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Ps4 Proto Skin And Excalibur Rework


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Where is it?

I know the responses will be from most of the community.

"Consoles are behind PC." "Consoles are about 2 updates behind PC."

I'm sure there are many other excuses....I have heard them & read them.


Can we get a time frame for this? Dare I ask, Can DE take the lead and say, " We are expecting consoles to get Proto Skin and Excalibur rework in August of this year."


There now that would not be so hard, now would it?






Edited by (PS4)meyerclan
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What the hell DE! This is rediculous, don't get anyone hyped for something g then take 3-4 months to get it to half the people who play your game, love the game, and may or may not put their money into it. I get coding and formatting takes time and I've been patient. But unless u17 comes to console and pc at the same time this is bullS#&$. U17 is a month or two away from pc, and console will undoubtedly have to wait another month or 2 and I fine waiting for major updates, I've been fiNE with it because I was happy to get excal, he's my favorite frame and I was so happy to see what they did with him and I've been patient, and maybe I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, but why would you ever build hype if half to 2/3 your player base wasn't gonna get it for that long of a wait. Fine pc gets S#&$ first cause its easier to slap it Onto the game, but cmon, all I have wanted for a month and a half now is my excalibur rework. And to have my patience rewarded with a even bigger wait and it is very frustrating.... oh well I guess nothing can be done about it. Sorry to blow up and be an A******. But hell... this just really bugs me.

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No I am not new to WARFRAME. I have been playing on the PS4 ever since WARFRAME hit the console in 2013. I had my PS4 ever since its debut.


No Proto Skin or word on the rework yet?

Its frustrating and not a peep about it on the last 2 DEVSTREAMs. It is like the consoles are the forgotten breed.


(Just sit there and talk about all the great things that are coming to PC first)

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I feel you man, it'll be here soon enough though. Its kind of a good time, summer time goes and we have an awesome update in Warframe to play with.

To be honest, id rather wait to get Excal rework along with Parkour 2.0 and no stamina, all together.

Far as being behind pc, its kind of a good thing for us. We get to ready up for upcoming events n such where the boys on pc have to deal with things on the fly. Those guys are paving the road for us, its cool.

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Hey, don't blame DE. It's the regulations of Sony and Microsoft that keep them from updating as often. The way it is now is the best solution with their regulations in mind: consoles come with updates that have less bugs, requiring less hotfixes, and saving them money.

Yes, some of it is dependent on how fast they can create the content, but that is simply one facet. Developers have to prioritize: think of how many games there are where PC is behind or was simply never made for PC (looking at you, Destiny)

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Hey, don't blame DE. It's the regulations of Sony and Microsoft that keep them from updating as often. The way it is now is the best solution with their regulations in mind: consoles come with updates that have less bugs, requiring less hotfixes, and saving them money.

Yes, some of it is dependent on how fast they can create the content, but that is simply one facet. Developers have to prioritize: think of how many games there are where PC is behind or was simply never made for PC (looking at you, Destiny)

DE hasn't even ported a build later than 16.7 for us, how can you blame Sony or MS? There's nothing for them to 'regulate' if DE doesn't give them anything.


Also, like Serael(X1) said, it is ridiculous if they are indeed waiting to bundle it with U17, PC is a month away from it, which probably means 3 months for us, on top of the whole month we already don't see an update, that's 4 months.


Don't get me wrong, DE does an amazing job creativity wise, but the current meta has so many flaws it is hard to keep us entertained without new stuff.

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Hey, don't blame DE. It's the regulations of Sony and Microsoft that keep them from updating as often. The way it is now is the best solution with their regulations in mind: consoles come with updates that have less bugs, requiring less hotfixes, and saving them money.

Yes, some of it is dependent on how fast they can create the content, but that is simply one facet. Developers have to prioritize: think of how many games there are where PC is behind or was simply never made for PC (looking at you, Destiny)

I know about the certs, that's everyone's main defense for DE, listen I love warframe, I love it's free, and that its such an amazing game. My patience is running thin is all and having to wait two more whole months for one updated frame is rediculous when added to our already existing wait. I know we should be grateful and shouldn't loose our temper in the least, but I can't help but be frustrated

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It really make some sense when it comes to the parent companies being involved but how much can the delay on material that is already in the works?

Legal stuff I know. I just cant see that being the reason to delay a skin rendition of a WARFRAME that is already in the game IE Excalibur. And altered powers for the same frame? C'mon. That's a big stretch. Its about priorities.


Get it done DE.....just push the button.



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It really make some sense when it comes to the parent companies being involved but how much can the delay on material that is already in the works?

Legal stuff I know. I just cant see that being the reason to delay a skin rendition of a WARFRAME that is already in the game IE Excalibur. And altered powers for the same frame? C'mon. That's a big stretch. Its about priorities.


Get it done DE.....just push the button.



Damn right man, I can wait for everything else, just give us excalibur and the mordred helm! It isn't THAT hard

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  • 2 weeks later...

Damn right man, I can wait for everything else, just give us excalibur and the mordred helm! It isn't THAT hard


Though admittedly I'm pretty much done caring. It's always been obvious they blatantly favor PC. Sure you could claim its cuz they build it for PC and port it to PS4 but to me that seems a pretty weak rationalization. Is it true maybe sure right alongside cert delays etc. But when have they ever gone the extra mile to show consoles some love? But you get exclusive skins. Okay renown packs which someone else pointed out steam skins and founders packs as a counter point.

If they really do feel consoles are equal in importance to PC then give us something truly exclusive even if its just time exclusivity. Damn chinese got 2 weapons and an Excalibur umbra "just to get the game popular" for 30 days ahead of the global build.

Idk whatever, point is moot really. No more reason to wish or whine people. No matter the perspective taken console won't get any schedule announcements for anything big like a frame rework, (hell couldn't even get solid dates on the Nyx Nemesis skin remember that?) much less bumps forward on the timetable for build rollouts. Face it, we're viewed as PCs unwanted bas**** little brother. Placated by eventually getting the updates PC gets like dirty hand me downs then ignored again.

Edited by (PS4)StillbornKumquat
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