to get an increased enemy miss chance according to built up momentum.

You could use the built up momentum for mobility, well... daah


That way you could "recycle" the old Stamina mods into a pretty nifty new stat. Examples:

   Marathon(Stamina max) or Heavy impact -> Heavy weight (less momentum lost when you bash into an enemy)

   Acrobat(wall running) -> Acrobat(more momentum for wall dashing)

   Rush(Sprint speed) -> Rush(faster momentum gain)   (or dont change at all, Sprinting is still a thing if you implement momentum Bar)

   Quick rest(Stamina recharge) -> Perfect grip(faster changing of momentum angle)

  Second Wind(Stamina on kill) -> Second wind(less momentum cost if you mele-attack)

  Shield Flux(shild to stamina) -> Kinetic Shield(use momentum as shield if shield is depleted)



You woud get a real parkour-like flow, and actually feel the impact when you slam headlong into some poor Grineer lancer.

The increased enemy miss chance and staggering nerby enemies would let you pass locations with tons of enemies like a real ninja-express train hybrid, without breaking the game ballance wise.



Having to deal with a Momentum that builds up can be very challanging an fidly in some Levels, or when you just want so sprint and navigate without face rocketting into a wall.


   I hope this tickles a thought or two. Keep up the good work, and sorry for bad engish ;)

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Yesterday I did a defense mission in the tileset known from Viver, I think. The large cave with the really big defense object in the middle. I did it melee only as most of the time. Even though im melee only, I did a large chunk of the damage, because I can really move around fast.

Speed is really what you need when you are melee. If you're too slow then the hitscan player gets all the kills and if the mobs are high level the will just kill you while you are walking towards them.

I don't really see how this parcour stuff should help me move fast towards the enemy across large room.

Making fast movement dependant on the ability to get from object to object fast, allows only speedrunners running fast through the mission, but if you want to get to the enemies which are not glued to the walls then you cant just keep clinging to a wall. Yeah you can shoot them, but forcing us one stile of killing enemies upon us with the movement systems is as bad as forcing upon us a certain melee weapon for speed.

Pls make sure that we still can close distance fast for melee. Melee is already in a extremely weak position, dont make it even less valid.

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