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My Parent's Cat [Storytime Cause I Cant Sleep Anymore]


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true story:

It's past 1am and i lay awake in a bed in the 2nd floor of my parent's house for almost an hour now. the room basically is the attic with dormer. nothing unusual.

ok, that's where i am right at the moment.

i was laying half awake/asleep in the bed and all of a sudden i heard a noise and i thought a roof tile broke and slid down the roof. for some reason the roof tile hasnt hit the ground. no sound of an impact on the ground etc. very odd.


a few second later i heard a very silent *meow* did it hit the cat?


another *meow*  seems to be alive.


*meow* it get s closer.


*meow* sounds like the cat of my parents is right next to me wtf o.O


*MEOW* this cant be...


i take a look out of the window and i see zorro (the cat) right in front of me. only ~1meter away o.O

in the fking 2. floor, on the roof. slope of the roof ~40-50°


i cant sleep anymore and look every 10minutes out of the window.


stupid cat but still he has 8 lifes left. 


no related picture. i had to catch a frightened cat.


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