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S|Laughter Is Recruiting.


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Okay so we're looking for a couple of players, mostly to help out with research costs and to give us some more people to invite to things. We have a clan badge as you can see, it is avalible in-game. If you want to use it that's entirely optional. We're trying to keep a very relaxed feel to this. 


We're not in any alliance and we don't bother with the Dark sector BS, it's a total waste of time in our opinion.


Reply here if you're interested in joining but read below first to know what you're getting into. 


It's run by myself and a second in command called aliceris.


Our dojo has everything except the Knux research. 


What we are looking for:


"someone active that isn't a creep or a $&*^ and is willing to donate to clan tech and S#&$"


Newbies? We have nothing against newer players, but we don't want nothing BUT new players in the clan. We would like people that can hold their own and contribute. 


HOWEVER, if you are a new player by all means post here about joining. I have no idea what kind of reply I'll get to this so be as well trying your luck. We don't have any sort of MR requirement.


Voice chat is optional. If it happens it will be through Skype. I don't normally do voice chats though due to crappy internet, and Ali is sorta iffy about people in general so don't join expecting it to happen a lot. 


We would like someone who is active. Most of the people in the clan are mates of mine that play for an hour every time the planets align properly. I feel bad about booting them, but we do need some more active players to keep things running for now. I personally am active maybe once or twice a week, normally on weekends. 


Ali is active when she's active. As I said this is mostly a relax clan that we originally only really build to get access to the clan based stuff. We will help out in runs and such but if you want a clan that's running 24/7 look elsewhere. With that being said if we get enough active players to join we might become more active? Who knows.


You can be antisocial if you want. We don't want people to feel forced to talk to us, if you just want to be in for the research and trading that's cool as long as you contribute when you can. Don't just join, get the research and leave. We are generally friendly though, we just don't want anyone to feel obligated to talk and be all social and stuff. 


Lastly, if you go inactive for ~50 days without giving either myself or someone else a heads up, you will be removed if needed. If you decide to give another member a heads up, please make sure that they will pass the message on to me. I don't want to boot people for no reason at all. Ali has agreed to be a middle man between you guys and myself. If you need something from me and I'm nowhere to be seen, send your questions/requests whatever to her and she can relay it to me. 


If you have any questions, post here and I'll answer em asap. Don't PM me or Ali cuz I don't check my PM's much and she'll only middleman people in the clan. 


Thankz for reading this wall of text.

Edited by DecapitatingJim
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Um, I've recently started playing again (Played when the game came out so I only have Loki) and I think the ideas for clans and relay are really cool, so I'd like to join if you're still recruiting. Sorry being a few months late :p


I'm not exactly a hardcore player, (only have around 50 hrs in), but I'm starting to play more (around every other day, and weekends I'll probably play a few hours if I can). [iGN: Somakon, SInce Somako was taken :( ]

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Awesome, it seems like a clan or someone named otaru asked me to join their clan. I don't think that's you guys... Right? Don't want to join the wrong clan by mistake :p

It's not no. I have no idea who that person is ;D


As long as you're cool with the idea that our clan is very relaxed and will most likely be inactive at times you're more than welcome to join. Like I said in the OP, if you're looking for one of those 24/7 round the clock clans then we're most definitely not what you're looking for :P


Sent you an invite so it's yer call if you're gonna join or not. 

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