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De, Please Add An Option To Use Old Alt Fire Control Scheme


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I know, that many people wanted zoom on weapons with alt fire, but I'm sure there are also people like me - who prefer to have zoom and alt fire on the same button.


Please make a separate binding for "Alt fire / Zoom". So, we'll have "Zoom" button, "Alt fire" button and "Zoom / Alt fire" button (in the same manner, as "Roll", "Sprint", "Roll / Sprint" buttons).

Or just change "Alt fire" button to to act like a "Zoom" for weapons without alternative fire mode.

Edited by AlienOvermind
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THANK YOU! This has been bothering me like CRAZY. It totally ruined penta all alt-fire weapons for me. it means i need a THIRD button to blow stuff up, and it's not very natural to middle click, especially when middle click buttons are usually stiffer. Not to mention, makes my right click completely useless. Seriously, why do you need to zoom on a penta, or castanas, etc? They are AOE, so precision shots are not necessary. What I propose is the following:

1) Allow binding Alt-fire and Zoom to the same button like how you can bind "Quick Melee" and "Melee Attack" to the same key.
2) When they are bound to the same button, make Alt-fire supersede Zoom

This proposal means people who want the "old" alt-fire system just needs to bind to same key. It will also NOT affect people who prefer to use separate buttons (like now) as all they have to do is bind to different keys. Penta was one of my favourite weapons and with this "new" system, it has become unusable. I implore you to change it. Please.

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There are some weapons for which alt-fire and zoom conflict shouldn't exist in the first place. Harpak and Paracyst could work just like Ballistica: hold down to charge and release before charge has finished for regular burst. Quanta, Mutalist Quanta and Panthera could use regular fire when zoomed and alt-fire (which doesn't require much precision for these weapons) when out of zoom.

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