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Low Fps When Hosting.


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Hi, as the title says, i've been suffering this bug since the last two weeks aprox, and i thought it was just me, but i was asking today in the general chat and seems there is many people with the same problem. My FPS goes from 100 - 120 when i join a match, to 30 - 45 when i'm hosting. The most annoying thing is, the more people join my session, the lower FPS i get. 



I've been doing some test with a friend today, and i can confirm when he host the game runs perfectly smooth, but when i do, it runs like crap. Even disabling some graphics filters doesn't make any difference, the FPS are the same. This problem is destroying the entire experience with this game, and i'm really looking forward to fix it as soon as possible, because i really have some game-breaking lag when i join a match, and i found myself on a situation with apparently, no solution.



I'm running the game on a:

Nvidia 580GTX DirectCU II (Last drivers avaliable 



Intel i7 2600k 4.4 (oc)

8gb DDR3 G.Skill 1866 

120hz monitor 1080p

Windows 7 Ultimate

Please, devs, take a look into that problem, because it's a real gamebreaker that needs to be fixed as soon as possible in my opinion.





Edited by ZoSo
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Most likely it's because your comp's specs aren't...


*looks at list*


Uh...yeah. You shouldn't be having any issues. I'm not sure what's going on there...I can have a bit of a performance drop while hosting, but I don't think its ever gone below 40 fps and I only have a 3GHz quad. 

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I just don't get why i must get even 1 FPS less when hosting, the game should run exactly the same when hosting or joining. I've been hosting games for my friends and other people from years, and this is the first time i get an bug like that. 

Edited by ZoSo
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bump, having the same problem here. PC specs are as follows:


gtx680 DCII OC

i5 3570k 4.5ghz OC

8gb Corsair 1600mhz

Win 7 Professional 64bit


Ive got all the latest drivers and updates installed, been banging my head against this problem for a couple weeks now.

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They need to upgrade their Netcode, as far as I know when you are hosting you are practically doubling your CPU usage ( And the game is a single thread too :P). You guys with Intel's shouldn't even have an issue, I have a GTX 670 and an FX-8120 ( Don't laugh) and I get even MORE Fps drops when hosting.


So yeah, definitly needs a fix. In the meantime try not to be the poor guy that gets to host *cough* Void runs *cough*

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I'm "glad" to see i'm not the only one. That means is a problem with the game and not with my PC. Hopefully we will get a fix if there are enough requests.



In the meantime, i had a performance boost by disabling the 64 bits mode and DX11 from the launcher, hope it helps. 

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You know big the issue is?! 
In Missions like Kappa and Orokin towers my fps tends to drop EVEN AT 16!!!!!!!!!! It's @(*()$ bizzare. I am about to flip my table cause i don't know what else to do. 

AMD Radeon 7850 Sapphire. 
Display Memory: 4095 MB
Intel® Core i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.4GHz
8192MB RAM
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

I can even do whatever the F*** i want with the settings, Low - medium - High & the FPS won't change A BIT. 

Edited by WingsOfGryphin
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Intel i7 2600k 4.4 (oc)



Having the same issue, 1/3 fps when I host.

And here I thought OC-ing my stock i7 2600k might help a bit. Thanks for saving me the effort.

Other than that I have 12GB RAM and 2x GTX 580 SLI, while the average graphic load is < 33% at maximum settings. But for testing the FPS drop issue, I am using the lowest graphic settings.


The CPU monitor shows that Core 1 is at 100%, while Cores 2 - 4 (and the hyperthreads) are pretty much chilling out.



FPS drop is biggest in Mobile Defense Missions like (Ceres) Kiste and (Sedna) Kappa. Easily reproducable, host there, get 3 people to join you, and play through the 3 defense steps. It sometimes is no longer playable on my Battlefield3-ultrasettings-60fps-rig, and game graphic settings are lowest. Please help. This is killing us.


I almost any other mission the FPS drop is bearable, it's not a fun blockade like on Mobile Defense.


In the meantime, please give us a workaround like

- severely limiting view-range

- or a LOD-filter

to unload our CPUs for hosting purposes.


PS: Network performance:

The client's upload in kbytes/sec is the highest I've ever seen in a 4-player-game, 50-88kbyte/sec.

An option to limit netrate would be very welcome too!

Edited by panthe
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  • 7 years later...
On 2013-05-25 at 5:31 AM, ZoSo said:

Hi, as the title says, i've been suffering this bug since the last two weeks aprox, and i thought it was just me, but i was asking today in the general chat and seems there is many people with the same problem. My FPS goes from 100 - 120 when i join a match, to 30 - 45 when i'm hosting. The most annoying thing is, the more people join my session, the lower FPS i get. 



I've been doing some test with a friend today, and i can confirm when he host the game runs perfectly smooth, but when i do, it runs like crap. Even disabling some graphics filters doesn't make any difference, the FPS are the same. This problem is destroying the entire experience with this game, and i'm really looking forward to fix it as soon as possible, because i really have some game-breaking lag when i join a match, and i found myself on a situation with apparently, no solution.



I'm running the game on a:

Nvidia 580GTX DirectCU II (Last drivers avaliable 



Intel i7 2600k 4.4 (oc)

8gb DDR3 G.Skill 1866 

120hz monitor 1080p

Windows 7 Ultimate

Please, devs, take a look into that problem, because it's a real gamebreaker that needs to be fixed as soon as possible in my opinion.





You are not the only one. 
I have Amd Ryzen 5, Gtx 1660Ti 16gb of ram and ssd for the game but still when i play i have 120 (lock for my hz monitor) fps and when i host i drop to 35 or lower. the game is super unoptimazed after all this years and i think the problem is the engine of the game. they try to change it right now and they have put beta option on the launcer. Lets hope they fix this one day.

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