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Idea To Replace Life Support


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LS is in place to prevent campers

But LS is also the thing that makes survival so boring.

Solution: Anti-camp spray!

- What I mean by "anti-camp spray" is a gaming mechanism that basically flushes players out if they get too comfortable in one place for too long.

- If a player stays in a room (or location) for too long (say 5 minutes), the games response is to spawn SUPER units. (Energy Leach Bombard Manic Nullifier Eximus for example). These units have one goal: wreck the Tenno at all costs.

- Tenno have the choice to stay and fight or flee. Gaining enough distance between the player(s) and the super units will cause the super units to despawn. Staying and fighting will put the Tenno at a higher risk of death, but grants a fun challenge for players who want a little more challenge from the game.

- These super units could have heightened, or even exclusive drops.

- Super units replaces life support entirely.

- Super units get compoundingly tougher and tougher, each time the Tenno triggers them. Provides a very high risk vs. reward scenario, where attempted camping could mean instant death by a very powerful foe.

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You say that super units is to prevent camping, but provide incentive to spawn in super units by giving them exclusive equipment.


Camping for short periods of time itself is not bad. LS punishes both short term and long term campers. The real issue is the passive and AFK play campers. The ones that exploit mechanics and group combinations to essentially sit and do nothing for 40 minutes. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with players who want to anchor down in a room for a small period of time and play actively. There is a good reason to do this actually. A lot of players will move room to room, killing enemies and searching for loot lockers, containers, and secret rooms in the void.

We need to be real as well. Players will take breaks. They won't endlessly run around for a full survival (some will, most won't). So going back to my original statement that short term camping is not bad - Players can choose to anchor down and hold a room for 5 minutes to trigger the spawn and be rewarded for it. However, AFK and passive play players who will constantly be triggering these super units will find themselves constantly having to change rooms, or having to actually play to face a unit whose purposes is to undo exploits and group mechanisms.

The fact they they would compound in strength means bad news bears for AFK and passive players. Camping would essentially mean their death.

Edited by (XB1)G R A V O C
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Your idea to remove life support and replace it with this is flawed in many ways. First off, you actually would give reasons for players to actually want to go AFK or play passively because these super units presents a reward to do so. Secondly, how is this going to replace life support? Everyone could just run around as valkyr for the whole entire time running from room to room without having to trigger these super units. People could infinitely stay in T1 Survival infinitely because they don't have to kill a single unit. You may have eliminated camping, but you also created a entirely new setr of problems that can be easily exploited.

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