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Tenno, I Challenge You! : Boss Design.


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As far as we know, Bosses in this game is part of the fun. However, many of them are bulletsponge without personality and lack mechanic which is unique to each of them. This topic is a challenge to all forumers to crunch their brain in order to make better bosses which we all can enjoy beating.

There is only one rule: Make sure it's fun to fight after player farm it he 40th time.

GoGo Tenno!

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I'm not sure if it could ever be fun to farm after the 40th time unless there was some seriously huge amount of random things, from the environment, and the boss, I think a better goal might be the like the 10th or 20th time (just my $.02,)


edit: thinking up boss, will post later prob, unless the idea just doesn't workout/is really bad

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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how about a boss who has devoured our fellow tenno (mission team mates) and the host of the group has to free them one by one allowing that team mate to join back into the fight...each time one is released he/she falls to the ground on bented knee and helped up by the one who freed them then for the third team mate the host and the first one freed snatches him from the boss' disfigured body together and so on...idk my mind just went everywhere for a minute! it could be done in stages first round pure gunplay no melee, then the second round the two team mates have to use melee only that puts you in position to be close enough to trigger the cutscene where you two snatch the third team mate from the boss' body! and for the fourth team mate...you guys can finish that!!!

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Personally, as far as bosses go, I like the Jackal and Lech Kril (Guy with the hammer). Both offer some interesting solutions on how to beat them. And I like that about both of them. Lech, you can either get up close and hammer dodge (My favorite technique to be honest), or you can engage him from range. And his abilities also make either choice a challenge as well. Getting smacked with the ice wave from a distance sucks. So does getting ground pounded up close. Both can be avoided if you pay attention, but neither of them are an OHKO like the nuke grenades from Jackal. Personally, I think we need more bosses like Kril. Golem is a dumbed down example, he sounds more difficult to beat than he really is. 


Now for Jackal. There are many ways to try to engage Jackal. Some people melee lock him with high power hits on the legs and body. Some people range shoot him, dodging bullets and grenades and such. Some people mix the two. Others try to use abilities (I know I've tried to Javelin the sucker while he was down.) Either way, he offers a few ways to defeat him and that makes him fun. Even if he is tedious to beat at times. He still offers difficulty. 


Quite honestly, the thing I want most is for the Hyena to be smaller, have less powerful shields, maybe a slight boost to firepower, and, quite frankly, for there to be more of them. I want to face 4 or 5 Hyenas at a time. They're supposed to "hunt" in packs. Why don't they in the game? It would make sense for them to. I also want to engage them in a larger area, more akin to Jackal's area but larger and maybe with more cover. Major point being, I would like to battle a few of them. I'd even like to go for a chase sequence where the Hyena's chase you through the level to the final boss stage area with the little voice segments being group communications between the Hyenas and have them all taunt you. This would be great for team play to come into effect. Focusing fire on one unit, trying to split one from the pack, etc etc. A true challenge. 

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I've been working on a feasible boss randomisation system for a while (not code wise, I can't program - just breaking mechanics down into randomisable fragments). Figure it might be cool for alerts, if they can figure out a way to code it in.

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Heres an idea of a Corpus Boss:
Essentially it's a large flying boss
You disable the wings
Blast the crap out of it
He gets up and attacks you
He has 3 attacks
Death Ray: Like the fusion moas but slower and target random players be careful cause...well it's deadly..He'll stay in place in the air and the beam will follow you. Becarefull not to hit others!


Missle Barage:spreads it's wings and fires missles that home in on random players pillars and cover are there to divert the missles if hit you are stunned.(Which will set his next attack up if your not carefull)

When he's low on health he'll switch to ground phase and use a new attack


Sky Claw: His wings are badly damaged so now he'll charge at random players Pause and charge a melee attack. it's pretty fast but agile tenno can get out of there.
He'll still use his other attacks only he is limited to the ground and he has Machine Gun turrets for base attacking like the jackel



And one I think people will like just for the sheer epic feel to it


Stalker PRIME
Now the mythical Stalker is now a boss and has very team killing moves (He'll change them if your solo)

Mind Tear: Controls a Tenno player to attack others You can't controll your character and you deal damage(If this CAN be implimented than cool but here is another alternitve if it can)


Doppleganger: The Stalker now splits into 4 one of them is the real one the other share his abilities and gain a new one based off the existing Tenno(Random not oriented to team makeup) The copies are weaker than the orignal.

Flurry: The stalker sets up his blade and unleashes a fury of slashes. He charges at a random Tenno and starts hacking away. Can easily get out of his range stay in there and your chopped meat.

Corruption: The stalker throws down poisiones redidue where the Tenno is standing it slows and poisions the tenno. You can roll out of it but your movement reduction will persist for a short time.

When low on health the Stalker shifts into a meditative state to recover some shields and goes into his final form!

Omega Cannon: The stalkers ultimate weapon! He charges his cannon and fires at will! A slow ball of destruction heads tword where the Tenno previosly was. Upon contact with Anything it explodes causing massive coruption to lay on the field. It's perminent. So this is where burn phase comes in to play.
He only does this at final Phase

I've played a few MMO's but these boss mechanics are form a fav game of mine. Metroid. Stalker analgous to Dark Samus. Dragoon to Ridley. Would really make the game super awesome with these kinds of bosses!


Edited by MetroidHunter26
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Boss 1. SD:M305 Robot.

Faction: Grineer or the rumoured 4th faction.

Splits up the party into 4 separate paths, meeting only in the middle.

Each path has it's own complications (enemies, jumping/wall running puzzles, possibly even stealth elements).

While in their own sections, players can either run back to the centre as fast as possible, or locate and complete a bonus objective to weaken the boss.

Boss resembles a large robot with a variety of weapons, including strong melee/mid range punches, frequent add spawning, a seeking rocket launcher, a rotating laser beam and a gattling turret.

However, completing any of the optional objectives removes one of these powers, removing power to the laser, de-activating the add teleporters, sabotaging the rocket conveyor belt and disarming the gattling turret.

Thus making the boss fight substantially easier.



Boss 2.  Infested ship/ Hive Controller.

Faction: Infested.

Boss changes an entire infested level, large damage to the ship leads to fires and vacuums in multiple locations.

More threatening, however, is that long, bladed tentacles can rupture the walls and attack the tenno.

They cannot be killed, but concentrated fire will cause them to retreat back into the ship.

Once the group has reached the centre, they find themselves in the "Navigation room" found in some sabotage missions. However where the navigational terminal sits, instead is a large fleshy mass that seems to be incorporated into the ship itself.

Players must attack a "Weak spot" when it appears, possibly the ship's own core, which is providing energy to the creature.

Overloading this core causes the creature to explode, in doing so causing the ship to become unstable (Leading to a dangerous timed escape)

The fight has multiple facets; tentacles can appear from the walls or directly out of the creature which must be avoided or focused down as before. In addition, the boss creates small infested adds which behave similarly to crawlers, but with a slight ranged "Spit" staggering players.

Finally, after each time the weakpoint is damaged, the boss releases a pulse of energy, severely damaging players caught by it.



Boss 3. EMOA Mk1

Faction: Corpus

Level is quite small and linear with large numbers of security cameras and turrets, as well as a support cast of the usual suspects (moas, crewmen, drones).

However, these all disapear upon entering the boss room.

Boss room resembles a very large arena containing obvious construction equipment as well as mechanisms obviously designed to distribute power from generators above.

Boss is a seriously oversized moa, creating small (I'm talking... around the width of an average jump attack range) shockwaves as it walks, making even being under it dangerous.

It is equipped with 2 rapid fire lasers independantly targeting up to 2 party members, as well as slow moving electric projectiles that drain 50 energy and 300 shield of anyone in the blast radius.

The giant moa has an inpenetrable shield, rendering all player attacks useless.

Players must hack nearby consoles which deploy the power lines mentioned earlier, the boss must then be lead to the sparking powerline.

Upon connecting with it, the bosses shield and weapons short circuit, making it vulnerable to fire. However, the power surge rapidly increases it's movement speed, forcing players to quickly move away, and focus fire for a short time.

After taking enough damage, the boss reboots, coming to a coplete stop and quickly regenerating it's shield. While the boss is invulnerable at this time, it gives players a chance to reload, heal, recharge shields and reposition before the next skirmish.

After 3-4 of these attacks, the moa drops, and players are able to extract "Experimental core" (the objective of the mission) and proceed to extraction.

Edited by NotaCobra
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Special Alert: Stalker Sensei, master of the Stalker Tennos. To find, a Tenno must find all clues within the game to encounter the current head of the Stalkers.


Stage 1: Encounter Sensei, as he sits watching the globe like all Tennos must do before a mission. He gives a stare as he shields up. From the darkness, a few Stalkers appear, each with their own abilities. Tennos must first prove themselves worth while by defeating all the rival Stalkers. During this time, Sensei cannot be damaged, as he taunts the players with awesome phrases.


Stage 2: After defeating rival Stalkers, the stage moves about like the mastery level tests. Sensei wallruns the walls and can only be damage by counter wallrun attacks. If successful, vertical wall appears as Sensei wallruns upwards. Players must run after him as he drops bombs down from the wall. Some safe spots are in place and players can destroy the bombs before they blow, but speed and mastering the wallrun skill is more important.


Stage 3: Reaching the top, Sensei releasing final weapons, lost Orokin weapons. His armor is based upon a liquid armor Orokin shell, requiring it to first be brought down, like Shield, except only a single part will be able to be damage after it goes down. Think of Banshee's Sonar, except only that area will be damaged. The Armor acts just like a shield and will regen after a set time. All the while, his weapons will have sweeping effects, only dodgeable by moves within the game, sliding, wallrun, wall jumping, etc. reinforcing that only the true Tennos can defeat him. All this and, of course, Sensei will have his own set of Tenno moves, showing why he is on top of the Dojo ladder.


Defeating Stalker Sensei is a true work of a Tenno that has not only mastered the mechanics of the game, but also their Warframe and their choice of weapons.

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How about a boss that mimics the skills of one tenno in the party? Maybe he could switch around from warframe to warframe coping skills, making him very unpredictable.

Stalker does that.



This is my idea: Mega Cat Ball of Death.


It would be ball shape as to raise the difficulty level to beyond human capable achievements.

It would spit fur balls of death. These are smaller versions of the host and must be crowd controlled as soon as they spawn. 5 second spawn rate.

It would have cannons on each ear that have Grineer like fire rate.

It would spawn laser doors randomly knocking Tenno to the floor if not evaded.


Now the good part...




On enrage Mega Cat Ball of Death chases Tenno, damaging through your shields directly too your health.

She also steals energy.




Normal mode 1st time kill Hellfire mod.

Normal mode 2nd time kill Hellfire mod.



Heroic mode 1st kill Pistol ammo box.

Heroic mode 2nd kill Thief's wit mod.

Heroic mode 3rd kill Enemy radar mod.

Heroic mode 4th kill Kitties revenge mod. (grants immunity to anything round and dangerous)


As you can see this boss offers a variety of effects and abilities. I would like to fight it in game soon. This is maybe what she would look like.



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(noicte that all of these boss only appear in a aleart mission, cause im sick of killing the same boss every aleart mission, atleast make aleart boss rare so we have more purpose to kill them over and over)


Grinner: Engineer Rodney Rider

The Grinner has development the Terminator, a Big, Bad Tank that Floating so it can go thought  the clif without faling, has Spike on Front for the charge, Machine Gun on 2 side, 1 Flamethow just up at the Spike, Main cannon has a cannon (of couse) shot a bullet that minimum sucking  everything near and explode, and a missle launcher behind the tank (Rapidly fire Single Missle) that has doesn't pop-up for you to shoot


It's stategy: 

-Missle do good dam but actually is a way for u to not get a perfect shot on it vulreble place

-It's side/back is it weak point since it has slow spinning both tank and body, that's why it's main cannon can spin and 2 side has a Machine gun

-Flamethorw di rapidly damage, another use of it is to cover your look at the tank, make you harder to know the tank gonna Shootit main cannon or do the Deadly charge


How to beat it:


-Blow of it every-single part:

-2 side cannon has a Flash, blow it.

-Blow Flamer to stop both charge skill and Flamer (The Flamer blow itself and the Spike ahead)

-Main cannon has a Grenade behind it, blow that up

-Hit the missle turret ABOVE since it lied at the tank ground with no-pop up

-Finally after compleaty destroy the tank. the tank Heavily Landing, and the boss Revieve himself (by blow up  side of a tank and step out, said final world) as a Bomba. FINISH HIM!!!


Corpus: Mega Moa V3113

A Moa that has Sharp Blade Front and Behind it Electric-Glowing feet has the manyest Skill Capacity, know for VERY FAST, so fast, it's the only boss that can do wall run and has a shoot Grenade launcher, that like Earthquake Moa stamp( the Orange one)


It's stategy: 

-Alway running around for you to unable to hit it

-Do Excabul slash when near you/after you dough

-after you or any teamate stareging by the Grenade it thorw, will charge and do slash on random single Teamate


How to beat it:

-atthe beginning of the battle/After done Runing every 20 sec, Moa take a rest and goes with normal speed

-Differend with all the other corpus,Mega Moa V3113 regen Shield THOUGHT RUNNING (and medium regen speed), so bring the Ice dam mod

reduce it run Speed in 20 sec, therefore reduce it Regen speed.

-Try to breaking it Shield while it's on Speed-boots, it'll then be stun and u can hit it harđ For a previous of time of couse.


Infester: Green Constellation

The first infester ever, the first fail Expriment of unknow Genoru Regon, now he's know as the Green Constellation, ruler of Genoru due to turn every living thing into his service. Know for it Black Skin and Green Sparking spot that sometime rarely see wandering somewhere the Galaxy (game discripsion)


It's stategy:

-Medium speed, High health

-The boss has Medium side, 4 Giant leg to go on ground, 8 insert Leg on it Back to go on ceeling (immidiatly jump on celling)

-Very Dangerous Melle,do Fatal Falling atk on bulding

-Sometime LIFT to you instanly

-Has the Invisible skill that u can still see it Green spot

-Can Rip-of it skill while in/not Invisble to distrac player and do a fatal attack while not notice 

-Posion breeth with good range, medium speed and wide explosion that stay there for few second


How to beat it:

Keep distance, Don't melle unless u sue you can dough it, and Always look ay your back

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(noicte that all of these boss only appear in a aleart mission, cause im sick of killing the same boss every aleart mission, atleast make aleart boss rare so we have more purpose to kill them over and over)


Grinner: Engineer Rodney Rider

The Grinner has development the Terminator, a Big, Bad Tank that Floating so it can go thought  the clif without faling, has Spike on Front for the charge, Machine Gun on 2 side, 1 Flamethow just up at the Spike, Main cannon has a cannon (of couse) shot a bullet that minimum sucking  everything near and explode, and a missle launcher behind the tank (Rapidly fire Single Missle) that has doesn't pop-up for you to shoot


It's stategy: 

-Missle do good dam but actually is a way for u to not get a perfect shot on it vulreble place

-It's side/back is it weak point since it has slow spinning both tank and body, that's why it's main cannon can spin and 2 side has a Machine gun

-Flamethorw di rapidly damage, another use of it is to cover your look at the tank, make you harder to know the tank gonna Shootit main cannon or do the Deadly charge


How to beat it:


-Blow of it every-single part:

-2 side cannon has a Flash, blow it.

-Blow Flamer to stop both charge skill and Flamer (The Flamer blow itself and the Spike ahead)

-Main cannon has a Grenade behind it, blow that up

-Hit the missle turret ABOVE since it lied at the tank ground with no-pop up

-Finally after compleaty destroy the tank. the tank Heavily Landing, and the boss Revieve himself (by blow up  side of a tank and step out, said final world) as a Bomba. FINISH HIM!!!


Corpus: Mega Moa V3113

A Moa that has Sharp Blade Front and Behind it Electric-Glowing feet has the manyest Skill Capacity, know for VERY FAST, so fast, it's the only boss that can do wall run and has a shoot Grenade launcher, that like Earthquake Moa stamp( the Orange one)


It's stategy: 

-Alway running around for you to unable to hit it

-Do Excabul slash when near you/after you dough

-after you or any teamate stareging by the Grenade it thorw, will charge and do slash on random single Teamate


How to beat it:

-atthe beginning of the battle/After done Runing every 20 sec, Moa take a rest and goes with normal speed

-Differend with all the other corpus,Mega Moa V3113 regen Shield THOUGHT RUNNING (and medium regen speed), so bring the Ice dam mod

reduce it run Speed in 20 sec, therefore reduce it Regen speed.

-Try to breaking it Shield while it's on Speed-boots, it'll then be stun and u can hit it harđ For a previous of time of couse.


Infester: Green Constellation

The first infester ever, the first fail Expriment of unknow Genoru Regon, now he's know as the Green Constellation, ruler of Genoru due to turn every living thing into his service. Know for it Black Skin and Green Sparking spot that sometime rarely see wandering somewhere the Galaxy (game discripsion)


It's stategy:

-Medium speed, High health

-The boss has Medium side, 4 Giant leg to go on ground, 8 insert Leg on it Back to go on ceeling (immidiatly jump on celling)

-Very Dangerous Melle,do Fatal Falling atk on bulding

-Sometime LIFT to you instanly

-Has the Invisible skill that u can still see it Green spot

-Can Rip-of it skill while in/not Invisble to distrac player and do a fatal attack while not notice 

-Posion breeth with good range, medium speed and wide explosion that stay there for few second


How to beat it:

Keep distance, Don't melle unless u sue you can dough it, and Always look ay your back

ok i didn't know this would be THIS long :|

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