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How To Use Loki



I just got Loki because I like a challenge, he seems to be the only real Ninja in the game, and just for variety.


I would love to get some tips as to how to shape the battle field with him and how to best use his abilities. Also how to remain undetected for longer on missions. 

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7 answers to this question

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Decoy decoy decoy. You can do lots of neat things with it. You can get to higher place by placing a decoy then using switch teleport on it. You can turn a shield lancer around to make him face his back to you. You can draw enemies out of cover with it. It's a really neat toy.

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if stealth if your thing, then people would recommend maxing out the mod Invisibility, Streamline, and Continuity. And also having access to the Energy Syphon artifact to regenerating power over time.


They would recommend having the sentinel Shade with your Loki as well. Shade will cloak both Loki and itself when there's enemy nearby. The Ghost mod for Shade should be ranked up to further enhance Shade's cloaking ability. By ranking up Ghost mod, Shade will detect enemy at further distance and cloak Loki and itself much earlier.


Sad thing at the moment is the glitch with Loki's invisibility and his sentinel. When Loki turn invisible it's only for himself and not the sentinel, which mean the sentinel would still be seen by the enemy. On the other hand, when Shade does the cloaking it turn both Loki and itself invisible. Now this does become a bothersome issue. 


Ash is another candidate for stealth gameplay too. He's the more offensive and durable version of Loki. Beginner players won't have access to Ash until later in the game, unless the said player would rather spend real money to buy everything in this game and become OP at day one and quickly become bore of Warframe.


That's it from me.

Edited by YTakuyaY
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Well, I'm no expert with Loki by any means, but here's some things I've found to be helpful:

Decoy: This can be an incredibly useful ability, even if it doesn't last too long at higher levels. You can use it to draw away enemy fire from yourself or an objective, hold a door open, and any number of crazy things!

Invisibility: This one's you bread and butter, use it with a good melee weapon and start cranking out massive charge damage!

Switch Teleport: Probably Loki's most situational ability. It has its uses though. You can swap with an enemy behind cover to bring them out into the open. You can place a Decoy and swap with it to get almost anywhere you can see. Don't take my word on this, but you may also be able to swap with a downed teammate to bring them behind cover for safer rezzing.

Radial Disarm: Insanely useful against Grineer and Corpus. Combine with a Nyx with Chaos and watch the bar fights ensue! :D Less useful against infested though. It does do massive damage to chargers though, which can be pretty helpful.

All in all, Loki has a bunch of useful abilities that let you do all sorts of weird and wonderful things. If there's any advice I can give you, it's this: experiment! Try combining your abilities for all sorts of neat possibilities!

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Um, no. He is not the only "ninja" in the game. Ash has a similar role, though he is more of an offensive sneaker in comparison to Loki, the predominant role of which is distracting.


Basically you want to use the Decoy to draw attention away from you if you have too many people on you.

Invisibility should be really used if you can't get behind/past your enemies with regular sneaking maneuvers or if there's an awful lot of them and you want to just pass by/kill them all.

Switch Teleport can be used in a variety of ways: switch places with a mate to rescue him or to be helped by him; switch places with an enemy to get out of a situation or to a more comfortable position; switch places with a decoy to reach places otherwise unaccessible or hard to get to. I used Switch Teleport a lot to help the team get to difficult places or just out of trouble, then go invisible and leave the place myself or killing them with a bunch of critical hits.

Radial Disarm is useful if too many people are shooting at you and you can't shoot them back because of the bullets flying everywhere. Works as well if you have a melee weapon which can connect with multiple enemies at once, but disarming enemies is a good idea in general (emergency situations only though, you can't spend 100 energy like that whenever you want, y'know).

Edited by Vintovka
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Um, no. He is not the only "ninja" in the game. Ash has a similar role, though he is more of an offensive sneaker in comparison to Loki, the predominant role of which is distracting.


Basically you want to use the Decoy to draw attention away from you if you have too many people on you.

Invisibility should be really used if you can't get behind/past your enemies with regular sneaking maneuvers or if there's an awful lot of them and you want to just pass by/kill them all.

Switch Teleport can be used in a variety of ways: switch places with a mate to rescue him or to be helped by him; switch places with an enemy to get out of a situation or to a more comfortable position; switch places with a decoy to reach places otherwise unaccessible or hard to get to. I used Switch Teleport a lot to help the team get to difficult places or just out of trouble, then go invisible and leave the place myself or killing them with a bunch of critical hits.

Radial Disarm is useful if too many people are shooting at you and you can't shoot them back because of the bullets flying everywhere. Works as well if you have a melee weapon which can connect with multiple enemies at once, but disarming enemies is a good idea in general (emergency situations only though, you can't spend 100 energy like that whenever you want, y'know).

This and then just add redirection and streamline to him and your good to go.

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I am not a total Noob I already maxed out my Excalibur and I have at least one piece of about five or six other frames. I spent the minimum money to get 75 plat and picked Loki because I figured I had a better chance at making Volt ( the only other frame worth 75 plat) because I have the mission unlocked to get his prints.  Sorry I forgot about Ash I would love to get my hands on him too.

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Don't forget that decoy can be used to block lasers, creating a small section that can allow other players to run right through. I've seen a few "good guy loki"s do this for teams that didn't shoot out the cameras and/or didn't know how to get through the doors. (It's sad that it happens, but it does happen).

Also, I've read that you can use switch teleport to take a good sniping position... Though I haven't seen this first-hand, and imagine that the opportunity rarely presents itself.


Invisibility can be used to keep aggro off of you while rezzing teammates!

Max out rush, marathon, and equip some defensive mods (vitality, redirection, etc) to solo speedrun pluto missions for super-fast credit farming.

Or just challenge people to races, and then switch-teleport them just before extraction, on the off chance that they actually get ahead.

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