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(Closed For Now)The Vanguard Order, Friendly/social, 600+ Members, Beautiful Dojo, All Research, Teamspeak3, Casual Gamer


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Hello there, i am fairly new to WF and have a clan but they are very small and now i am looking for a bigger clan; and this one sounds perfect! if you wich to know any thing about me feel free to ask.. an invite would be great though :) much love jinx

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The Vanguard Order is fantastic! I have only been a part of this clan for about a month or less, but immediately I realized that I made a great choice when I decided to apply to this clan.


The main reason why I love this clan, are the clan members. All of the clan members are extremely kind and they constantly try to help any clan member in need. The members are also very supportive. They will help you if you are having trouble, and give advice or information if you need it. Just today a group of members were going on a raid, and allowed me to join. I had never done a raid before so I didn't really know how to do it, but that wasn't a problem because the members helped me by talking me through the entire raid.


Not only are the clan members awesome, the dojo is fantastic too. The dojo is filled with so many rooms, but it is laid out in a way that makes sense. I highly enjoy just running around the dojo visiting all the different rooms.


The fun doesn't stop with the dojo, there are constant events that clan members can participate in to win cool prizes, and you can almost always find players hosting different missions you could join.


I discovered all of this within the very brief time I have spent in the clan so far. With time I expect to find many more reasons to love The Vanguard Order.

Edited by Slurpasaurous
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I like this clan. Mainly for the fact that the clan chat is a great place to chat with other casual players and not be expected to be elite. I've been in this clan pretty much since I unlocked clans and I still don't even consider leaving. Also, the dueling can be hilarious. :D

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I've been in this clan for a little under a month now, and I love this clan! There's always people to assist, and taxi to alerts, you can have casual discussion about builds for various weapons, and I have chatted and still chat with a lot of the people. Shout out to Merdocs, UnstableBAGEL, and Sjnevers!
Being in this clan unlocked the melee love of my life, the Dragon Nikana, and the access to the various other research/buildable goodies. I like chilling in the clan dojo, and when I am trading, I like inviting people to the dojo because it's a chance to show off the dojo. I've had a majority of the people I traded with compliment the dojo.
I look forward to the coming months, and being with the clan for a very long time to come, and I hope to be able to assist with either events, or newer players in the future.

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I have been playing for 2 months.  I first joined a Storm clan, and was flustrated by the lack of activity, and it seemed the members were only looking out for themselves, and would rarely help out a fellow clanmate.  I sadly left that Clan and joined the Vanguard order about a month ago.  This was a great decision.


What I love about Vanguard order?


Daily Raid hosting

Very active chat.  I can ask a question about the game, and always get a good answer (and a few funny ones)

Friendly and helpful casual clanmates that are there to enjoy the game.

Very nice looking emblem

Casual and not demanding

And i really enjoyed joining clanmates for the Proxy rebellion.  Most fun I had in this game, ever

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