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So A Mastery Rank Rework(Not Sure How To Name This)


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                       I had made a comment earlier in a thread somewhere regarding mastery rank,but i am share my idea now so you can comment on it.

1st things would be required to throw the present Records of mastery rank out the window.

-Meaning everyone starts with Mastery Rank 0

Now the system compare to the present one is meant to cover the things that our present master rank does not cover.

-Present one does not really show experiance with weapons

-Present one does not show experiance with Modding weapons

-Present one does not reflect Skill with using your weapons

Now i would like to add that Warframe/pets/pet weapons will not have to go throught what i am about to add and once they reach rank 30 they will just automatically give you the experience.

You also will still get a Max rank up test to go up the rank.So basically the present Mastery rank test,but if you have already completed them before in the past you don't have to retake them and you automatically go up the rank once you finish the Experiance bar.


            Well a couple things you need to know about how i propose we fix that is introducing Tests for weapons

Because if we test each Tenno with the weapon this will fix the experiance with weapons,will show experiance modding different weapons to get the most out of them,and will reflect skill using the weapon in the mission

-Now this is how i hope it works

Because our codex keep records on the weapon we have master ranked you will goto to your codex click on the weapon and you will have the option to take the test.

-Now this test will be based and decided on a combination of thies 4 categories

Weapon type-Will decide the requirement you need to complete to finish the mission

Because requirement will allow you to actaully experiance the weapon by making it do certain task

Highest stat-Will decide the Mission type your doing

Because certain mission will allow a weapon with specefic high stats to finish mission with greater performance

Lower stat-Will decide the faction

because swarming enemies make it harder if your weapon has crappy fire rate or reload speed

Sound-Will decide the 2nd requirement

because weapons with silent or with Loud can allow for different gameplay


Now Stats on your weapon will be divided into categories of their own and will be compare to the basic equipment at the beggining of the game by percent difference to show what is the highest stats and what is the lower stats


damage and procs go together because of the ability for procs to actaully perform secondary damage

Fire rate/Reload speed

mainly because fire rate and reload speed seen to work together in regard to charge shots

Crit/crit multiplier

because they are related only one weapon i know so far has crap crit rate but amazing crit multiplie


        Now regarding the enemies

-in the test all enemy will be the same level as the rank weapon but range(lvl20-30)

-Enemy that spawn are decided based on your weapon highest damage type(an example if your weapon does more slash you will get more flesh enemies)

Note:no special units will be added unless the faction basic units you will face do not have any enemy who is affect greatly by that damage type


        How progression works

The test gets harder depending on how many different time you taken the test already with different weapons of the same weapon type-(an example your 1st test riffle you pass it ,well, by the time you get to your 10th test riffle it will be harder)

The test gets harder not in terms of level of the enemy,but on the handicaps it will give you.

You only get 1 handicap per test range

-handicaps(will use Primary weapons that are riffle-soma,branton,boltor)


1-10{no handicaps

10-15{no pets

15-25 {no warframe damage powers

25-Infinite{no warframe powers


        Regarding the Weapon durring the test

you only get the lvl 30 rank weapon to use as your weapon

you get an Unforma-uncatalyst weapon(only difference is if you have Catalyst or forma you get does benefits for the test)

You get screen that give you access to your mods so you can mod your weapon before you take the test



        How you pass/fail

You only get points if you beat the test

You fail only if u don't succede the mission or meet the requirements

You can retake the test as much as you want until you pass and it won't affect the difficulty

Once a test is completed you cannot take it again with the same weapon


Test choices-

if your Highest stat is (?) you get this misison type

crit/crit multy-capture (2 target)


fire rate/reload-Mobile defense(2 post)


If you Lowerst stat is(?) you will face against thsi faction in the test

crit/crit multy-corpus


fire rate/reload-grineer


According to your weapon sound you will get certain requirements if your weapon has soun taring of(?) you will have this requirements to meet

Loud-kill 20 enemies

silent-stealth kill 10 enemies


Weapon type

primary Launcher-kill 3 enemies at the same time

Primary Bow- get 10 stealth kill

Primary Sniper-10 head shots

Primary Riffle-kill 10 enemies & get 5 head shots

Primary Shotgun-kill 15 enemies

primary continious-kill 10 enemies & 5 in 3 sec


Secondary(will match primary requirements)



big range- get a 10 enemy combo kill-hit 30 combo counter

small range-get a 5 enemy combo kill-hit 10 combo counter

mid range- get a 7 enemy combo kill-hit 20 combo counter

special projectile-get 5 head shots-get 5 enemy combo kill


(use a combo that is not the 1st combo/aerial/jump/slide/wall,which leaves combo that are sequence)

Edited by Leavith
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Every weapon that you will reach rank 30 with will get a test? 



Well think about it ......How else can you truly prove you mastered your weapon

<Mastery rank -should reflect experience using you tenno equipment

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Read this:


This is my opinion on your idea.


This idea of a rework is just bad. I understand what your trying to suggest but this is not going to work. A test for every weapon is just annoying. Why would a weapon require a test after maxing it out to 30? Sure people would bring it to Draco and would never use the weapon again. They will miss the potential of the weapon. Except most weapons are useless. It takes to much work to make a weapon shine. This test will show people you actually passed a test with that weapon. But it doesn't really show much. The current mastery rank system is bad. It just means you've acquired and used ( leveled up the weapons ) to 30. The sad part is, people actually use the mastery rank is a stat to show whos better. Seeing all that requirement: H blah blah MR 10+. The problem with your idea of a test is that. If a player fails the first test. Then kept on failing like 10+ times. How in the world would they pass the next one and why would they keep trying? This test is annoying and even if you passed it. What does it show? Its just going to give players more reason to support their ideals of mastery rank: being an actual meter of skill. 


TL:DR This rework of mastery rank is ultimately bad for new players because the test is too harsh.

Edited by Calwon5
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I really tried to read what you have posted....... but wait what??!?!?!??!?!


The mastery rank system is bad. Its basically useless. It doesn't do anything beside telling other players you have acquired a lot of weapons and you leveled it up. How is this rework any more different than the one we have? It seems like it's just going to give new players more work to do. They reach max level with a weapon and theres a test for it? My god... what kind of grind is this?


As you can tell im not mad. Just really confused why in the world would anyone want this to be developed.



Upon reading the really bad format big chunk of text. It seems like this test for your weapons when it reached to 30 is a hassle. So if you fail it? The test gets harder? If I failed the first one. How would I pass the harder test?

I will try to do some editing from your post ti understand you got the wrong idea and i should have been more clear on my details.

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If you make people take a test based on the weapon they've mastered...that's not going to work. A) As someone already stated, that's a crap load of more grinding B) It still is not really a way of showing how one has mastered the weapon because C) Not every weapon is loved by every one. For example I love my aksomati but I hated lvl'ing the akvasto. Even though I love dual wielding weapons I do not enjoy all of them. So, now you'd be making me take a test with a weapon I am not really comfortable using...also in turn you're taking away the huge freedom of choice that Warframe gives us, which is the best thing since sliced bread. That's the thing about warframe...we're presented with a large variety of frames, weapons, sentinels and pets to choose from so that everyone can find what they like. And the thing with that is you kind of have to go through many weapons and frames in order to find out which is up to your play style as well as what is best used for what scenario you're going to be faced with. 

I do agree that the mastery rank isn't the greatest thing and it does seem to be kind of broken with how all you need to do is just be able to lvl things up and do a test in the end...however, I'm kind of glad it is the way it is right now. 

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I tell you my opinion on this.


This idea wont work just because it makes the game even more grindy than it already is.( Trust me is really annoying) 


I'm MR 19 and i know it doesnt mean skill but it means content played, so a player that is mr 19 is most likely to know what to do than a mr 5 just because he/she has more experience in the game.

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What about players who grinded for 2 or more years to get to the MR they want. Ever thought about the hard work they put in. Easier said then done.

This^^ Ridicolous to destroy 2 years of grind and work

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Even with the changes you propose it doesn't make it less annoying it gets worse, ¿since when modding requires skill?¿since when killing requires skill?


I dont think you get the fact that warframe is farming simulator space ninja edition, all you do is farming in warframe and adding more grind to the game is only good depending on the type of grind it is.


There are around 211 weapons in the game right now and your idea will make players do the same freaking test 211+ times just to get to max rank, let me ask you¿how many hours will it take players to do that? i like farming and all but your idea is just not appropriated to the game and i know you want Mastery rank to mean something in the community but this is not the way to do it. Warframe is not base around experience or mastery is based around knowledge of the mechanics is build upon, if you know how the mechanics of the gear you are using work thats all that matter to accomplish your goals in this game.


Sorry for my bad english.

Edited by SoulKing009
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Even with the changes you propose it doesn't make it less annoying it gets worse, ¿since when modding requires skill?¿since when killing requires skill?


I dont think you get the fact that warframe is farming simulator space ninja edition, all you do is farming in warframe and adding more grind to the game is only good depending on the type of grind it is.


There are around 211 weapons in the game right now and your idea will make players do the same freaking test 211+ times just to get to max rank, let me ask you¿how many hours will it take players to do that? i like farming and all but your idea is just not appropriated to the game and i know you want Mastery rank to mean something in the community but this is not the way to do it. Warframe is not base around experience or mastery is based around knowledge of the mechanics is build upon, if you know how the mechanics of the gear you are using work thats all that matter to accomplish your goals in this game.


Sorry for my bad english.

while your point is valid i would like to hear your proposition.Because my 2nd idea on this was have the same system but you only get 1 test and that is once you max the current rank to go up a rank.were you get a mission and you choose your weapons from all the Weapons you master rank to get to max rank.and then you enter the battlefield with requirements so you have to at least use your weapons to try to learn the mechanics,


The reason why i am suggesting this because the game does provide for rewards by your master such as weapons but if master rank means nothing already because it could just be a team that ran draco(meaning only used powers to rank 30 their weapons) 

The weapon you supposedly master rank you never really master and sometimes you didn't even use it.


But apart from getting more trade and access to some weapon around master rank 8,master rank stops playing its role so i don't see it being hassle since your not required to master rank unless you want a specific weapon cause not all weapon but handful are master rank lock.

Edited by Leavith
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while your point is valid i would like to hear your proposition.Because my 2nd idea on this was have the same system but you only get 1 test and that is once you max the current rank to go up a rank.were you get a mission and you choose your weapons from all the Weapons you master rank to get to max rank.and then you enter the battlefield with requirements so you have to at least use your weapons to try to learn the mechanics,


The reason why i am suggesting this because the game does provide for rewards by your master such as weapons but if master rank means nothing already because it could just be a team that ran draco(meaning only used powers to rank 30 their weapons) 

The weapon you supposedly master rank you never really master and sometimes you didn't even use it.

Do we really need to master the weapons we use? is there a meaning for that? showing and skill bar that proves how much skill you have with each weapons you use has now use in the game specially with high end players since whe im hosting mission i dont care about skill i just want teammates to know what to do and when to do it.


This game does provide "reward" for mastery rank as you said which are loadouts, relays, weapons restricted by mastery(which you can get them all at mastery 8) and other stuff which have close to no effect in the game whatsoever. so making mastery points harder to get will not only make the game more grindy for veterans but also more dificult for newbie players.

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Do we really need to master the weapons we use? is there a meaning for that? showing and skill bar that proves how much skill you have with each weapons you use has now use in the game specially with high end players since whe im hosting mission i dont care about skill i just want teammates to know what to do and when to do it.


This game does provide "reward" for mastery rank as you said which are loadouts, relays, weapons restricted by mastery(which you can get them all at mastery 8) and other stuff which have close to no effect in the game whatsoever. so making mastery points harder to get will not only make the game more grindy for veterans but also more dificult for newbie players.

1st question i feel like if the when the game says that we are warriors who master gun and blades,and then gives u a system that measure how many times we have max rank different weapons.i would say yes,and the reason as such is i feel like we should be required to master every weapon specially if we get a symbol that says you master your weapon.

2nd The meaning to it is because we are kind of like graded and giving a result for mastering our weapons i mean.Is call master rank and we get experience for it from master ranking our weapon,But if we never use that weapon and skip it altogether ,but get the points and experience points for a higher master rank should we get awarded for it?


Now on the comment that follows while in you decision when hosting you expect your players to do their job,i would like a clear badge or tag on them that says hey this player knows how to do their job and can do it in all forms.

Also in my experience i seen Groups and clans say we want master rank ??? for our situation,but that just joke if master rank means nothing.


Now you mention it would only get harder well that kind of the point when you learn to make a cake how do you get better by making harder cakes.

Now if you do understand in my refresh edited post getting harder does not mean harder enemies but means you will be handicap but none of the handicap makes the player not be able to fight using their weapon they have ranked.SO i am not sure how it will get harder.It will be more time consuming that is all it will be.


I have been playing for 2 years and i am only master rank 11 i only use warframes,weapons,sentinals,kubrows and stuff i have use for.I dislike using weapons i don't want or warframes i don't want.

And in no way will this affect me.All the weapons i am own i am skilled with them,if i use a weapon i don't like by the chance that i wanted to see how it works i get it to master rank and then sell it but i try to use it not just Exp farm.

As a veteran player this test will only be hard if i became to over reliant on using everything else except my weapon.

I would like to let master rank reflect performance ,diversity,and skill

And the way it is now is just represent farming.


Now as for the 2 years i been playing i have no issue farming or grinding cause i only go as i mention for things i like and want.

Since master rank means nothing why would i want to master rank 19 

Now this will fix one thing many people argue to not give weapon certain master rank or rewards for master rank because they don't mean anything

,but now that they do hold meaning stuff like this will be available and would be fair and appropriate if we have access to it.

Edited by Leavith
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I don't see why you want this other than stripping high rank players of their rank. It was tough to get to MR 18. It took many hours of playing. It'd be awfully hard to play for all those hours, and not get good at modding weapons and such...


When I got to the higher mastery ranks, there were so many mastery points needed for each new rank, that I for a while, gave up on mastery. At level 13. 14. 15. 16. 17..and now at 18. I only got to 18 because a friend of mine who had always been lower ranked than me, got to 18 (Hi S0V3REiGN).... Resulting in.....Many, many hours played with no attempt to gain mastery at all.


Certain tests have powers severely nerfed. You cant use Frost bubbles on a cryopod on the cryopod tests. It works, but doesn't slow the enemies down at all. You cant use mesa's peacemaker on the MR19 test, it has a limited range..

Edited by -CMF-crazylexi
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While I agree that MR really does not equal skill, your suggestion seems like a whole lot of extra grind. It is also extremely unfair to wipe MR away from players in your idea. Kind of a slap in the face imo.

They are weapons I loved leveling and still use and weapons I did not care for at all that just seemed to drag out. Those I don't want to ever use again much less take test for them. While I agree there needs to be something else to gauge skill I would not prefer this route.

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I don't see why you want this other than stripping high rank players of their rank. It was tough to get to MR 18. It took many hours of playing. It'd be awfully hard to play for all those hours, and not get good at modding weapons and such...


When I got to the higher mastery ranks, there were so many mastery points needed for each new rank, that I for a while, gave up on mastery. At level 13. 14. 15. 16. 17..and now at 18. I only got to 18 because a friend of mine who had always been lower ranked than me, got to 18 (Hi S0V3REiGN).... Resulting in.....Many, many hours played with no attempt to gain mastery at all.


Certain tests have powers severely nerfed. You cant use Frost bubbles on a cryopod on the cryopod tests. It works, but doesn't slow the enemies down at all. You cant use mesa's peacemaker on the MR19 test, it has a limited range..

Well maybe i didn't make it clear,but your weapon and experiance with the weapon is not lost all you loose is the rank if you want your rank back all you got to do is take some test to get their,At most it will take you an hour to get back your rank.

The Rank 0 is just to make sure that anyone who ranked in any way that they didn't use their weapon at all and just as an example draco exp farmed it would now have to use it if they want the rank up.

The codex has the record of you having rank 30 the weapon you don't have to again ,all you have to do is take a test and you get the experience.

And as for the Max rank test if you have already taken it you don't have to again


While I agree that MR really does not equal skill, your suggestion seems like a whole lot of extra grind. It is also extremely unfair to wipe MR away from players in your idea. Kind of a slap in the face imo.

They are weapons I loved leveling and still use and weapons I did not care for at all that just seemed to drag out. Those I don't want to ever use again much less take test for them. While I agree there needs to be something else to gauge skill I would not prefer this route.

Well is just a wipe and is not huge grind lets consider how long a mission will take when rushing them,about how many enemies do you kill a mission me an average of 50 enemies usually get 3 headshots in,and usually melee i choose the average terminology for me and i see a lot people always go for more,

Now like you said a huge grind is just a small mission test not even grind your basically playing the game while it not be to your most optimal love your not forced to search for higher master rank in the present game so i not rush TO GRIND FOR SOME MINUTES UNTIL YOU GET YOUR MASTER RANK BACK not even a time consumption survival mission.By the time people hit wave 60 in a mission you would probably be done i mean yeah rewards can be given in the mission as well as credits just to appease.

The reason as such you cannot just completely rush the mission by running but if you get skilled enough to run and shoot this mission will be easy.


Now i hope you understand that you won't have to re-level your weapon your codex is the door that says hey you meet the rank 30 weapon requirement do you want to take a test on it for the experience to master rank a


Now while it may look unfair is fair because everyone is getting the treatment,Is justified since Master rank Already has no value,SO their is really no lost to start of with,What would happend if master rank finally got a real value is content and Places ca finally be more coordinated to match official master rank not just full fledged freedom ,but since of progress needs to exist to get to that freedom.The sense of progress will keep the game alive more.

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