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(Closed For Now)The Vanguard Order, Friendly/social, 600+ Members, Beautiful Dojo, All Research, Teamspeak3, Casual Gamer


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Just got back into warframe, but I'm looking for a clan to run with to get used the flow of things and to be up to date with the game.

Sounds great just msg me in game. My alias is MediaNinja. Once we get connected I got a few things to go over with you but Id love to have you

hi can i get an invite to the clan my ign is zog789

Msg me in game. My alias is MediaNinja, one we get connected Ill have a few things to go over and then I can send you an invite

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Anyone looking to join The Vanguard Order, just msg me in game and I will walk you through a quick orientation process slash application and Ill get you started. We are in the beginning stages of setting up orientation admins that will take all players that are new to the game and teach you how to do anything and everything in the game and they may even hook you up with a weapon or something to get you moving. Thats up to your orientation coordinator. Get a jump start and get on Discord, its our comms application that the clan uses to get connected and communicate in game and also all of our big announcements are posted on discord to keep you updated on events and give aways. So dont waist time and get on and once you join ill give you the server address to get moving. My IGN is MediaNinja. Hope to see and play with you soon TENNO

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Hey guys, can I join the Clan? It looks epic! :D The Clan I'm currently in is very inactive so stuff can get quite dull. I'm looking for a more exciting and social experience. Thanks for your consideration.

Edited by superomnipotent
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IGN: dumptruck_

MR 13

I like to kill things. Don't care what. Voids? Draco? 

Does it involve shooting things and running around like a crazy person?


Looking for an active clan for active clan things. 

Also looking for a reason to drink on the weekends.


Have mic. Discord, all that stuff.


Also, I'm old. Or, at least old for video games.

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Was looking for more people cause I'm tired of my 1 friend not wanting to play anymore and Warframe is getting tougher as I go where I can't do it anymore and you guys sound pretty great to play with. My steam and stuff will be below if you could add me v


Steam: robotalian234

Rank: 2 very shortly to be 3

Player: Excaliber

US Time Zone Central


I also have TeamSpeak3 if I could hop on with you guys on there and communicate better as well.

Edited by Robotalian234
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