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(Closed For Now)The Vanguard Order, Friendly/social, 600+ Members, Beautiful Dojo, All Research, Teamspeak3, Casual Gamer


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I am looking for a place I could call ''home'' and slowly learn about the game. I am not very active( a hour or two every couple days, got other stuff to do), but I am very loyal to those who accept me as a part of their team.So if you decide to accept me, I am yours for ages.

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This seems like an interesting clan, I am hoestly not all that good with social interactions, but this group seems friendly and accepting of pretty much anyone who isn't a complete jerk, while I am fairly new to the game and have pretty much NO IDEA what I am doinf, I will do my best to pull my own wieight and so would gladly accept an invite.

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I'd like an invite, I've got a mic and I'd like to join the TS server!


my Ign is:


===/    /==\   |==\   /===\     /=\       /==\     /=\      \

    /     |      |  |     \      |       /    \    /           /    \     |

  /       |      |  |     /      |      /===\   \          /===\    |

/===    \==/   |==/   \===/  /        \    \==/  /        \   \===/


(Zodiacal if this ASCII doesn't work)

Edited by Zodiacal
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Hey I am interested in joining the clan. I also play casually, but on a pretty regular basis and need help doing things, as well as very much willing to help others accomplish goals in the game as well.


Thanks for inv in advance.

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Hey, I would like to join the clan. I have been going solo for a while and I think being in a clan will be a lot of fun. :) I don't know everything about Warframe since I have started about 1-2 weeks ago, so most likely I will have a few questions every once and a while.


IGN: Slurpasaurous


I look forward to meeting the clan members if I get invited!

Edited by Slurpasaurous
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I would like to join your clan, my previous clans has been dead and not very active. I started to play this amazing free to play game 2 weeks ago. Im willing to support this clan as much as I can


IGN: ThristyDog


MR: 5 


Warframes: Rhino Prime, Excalibur, Volt Prime, and Ash Prime

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