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Void Drop Tables


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  I'm not entirely too sure if this'll be looked into or not, but I know I'm not the only one but I'm fairly certain I'm the only one tired enough of this game to do what I'm going to do for the sake of my own sanity and time.


I've been with Warframe since a few months after release to the public and have stuck with it from then on.  I've paid for multiple packages- Ember Prime, Nyx Prime, Nova Prime -to their maximum allowance and I've even bought the maximum amount of platinum one can buy at a single time multiple times with a fill in here or there.  I've pushed a lot of money and time into this game and I absolutely love it to death, but now the times have changed a bit and there are blatantly obvious things that need to be discussed and reworked that have been discussed- but never reworked.


I don't believe it'll happen in a day, or a week, it may never happen at all but it's always nice to have shower thoughts now and then on the matter and eventually discuss them with an audience who may share similar grievances or objections to the matter.  The issue at hand is very simple, and it's been beaten into the ground by users and devs- I think -alike unless our upcoming dog armor is somehow more important than appeasing to the community.


For the past few days, I have absolutely destroyed my key collection.  My entire set of [15 Tier 1 Mobile Defenses] are gone, and as I entered with 11, I came out with [11 Tier 2 Mobile Defenses].  I didn't leave with Boltor bits or Rhino helmets after the first 3 Boltor bits and a single Rhino helmet.  I'm grateful I didn't end up with another Forma (because I'm 100% against the idea of formaing any of my equipment since it's still sufficient even in trials) but after I exhausted my supply and came out with nothing but a straight streak of literally nothing but Tier 2 Mobile Defenses which held nothing desirable to me, I quit out of Warframe and began thinking.


We have to pay either $50-$150 for the packages, or we pay in sweat, blood, tears, our own free time and our personal resources into scrounging up this equipment.  This could take days, weeks even- I didn't have Boltor Prime until TWO months ago and now all I seem to get anymore is considered as junk, ensured to gather dust or ducat exchange and not everyone can afford the price tag that Prime Access flashes about like its straight up gold bars.  It's completely understandable to support the developer and that was the whole idea at one point, I'd like to believe- give us money to keep making an amazing game and provide more free content and we'll give you instant access to these prime parts and at the time, it wasn't an issue.


We didn't have massively flawed drop tables where you can find Forma, other keys a single tier higher which only have a slim chance to give you anything and- dare I say it, literal Orokin cells.  If we did, then it sure didn't seem to start until just recently upon the release of Nova Prime.  Even the devs- while acknowledging it and trying to fix it poorly, have begun to remove items from the drop table to 'balance it all out' but none of that matters when I'm finding [11 Tier 2 Mobile Defense] keys from my [11 Tier 1 Mobile Defense] keys in a ROW in the course of ROUGHLY 38 to 45 minutes.


It's driven me to the point I don't want to play anymore- where I'll have to keep grinding and grinding and grinding through the same missions which I've grown bored of to get the same keys I've run a million times before for a slim chance to get the one thing I've never gotten but I want to craft a weapon I desire immensely but it won't be anything new regardless.  New design, new stats, same functions and I would be okay with that if it weren't the fact the drop table was so flawed and nothing was being done about it other than getting rid of the old to bring in some of the new.


To fix this, while I'm sure this won't be noticed, I would imagine each Void mission had a loot container, containing a chance of keys or forma or Orokin cells- making them obtainable along with the stuff we ACTUALLY want without making them the reason we dread going into the void in the first place.  Easier access, better rewards, smaller tables and a happier community overall.  Stop trying to extend the grind or prod for money out of pocket with these ridiculous tables and use of RNG that pulls up the same number for the same item I'll never want or use.  There's no easy way to sell void keys or exchange them for anything useful and if I go to a void, I hope to come out with something at least worth it- I can get ducats for the Boltor pieces, but the keys will gather dust and crowd my Void key select and cause me more anguish each time I crawl out of a time-locked mission between 2 to 5 minutes depending on the amount of terminals stretched over eleven games to get the same item in a straight row with no change.


Warframe is amazing to me- the combat is great, movement although the automatic vaulting and climbing can be annoying on occasion, a wide variety of weapons but the grind is far too much for one goal that in the end, unless you're brand new to it all, may not be worth it to you.  It's gotten to me so much that if nothing changes soon, I may literally uninstall Warframe and never look its way.


-- Chatelaine




I can't imagine the devs care too much, however.  They already have my money, half my heart, a majority of my time and a portion of my soul.

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Luck - yeah right :) semi RNG.

My friend (who no longer plays, cause he got fed up with all bugs and nerfs) Always did get the rarest parts when he was hosting. He never could get the common ones tho. So teaming up was mutually beneficial. I did get him more common ones and when he was hosting and RNG was based on his machine, he did get me all the rare parts.

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Your story thought seems more of rage than giving advice on how to fix this poor RNG system. 

I see no point in listing what more respected people of the community have said a hundred times before and in better, lengthier explanations, but I sure can express my anguish with the current system they have in place and hope the big flashy post with bold will attract some eyes.

Edited by Chatelaine
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Aside from RNG when host leaves you lose all progress from the ongoing void mission. Enemies are boring and are all bullethoses that either drain your health with aura, bleed proc, some other proc or just straight up hose you down with a hailstorm of bullets with almost infallible accuracy. The game has been stuck in a rut for quite some time now. Gameplay feels lacking and doesn't seem to have made any progress in the months gone by. I am looking to U17 to give me reasons or a reason to enjoy playing. I haven't obtained any primed frame since nova prime's release because grinding the parts is a cumbersome task. The repetition coupled with the high drop rate of disappointing and lackluster rewards to dilute drops weighs heavily on my psyche. So I sorta gave up. I'm giving ash prime a shot, gonna see if I can get him. Already off to a bad start.



Edited by Shreiko
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made a post about this kind of issue (actually this issue) hai there Chate o/)) with some suggestions, so I'll just quote myself here



honestly I say get rid of void keys as rewards from void missions. If I do a void mission, I don't want another bloody key. When I do a void, I want something that I can't get from doing regular missions. And to put it simply, when I get 5 keys in a row as rewards, or a clan mate gets 11, it's bloody stupid, my clanmate is up and ready to quit because of this and I don't blame her.


myself and a few of my clanmates have spent quite a bit of money on the game, I'm even a grandmaster founder and when I was still working, got the ember prime access because I believe in supporting DE and the game, but when this kind of malarkey is going on it really just isn't worth wasting any more time or money on.


My personal suggestions would be to remove keys from the void drop tables, remove any resources that aren't void specific from the tables, remove forma from t3+ add catalysts and reactors to t1 and balance out the prime items sensibly. There should be no reason to go to tier 3 or 4 missions to get braton prime parts for example. For frames, I would suggest placing the main blueprint in tier 1 and spreading the other parts through the other tiers, 


Having catalysts and reactors in tier 1 would enable people old and new to power up their weapons and frames for higher tiers. Forma are useful as always, but when I do a tier 4 mission and all I get are Forma blueprints it simply put is not appropriate. It also means that there's a fair supply that isn't reliant on the rare alert or invasion.


Getting the void keys is part of the challenge of getting into the void, when we get there, we do not want our efforts of getting that key to be wasted by simply replacing it with another key that we possibly never wanted.



Now another thing that was just recently brought to my awareness by another clan mate is that having the catalysts/reactors in the void would also benefit syndicate grinding since some of them want their own potato's (silly syndicates, you're not tenno)

For long timers with 30+ catalyst/reactor stocks syndicates aren't a huge problem, but for old timers like myself who want everything and to potato everything, we need all the potatoes we can get. Add to that syndicate demands and well, I have unfed weapons. (look at the poor starving things! Look at them Syndicates, you're stealing potatoes from the barrels/blades/misc of my guns/launchers/swords/running joke/misc)


Thing is, people don't mind endless grinding if they are actually getting some form of legitimate reward from it. These days, getting a 'useless prime part' isn't so useless since it can either be traded for parts you need, or sold for ducats for other rewards.

Edited by Dalis918
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I highly doubt RNG of a game is based on location, system or its specs or the person.

Personal luck matters. For exmple I burned like 50 t2 ext keys and got like 3 dakra handles - i invited my friend he used 2 of his keys and we got 2 handles in a row. nuff said.

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