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To All Of You Asking For Pvp 1.0 Back, Here's Something To Think About


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Nothing wrong with that. I'm just not following and not interested in reading through all the arguing in multiple threads.

Its also full of tons of statements about how adding pvp 1.0 back in will damage warframe by 1 to 2 people

Edited by elfkinn
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Its also full of tons of statements about how adding pvp 1.0 back in will damage warframe by 1 to 2 people

as i see there are not even 20 player supporting 1.0 in this post to now.


till "Actually if we can have a vote :P I want to start a vote about "should WF have PVP?" and see the result, lucky here is not allow that. 


Do you see the last hot topic vote DE ask about PVP, whats the reaction :P:P:P"

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as i see there are not even 20 player supporting 1.0 in this post to now.


till "Actually if we can have a vote :P I want to start a vote about "should WF have PVP?" and see the result, lucky here is not allow that. 


Do you see the last hot topic vote DE ask about PVP, whats the reaction :P:P:P"

No I dont see the vote could you link it, and there may not be 20 people supporting 1.0 but there are 14 and 2 people against in the 2 threads you've posted in, and both of you have no good reason on why adding this is bad for the game. Can you answer this one question HOW WOULD PVP 1.0 BEING ADDED BACK IN HURT THE GAME?

Edited by elfkinn
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Now here's the thing, it was goddamn fun. People used many broken weapons but yet we overcome them. Slide spam? Done. Vaykor Spam? Done. There is no reason to hate conclave 1.0, because you know, it was fun.

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Can someone give me an unbiased explanation on why this is such a big topic today?

Because older PvP players are not satisfied with new conclave and wish for an actually fun gamemode they had, then again people bullS#&$ on PvP community because they like the old PvP. Also PvE players who never had a taste of conclave are adding to the heat. 


Most of us don't want the Dark Sector Conflict back which most of the posters THINK WE DO WHICH WE DON'T, and then crap on our opinions.


Essentially bunch of asshats are hating on PvP vet's opinons.

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Because older PvP players are not satisfied with new conclave and wish for an actually fun gamemode they had, then again people bullS#&$ on PvP community because they like the old PvP. Also PvE players who never had a taste of conclave are adding to the heat. 


Most of us don't want the Dark Sector Conflict back which most of the posters THINK WE DO WHICH WE DON'T, and then crap on our opinions.


Essentially bunch of asshats are hating on PvP vet's opinons.

most complaint we got after 2.0 is copt. of bop is too fast & daikyu one shot is OP, 1.0 just make these 2 more powerful.(copt & one shot)

lucky we won;t have copt after U17

Edited by cary2010haha1
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most complaint we got after 2.0 is copt. of bop is too fast & daikyu one shot is OP, 1.0 just make these 2 more powerful.(copt & one shot)

lucky we won;t have copt after U17

Thats because it was new then and people were like oh check it out, and the issue isnt coptering in 2.0 its the lowered firerate and accuracy nerf, that allows coptering to be so overpowered in it.


And you still haven't answered my one question what harm will it do to bring pvp 1.0 back?

Edited by elfkinn
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most complaint we got after 2.0 is copt. of bop is too fast & daikyu one shot is OP, 1.0 just make these 2 more powerful.(copt & one shot)

lucky we won;t have copt after U17

Copter or not, without it PvP 1.0 is still essentialy fine because we have all sorts of other tricks. Get it? We get around it and don't *@##$ about it like PvP 2.0 community does.

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Can someone give me an unbiased explanation on why this is such a big topic today?

Recently there has been a significant amount of topics here demanding the return of old Conclave. Then this guy and another one decided to create meta-complaint topics, to tell the first group of players that they are wrong in asking what they want.

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Actually if we can have a vote :P I want to start a vote about "should WF have PVP?" and see the result, lucky here is not allow that. 


Do you see the last hot topic vote DE ask about PVP, whats the reaction :P:P:P

You realize there are more PvE players right? They probably will vote "No" since majority (As far as I know) didn't like PvP, or "No opinion on this topic" as I observed other vote topics. 


DE will never make a vote saying "Should WF have PvP", They organized a special team for pvp, I doubt they would change their minds as PvP 2.0 attracted many players. 

Edited by TheFruitNinja
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It was DE's choice to add PvP into the game, and it is staying. They devoted a syndicate to it and even have worked towards balancing weapons and frames for this PvP, so it is obviously something desired in the game by the developers.

Some people, however, did enjoy the old PvP because it was FUN. Games are a type of entertainment, and entertainment is meant to, well, entertain you. So basically, games are for FUN. The challenges, thrills and excitement of the old PvP made it popular among many vets who had become burned out on the constant, rote PvE gameplay.

I don't see how there is anything wrong with asking for having this type of PvP back. There is no reason we cannot have both! I have not seen, even ONCE, a person asking to have PvP 1.0 and get rid of 2.0.

As RexSol said, your complaint is a meta-complaint and not even fitting for the PvP feedback section.

I don't see why it is so hard for people to grasp the concepts of FUN and ENJOYMENT that players have constantly expressed. Seriously, think please.

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"What about new weapons and mods being added to the game, will they be available in this new PvP mode?" Yes, that's the whole point is that it allows you to use whatever the hell you want. 


"Think about the new players coming in and their first impression: "oh this game has PVP. --Wait there are two PVP modes. Which one should I play? Guess I'll just try one. (Gets in PVP 1.0 mode, rekt by Vauban spam and black energy Loki and Ash BS). This game's PVP is horrible. 0/10 will not play again." Simple solution, DE can specify that the gametype is specifically designed to be unbalanced so that the new player knows "oh this is unbalanced PvP, i don't think i should click on that to avoid being destroyed by veteran players with better gear" 


there, problem solved. 

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You realize there are more PvE players right? They probably will vote "No" since majority (As far as I know) didn't like PvP, or "No opinion on this topic" as I observed other vote topics.

DE will never make a vote saying "Should WF have PvP", They organized a special team for pvp, I doubt they would change their minds as PvP 2.0 attracted many players.

i m fairly sure pvp 2.0 attracted so many players because it was a massive updade in its own that was clearly visible after loading into your ship were 1.0 were a couple of nodes Secretly added, not because its better most noobs don't even know that there was a version for it to be better than. I say for one random week change pvp 2.0 back to 1.0 with enforced honor code derived from a set group of 1.0 vets and see who enjoys it if enough people like it then re-emplement it as a separate mode.
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