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Vectis Prime Receiver Is A Myth


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These 2 posts greatly showcases everything what is wrong with this game and what is wrong with rng. Disgusting and broken. Even still, ppl defends it to the grave. You ppl make me sick. OP i havent seen it either, but i havent run T4 exe as many times as you.... yet.

I'm now at 55 runs, no vectis receiver. If I would have gotten one vectis receiver, then that would mean its drop rate is 2%. I understand the rng doesn't work this way, but this shows I've been pretty unlucky since other rare parts like the ash Bp drop at 7%.

I wish there was another way where the work we put in towards earning a part gets rewarded.

Oh well, I got 30 t4e's left, gonna start keysharing instead of giving free rides.

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Had only one T4 Exterminate key, ran it for kicks and giggles with my brother - got Vectis Prime Receiver. GG RNG.



Did around 150 T4 ext at least. No jokes. Me and my friends even farmed for more keys. This game seriously is broken. Been doin not much else than this last days. Really Starts getting frustrating. :/


Nothing's broken. You're just unlucky. Look at it this way - you really don't have to have everything as soon as it's released.

Edited by Gale47
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