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(Closed For Now)The Vanguard Order, Friendly/social, 600+ Members, Beautiful Dojo, All Research, Teamspeak3, Casual Gamer


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I have read all of page one and think I would be a good fit. I'm 42 years of age and live in New Zealand.


I started playing 2years 6months  ago but had a year off playing WoW, GW2, many other games and have since been back about 3months. I have been in a small clan with local friends but haven't seen any of them on in over a month.


In all honesty I may disappear for unknowen time frame once Fallout 4 is released. I will try on contact warlords online but this is incase I fail to do get hold of any.


my ign is Elderstealth


Be well Teno.

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Yo! So being in the cold vastness of space can get lonely... Can make a man crazy!

Anyways, I'm bored, clan I had before just wasn't for me, and just want some good ol' fashioned jolly-cooperation!

Always willing to lend a hand to new players- anyone who needs a helping hand.

Just like to game. I play other games too :P

I just got teamspeak on a side note.

Hope to game with ya future clan buddies soon! Later! ^.^

IGN: SmilingJester

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Seems like a nice clan you've got here. I've recently gotten back into Warframe after a hiatus. (Hadn't played since they reset the servers in 2013.)


Going solo is fine and dandy, but I always enjoy the game more when running with people.


IGN: NullWolf

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If you are still recruiting, I am looking to join a larger clan, still very new to Warframe and have a ton to learn. Was in a smaller inactive bordering on dead clan for a short while, but I am looking for more comraderie. I will admit I mostly tend to play solo as I can get annoyed rather easily by lack of comms discipline that I experience in most larger gaming groups. But I do want to play with a group now and again, and I prefer to join an active, large community so that there are lots of players willing to help each other out. Looking to build up a support frame like Nyx, Banshee or Trinity, as I mostly play support and healers in most other games. In game same name as here, Khrev.

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Hi, I'm currently in a friends clan, but it's relatively inactive and he's encouraged me to seek a larger clan to seek the guild mentality I'm accustomed to in other games.  I'm relatively casual and my gameplay is sporadic as I tend to cycle through games, but Warframe currently has my interest, though having to hunt down groups is frustrating and I'd rather have active guildmates to run things with on occasion... what I've seen here reminds me of my WoW guild and that's a good thing.  As another mentioned, I'd rather not abandon my existing clan until accepted.


IGN: Vyrnas

MR: 8(could be higher but can't be bothered to do some of the tests)

Frames:  Volt, Oberon(Potatoe'd), Ember Prime (All level 30), Banshee, Valkyr, Vauban (assorted lower levels)  

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Hi, I'm currently in a friends clan, but it's relatively inactive and he's encouraged me to seek a larger clan to seek the guild mentality I'm accustomed to in other games.  I'm relatively casual and my gameplay is sporadic as I tend to cycle through games, but Warframe currently has my interest, though having to hunt down groups is frustrating and I'd rather have active guildmates to run things with on occasion... what I've seen here reminds me of my WoW guild and that's a good thing.  As another mentioned, I'd rather not abandon my existing clan until accepted.


IGN: Vyrnas

MR: 8(could be higher but can't be bothered to do some of the tests)

Frames:  Volt, Oberon(Potatoe'd), Ember Prime (All level 30), Banshee, Valkyr, Vauban (assorted lower levels)  


(Posted this in the mountain Clan thread, then realized you'd mentioned moving to Moon.)

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Hi, I'm currently in a friends clan, but it's relatively inactive and he's encouraged me to seek a larger clan to seek the guild mentality I'm accustomed to in other games.  I'm relatively casual and my gameplay is sporadic as I tend to cycle through games, but Warframe currently has my interest, though having to hunt down groups is frustrating and I'd rather have active guildmates to run things with on occasion... what I've seen here reminds me of my WoW guild and that's a good thing.  As another mentioned, I'd rather not abandon my existing clan until accepted.


IGN: Vyrnas

MR: 8(could be higher but can't be bothered to do some of the tests)

Frames:  Volt, Oberon(Potatoe'd), Ember Prime (All level 30), Banshee, Valkyr, Vauban (assorted lower levels)  


(Posted this in the mountain Clan thread, then realized you'd mentioned moving to Moon.)


i sent you a private messege yesterday, still waiting for your response

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IGN: Anien


I'm fairly new to warframe but looking to 'git gud'.


Currently trying to build my trinity warframe as the playstyle sounds cool for how I enjoy playing.


Was in a clan with a few friends but they don't play as often so I'm looking for bigger and better!


Playtime: 19hours,

Mastery Rank: 3

Frames: Trinity, Mirage, Excalibur, Loki


Thanks for considering me :)

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