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Game Needs New Objectives, Objective Rooms/tiles


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I like how you guys are always adding in new rooms and passageways that connect the map to the objective, but why are the objective rooms so static? 


If it's a capture mission, you know it's going to be on a ship.  You also know what the objective's room looks like.  Once you step into it, you instantly recognize it before you even get close to the capture target.


Same goes for grineer bosses.  Once you walk out into that open area with the platform, you know it's the boss room.


So while you guys are adding in more tilesets, can you please put in some new objective tiles as well?  You could even use some of the existing objective rooms but change their functionality.  Instead of rescuing a hostage, you could have the capture target hiding in one of the cells.


Also, it's always bothered me why the capture target never seems to be heavily guarded.  Feels like there should be a few extra layers of security I'd need to get through like turrets, guards and access panels, to get to him.


And why is it always a corpus crewman?  It's always strange to see this dude just wandering around in a ship full of infested. 


A few ideas for future capture targets:

- Newly cloned Grineer.  We could possibly learn many of our enemies weaknesses if we capture on of their own alive or even convince him to defect.  They do have the Stalker working for them.  Why can't we have Grineer spies for the lotus?  Maybe we already do.  Dun dun DUUUUUUNNN.


- Corpus robots.  I'm sure if we can disable and bring back corpus tech to reverse engineer, we can find more ways of using their own tech against them and all of our other enemies.


- Sentient/non-violent infested.  We are forced to kill J3-Golem, even though he talks to us.  What if we find one that is more person than creature?  An intelligent infested that has been around for thousands of years would be quite useful to the Lotus.

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