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Gameplay Change: Operations.


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Hey guys.


I've been playing Warframe for quite some time now (600 hours on account) and recently I've been thinking about something that, in my opinion might make playing the game a bit more fun and would allow us to immerse ourselves a bit more into the game.


With all that time played, I still haven't cleared all missions on each planet, and there's one simple reason for that. I keep getting distracted. Alerts, invasions, void etc, everything happening at the same time and there's nothing really that would truly keep me on a planet for longer. So here's what I came up with.




The concept is simple. You pick a planet and decide to perform an operation there. That means that you select a few missions in a row that you will play and you can't leave until they are all done or the operation is a failure. I was thinking about creating two "styles" of operations. 


Operation style one: "Guns blazin', swords slashin' "


You select a planet node of pick from three to five missions. You can select from any type of missions (but you can't select the same type of mission more than twice), you grab your party (or not) and embark. The order in which you complete the missions is up to you (you choose the order while selecting the missions to do), but you must make sure that you either have the specific missions already unlocked or they will become unlocked as you progress with the operations. Mind, that you do not select simply 1-Exterminate, 2-Exterminate, 3-Sabotage, but rather 1-Clustril, 2-Grildrig, 3-Kepler (Phobos missions).


You complete the first mission and then, instead of going back to the Liset, you get sent on the next mission in the operation. (a short loading screen between extraction and landing) This would reduce the downtime between missions, especially when playing in a group (you don't need to wait for that one person that always takes so long to accept the mission). 


This of course means, that you must complete the operation successfully in order to obtain all your loot and experience gathered in missions. Nobody wants to risk something like this without a prospective reward, so I thought an experience bonus (let's say 10% of all experience gained), maybe some extra loot (or even a 100% chance to receive the planet specific rare resource) or Operation Exclusive Mods / Weapon parts / something totally awesome could make it more attractive to players. 


This operation style would be the most straightforward way of clearing chunks of the Galaxy map in one go. The second style, however, would be more fun (and at the same time, more challenging for both players and the devs).


Operation style two: "Tenno, you are needed"


This style focuses on a bit of narrative gameplay. I loved how when I started playing after a bit of a break I had quests waiting for me. It made me sad however, how quickly I completed all of them and I was back to the old style of simply "clicking" my way through the world.


This style would be a either a three or five mission operation. The shorter one would allow the players to select from Exterminate, Sabotage, Deception, Capture, Mobile Defence, Rescue and Spy missions. During the operation, the player would be guided by the Lotus on how to proceed (I'll elaborate this in a minute). The transition between missions would be more fluid and the player would actually feel some continuity in what he or she is doing.


The longer, five mission operation would add to the mission selection the Hive, Hijack, Survival, Interception, Excavation. Defence and Assassination however these would only be available as the final mission of the operation. The narrative part would obviously be longer and the whole operation would end with a satisfying finale, like putting a bullet through Lieutenant Lech Kril's head. 


This is how I'd imagine a five mission operation would look like in game:


Europa Operation


Mission One: Armaros.


The Tenno are sent to investigate a Corpus facility. Lotus informs you, that the data kept in the facility vault might shed some light about what the Corpus are doing and where would it hurt the most if you decide to attack.


After clearing all three vaults you proceed to extraction. The Liset picks you up and Ordis informs you that the data from the first terminal indicates, that there is a nearby weapons facility which is vulnerable to attack. You decide to strike.


Mission Two: Gamygyn


The aim is simple. Find the reactor and blow it into pieces crippling the enemy position and breaking the Corpus supply lines. You go in, smash the reactor and run.


During extraction you learn from the Lotus, that another operative has been recently captured and is currently being tortured for information. The mission can wait, you must save the captive.


Mission Three: Shax


The Corpus prison facility is heavily guarded, but nothing you can't handle. You break though the defences and land close enough to the prison to proceed of foot. The Lotus informs you that the captive was sent to investigate another Corpus facility, but his approach was not stealthy enough and he got caught. The Lotus believes that he still might've learned something of value.


Carefully, you break into the facility and rescue the captive. On your way to the extraction he tells you, that there is a large Corpus research facility focused on heavy weaponry. He failed to identify what they were working on, but is absolutely sure the facility must be destroyed.


Mission Four: Kokabiel


The rescued operative was right. With the information from the vault you confirm the location of the research facility. You immediately embark on a mission to destroy it.


During the mission, both Lotus and Ordis try to learn as much as they can about the aim of the research. As you get closer to the heart of the facility, you learn from them, that the Corpus are working on a new proxy, codename: "Raptor". The facility must be destroyed before the research is complete.


You detonate the reactor core and exit the facility before the explosion destroys everything around. You enter the Liset with the intention of leaving Europa.


Mission Five: Naamah


Unfortunately, you were too late. The first prototype has been already produced and is currently being field tested on Naamah. It must be destroyed at all costs. With the research facility gone, the prototype is the only way the Corpus could send the proxy into mass production. 


The Lotus guides you though the facility until you reach the final room, where you clash with the Raptor. After an exhausting fight, the prototype osprey lies in ruins. There is no way the Corpus can reverse engineer anything from the scrap. You can finally leave Europa.


During extraction, Lotus informs you that you did well. Destroying two Corpus facilities and a dangerous prototype will surely cripple the enemy's hold over Europa.


The operation is a success.


Loot and experience begins to rain.




Well, that's the whole idea. The players are challenged with a series of missions which they cannot fail, otherwise the whole operation is a disaster. A failed operation wouldn't mean no rewards, but all loot would be randomly decreased to 50% of the value, and the player would get only 50% of the experience gained from the successfully completed missions in the operation (the failed mission awards nothing). 


From the devs this would require a lot of work and I understand this isn't something that would or even could get implemented any time soon. New dialogues, new animations of the Liset travelling above the surface of a planet or flying from the surface to an orbital station/ship, creating scripts that would allow a continuity of missions that would create a logical chain etc.


Still, I think it would be worth it. No more running the same Spy mission over and over again for some good experience or endless survival grinding for mats (or that poor Sargas Ruk, whom I've killed countless times to get my orokin cells).


The operations would be entirely optional. If you don't want to risk or you simply don't have that much time on your hand, you can just progress through the galaxy map as it is right now.


That's it for now. Tell me what you think Tenno.



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I agree with you. The game as it is now is just killing endless numbers of weak enemies, Gun n' Run, no Narrative, farm farm farm, get in, get out. There's no meaning in what we are doing. Most of the missions aren't worth to play (excluding Spy2.0 and Rescues). There is no progression nor an adequate reward.

Your concept is pretty similar to my concept.
Take a look if you need some inspiration.


Edited by Burnthesteak87
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