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Rhino Viable?



Hello guys.

First of all, I am a new player and englis is not my native language, so excuse me if I have some mistakes =) 

I like tanky characters (in all games) and I'm trying to build rhino, but I heard in some posts that he is pretty underpowered  and it will receive some changes. Is it true or I misunderstood? If it's true I will seriously consider to build Frost, who seems pretty cool. 


And an aditional question, what build do you reccomend me for Excalibur (considering that I like pretty tanky characters) and which weapons are cool on him?


Thanks you very much and sorry for my english =)

Edited by Jaborg
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There's nothing wrong with Rhino, and people complaining about the nerf are all terrible.  80% damage reduction is more than enough.  Any warframe is viable when played well.


You've got a Sayrn, Loki, Excalibur, Excalibur Prime, and have never once even had a rhino. Explain to me why you think you can speak for a frame you don't have and have never had?

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Like I said, whiners are the kids in this community, insult me and disagree, doesn't change the fact that I have my opinions and you have yours. Sorry momma grounded you, kid, but it's alright, she'll make you feel better soon (: meanwhile, stop whining, and learn to use other frames and different strategies, stop being a one-trick pony and thinking you're "all that".

Ad hominems in the face of factually-supported data. It appears that the only one who to be insulting those with whom they are in disagreement is you.

Best Regards,

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