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Regarding The Drop Tables.


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TLDR: can we get an explanation regarding the drop tables and maybe a peek at what DE has in store for improving it in the near or distant future.


Looking at the drop table for the Emergency Exit tac alert and some feedback regarding the drop table, i wonder why this is so. 17 items in the table and most of which can be considered "unimportant" i.e. easily gotten somewhere else with less effort. i get that the rare mods need to be gated but the common rewards should feel rewarding nonetheless. some tenno suggested that they should atleast be neural sensors and fusion cores (i am sure DE is aware of how much players value neural sensors and fusions).


also, why would these mods even be gated? i mean it was already released. why not let players, who missed out for different AND VALID reasons (life got in the way, new to game etc.), catch up with the game content. In one of the devstreams before U14 DE Steve even mentioned something about new players missing out on past events like gradivus dilemma (im one of those and i felt really good that DE Steve addressed that). i have to admit im a bit bitter about missing latron wraith so this is where i show my bias (everyone's got bias so please forgive me) :(((.


I could be way off base with the drop table dilution but thats my point. i've noticed very little response to questions regarding drop tables or maybe i just missed them. and really maybe that's what the players need more of--a discussion.


A discussion much like the vast amount of discussions you have with the playerbase with other game content new and old.


i mean in multiple occurrences during different devstreams players have asked about what DE plans to do with the drop tables in the void (esp. TIV) and DE Sheldon has always managed to dodge the question by saying "I think there's definitely something we can do about rewarding players who go further" but its been a while since this was addressed again let alone any progress report regarding the matter. maybe DE sheldon and other devs as well (dont wanna point fingers but hes the only one who talked about it during the devstream so i really dont have anyone else to refer to)  have thought of a way and is just working on refining the idea but we need to know, we need progress, we need a response. A lot of people are upset (some are indifferent but hey they could benefit too so win-win) about the drop tables and they need a response or atleast an explanation as to why this dilution maybe the right thing for a game like warframe.  


Finally, id like to make it clear that i am not trying to bash DE's decisions regarding the game. I think this player-dev relationship is one of the defining strengths of warframe and digital extremes and i hope you follow through with all game content including drop tables. To be clear, i think the game is awesome and i fully support the interactions and discussions the devs have with the game's playerbase. I think you've done a good job so far (here's looking at excalibur 2.0) and id like to see even more improvement. im sure other tenno would too. meanwhile looking forward to u17 and what it brings.

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If you followed previous livestreams you would be able to recall teasers they slipped in about some kind of catastrophic occurrence that will be like an atom bomb going off in the void. Thus I feel like they are going to scatter the rewards around the starmaps which might in fact cause the drop table dilution to be an even worse issue. Look at it this way. In the void we have only X different items we can obtain from a given run, now if they are moved to the star maps we have X amount of Items + all the regular junk we can possibly get from normal map runs(ie: redirection/vitality/other mods we have thousands of already). Unless they change all drops to an even percentage chance all the way around and then remove garbage drops from runs things are just going to get progressively worse.


This is why a long time ago I suggested a currency you earn on void runs that would allow you to simply buy what parts you needed from VT rather than him only having exclusive items only. This would have completely removed the issue of drop tables for those that abhor them and then placed  a focus on actually working for what you wanted only. Thus preventing players from wasting thousands of hours to collect their prime parts. They could have even placed a 6 month restriction on newly replaced primes for purchase this way while still keeping the RNG we hate so much for those that absolutely positively must have it NOW. Thus players that were interested would still BUY prime access or plat to trade for parts as necessary, those that strictly farm could get it as well, and those that came later could get what they wanted easier to avoid tons of frustration. Everyone wins with this idea.

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