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[WC] Nzeru: The Neuromancer - Artwork and Thanks


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Thanks. In time, I need to remove some of the troll friendly mechanics from Somatic Link (it didn't occur to me when I came up with it, since I don't troll squad members).

How to make Nzeru PVP capable is a subject for another time.

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Nzeru could use some feedback for those who are more familiar with my Ushtar concept. (I'm not ignoring people who've commented there! Just hoping to have a substantial update to his kit before I bump it.)

I accidentally broke her spoilers...again. Tried to fix them all one by one, and accomplished nothing. Blah.


-Trollable traits of Somatic Link have been toned way down (I didn't realize this was trollable initially).

She still needs passives, since I've scrubbed her old ones for now.

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  • 2 months later...

Nzeru went through another round of WF subreddit review, and mainly it came down to her being similar to Nyx. Overall, her abilities seemed to pass muster, or at least not be overpowered.

I've lowered her health values as per one suggestion, though.

Previously she had Ash levels of health: 150/450

Now she has levels comparable to Ivara: 75/225

At some point, I will make new Splash Pages for her, but I'd appreciate any further feedback. She still needs a passive. 

I'm not really looking for more opinions that she's similar to Nyx. Why?

I'm glad you asked!

I see Nyx and Nzeru as yin and yang. Similar, but opposite forces.

Nyx: Crowd Control and massive damage through offensive chaos.

Nzeru: Stealth support and strategic strikes through pacification.

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On July 12, 2016 at 0:42 AM, Rhekemi said:

Nzeru went through another round of WF subreddit review, and mainly it came down to her being similar to Nyx. Overall, her abilities seemed to pass muster, or at least not be overpowered.

I've lowered her health values as per one suggestion, though.

Previously she had Ash levels of health: 150/450

Now she has levels comparable to Ivara: 75/225

At some point, I will make new Splash Pages for her, but I'd appreciate any further feedback. She still needs a passive. 

I'm not really looking for more opinions that she's similar to Nyx. Why?

I'm glad you asked!

I see Nyx and Nzeru as yin and yang. Similar, but opposite forces.

Nyx: Crowd Control and massive damage through offensive chaos.

Nzeru: Stealth support and strategic strikes through pacification.

Personally I feel as if Nyx and Nzeru are nothing alike in my opinion 

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/5/2016 at 0:34 AM, (PS4)CrazyWill718 said:

Happy Birthday Nzeru

Much appreciated.

Trying to remake her first post with new splash pages as well as Ushtar’s…at some point, but of these WIPs, which is better?

Click the image for higher resolution/clearer image/words.




Icons by @MrPigman , BGs by DE, everything else is me.

I did a little bit of tweaking with the icons. The white represents enemies, the black represents Nzeru.

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Really nice concept, though it seems slow paced for Warframe. Gameplay wise this warframe would struggle with usual 'rush' style of a team, but still it is much better than boring clone concepts that does not provide new playstyles, but just give some visual flavor.


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On ‎9‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 8:50 AM, -MNT-Erlking said:

Really nice concept, though it seems slow paced for Warframe. Gameplay wise this warframe would struggle with usual 'rush' style of a team, but still it is much better than boring clone concepts that does not provide new playstyles, but just give some visual flavor.


Thank you. :) I can't disagree with the speed issues. Could come up with some minimal fixes, but two of her abilities require some setup regardless. (2 & 4)

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After some thinking I decided to write up some notes and suggestions on Nzeru, that can make her more unique and easier to play.

I see current abilities as unwieldy and too close to Nyx's ones gameplay wise. Some of her abilities are too weak and some are really awkward.

Here are some thoughts and ideas to change her abilities:

1) Signal Block:
Single target accuracy debuff is way too weak for power and that part definitely need different effect.

1a) Blindspot:
It create blindspot in enemies perception, obscuring Nzeru and her teammates. Versus alerted enemies Nzeru use more focused version of power and block single enemy perception completely, leaving victim blind and deaf.


• Ability deals zero damage 
• Single target attack with limited AOE
• Single Target Range: 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 meters 
• AOE Range: 5 / 7 / 8 / 10 meters  
• Cast Time: 1 seconds 
• Energy Cost: 25 
• Re-castable 
• Corpus Nullfiers are immune

On UNALERTED enemies:

• AOE affect un-alerted enemies with hearing/sight/memory loss
• Affected enemies ignore players
• Duration: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 seconds 
• The attack benefits squad as long as they don’t enter new enemy’s LOS

On ALERTED enemies:

• AOE does not affect anyone
• Blind and deafen target
• Duration: 5 / 6 / 8 / 10 seconds

Blindspot have same stealth function, but have some combat applications too.

2) Network
This ability will be very awkward to use. While good in theory seeing enemies through walls, without seeing level details is actually very confusing. Sometimes you can't tell if enemy behind wall or not. Recent example - kavat power that was highlighting enemies with bright purple.
Another concern is "Nzeru and allies can cast their abilities on networked enemies outside normal range" - it will work only on small range of powers. While it provide relatively small benefit to lesser powers, Ash will be way too happy with his Bladestorm.

Also it is not clear how this power actually work:
- Is linking enemies one time thing or it is aura, that affect enemies when they walk in range?
- If it is one time thing, what is purpose of node itself?
- If it is constant aura thing then coupling with infinite duration this power is OP as hell.
- Does AoE powers, that require line of sight affect targets? I mean it could mean return of Radial Blind / Mirage disco ball stunlocking whole level through walls.

2a) Neuro Scanner:
I suggest this as replacement to Network - remove stun part, make it full utility and move node-link part to third power.
On N.Scanner cast Nzeru launch scanning pulse from target spot, that send wave like Sonar. It highlight enemies in power range and make them visible through walls for 1-2 seconds, then leave small halo around head area of each enemy, that is visible through walls for 20 seconds (small halo markers wouldn't be so confusing as full enemies).
Applied crowd control powers and status effects have extra 50% duration on marked enemies.

Selected number of warframe powers can target these halo markers to cast powers at enemies through walls:
- Nyx Mind Control.
- Trinity Energy Vampire.
- Nekros Soul Punch.
- Ash Teleport.
- Loki Switch Teleport.
- Nzeru Blindspot.

• Range: 12 / 15 / 18 / 20 meters 
• Duration: 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 seconds 
• Cast Time: 1 seconds, one-handed cast.
• Energy Cost: 25
• Re-castable

In other words Neuro Scanner is spammable alternative to Sonar, but with control/status boost instead of damage bonus.

3) Serenity
Sorry, but it is just Chaos with different flavour. Stealth effect is redundant with first power. I want to suggest completely different power.

3a) Feedback Retranslator.
Nzeru throw/shoot retranslator to target spot, that link to all enemies in range. When status effect applied to one linked enemy, retranslator apply it to all linked enemies. Set one enemy on fire and every linked foe will feel like being burned alive and panic.
Retranslator work as aura - enemies link to node when they enter range and unlink when they exit.
Only one retranslator can be active, it can be attached to enemy or ally like Ivara arrows.

If Nzeru cast Blindspot on linked enemy, it destroy Feedback Retranslator, but apply Blindspot to all linked enemies.

• Limit one status type sharing pulse per 1 second (similar to Banshee Sonar Resonanse limitation).
• Range: 12 / 15 / 18 / 20 meters 
• Duration: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 seconds 
• Cast Time: 1 second
• Energy Cost: 50
• Re-castable

Feedback Retranslator is unique control power/booster.

4) Somatic Link
I don't think that this power can work as you described. I understand desire to make body-stealing puppet master, but I don't think that direct enemy controlling is easy to implement. So while while your idea sounds great I want to try to come with concept that is more possible gameplay wise.

4a) Hi-Jack Virus
Channeling weapon power. After cast Nzeru equip Neuro-jack - melee weapon with whip moveset. Neuro-jack deal mediocre damage, but have 100% knockdown chance on channeling strikes.
Charge attacks, stealth and ground finishers with Neuro-jack disable enemies and ready them for reprogramming - continious action by 'Use' action, similar to Inaros devouring.

Reprogramming cost 10 energy per second and require 5 seconds to be completed. During that time Nzeru is vulnurable and interrupted reprogramming have to be started anew.
Alternative idea - it cost 5 energy per second and start "hack" minigame, similar to hacking downed bursa.
Successful reprogramming kills the enemy and spawn friendly Specter, permanently (or just very long - 5 minutes at least). Every jacked corpus or grineer enemy give 500 credit. Also successful jack open any locked container in 50m range and give temporary cipher, that exist till end of mission and can be used to hack consoles.

 There could be up to 4 Specters at same time, they have 400% of health/armor, but disarmed, if they had any weapons.

Unallerted enemies ignore reprogrammed Specters and Specters does not attack unalerted enemies. Nzeru is invisible when she is in 5m range from a Specter.
When you strike Specter with channeled Neuro-Jack it will drop it's weapon, charge toward closest enemy, disable it and start to reprogramm it for 10 seconds. If Nzeru send several Specters, then each will choose different target.
Enemies jacked by specters become ally ones for 20 seconds, after that they die.

Idea behind the Hi-Jack Virus is horror movie The Cell - first you catch lone ones, then use them to subdue rest. In the end everyone will be under your control, muahahAHAHA.

Overall I see Nzeru playstyle this way:
She walk through level, casting Neural Scanners to check on enemies - then she use Blindspot to walk unnoticed or to Jack some unlucky lone guard. After she will get several bodyguards-puppets Nzeru can send puppets to capture other enemies.

When it comes to direct confrontation Nzeru use N.Retranslator and Blindspot to disable enemies and kill or Hi-Jack them while they helpless.


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Wow. A lot of good ideas. In some areas I completely disagree, but that is normal.

Thanks for the detailed, thoughtful feedback.

As per usual, while I'm working this afternoon/tonight I'll keep digesting your post and get back to you when I can.

I will also confer with my collaborator Krion112. I did create Nzeru alone, but Network was his core design/idea and I liked it.  


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On ‎9‎/‎22‎/‎2016 at 7:44 AM, -MNT-Erlking said:

After some thinking I decided to write up some notes and suggestions on Nzeru, that can make her more unique and easier to play.

I see current abilities as unwieldy and too close to Nyx's ones gameplay wise. Some of her abilities are too weak and some are really awkward.

Before I begin, I would like to thank you again for taking the time to provide detailed and insightful feedback.


Here are some thoughts and ideas to change her abilities:

1) Signal Block:
Single target accuracy debuff is way too weak for power and that part definitely need different effect.

1a) Blindspot:
It create blindspot in enemies perception, obscuring Nzeru and her teammates. Versus alerted enemies Nzeru use more focused version of power and block single enemy perception completely, leaving victim blind and deaf.

This functionality already exists in Signal Block:

"Nzeru blocks signals in enemies’ brains/CPUs, cutting off sensory, memory, and recognition information. Enables stealth whether or not Nzeru has been seen. Enemy remains un-alerted for the duration of the effect."

Meaning they see and hear, but don't recognize what they see or hear. Nzeru prevents their brains from making those links, blocks their neurological signals, and they are effectively blind, deaf.

The accuracy debuff only affects alert targets, and encourages players to stay sharp. But it's also a handy disarm for single targets, perfect for combat applications if the chance triggers. Range enemies that hit hard like Bombards, Gunners and Snipers would be forced to melee, or miss their otherwise deadly shots.

Used alone or in conjunction with Network, her first power is quite strong.


2) Network
This ability will be very awkward to use. While good in theory seeing enemies through walls, without seeing level details is actually very confusing. Sometimes you can't tell if enemy behind wall or not. Recent example - kavat power that was highlighting enemies with bright purple.

Ah, I don't have that type of kavat, but will consider updating the mechanic. Generally, though, enemies stay within levels described on the mission when we load into it.


Another concern is "Nzeru and allies can cast their abilities on networked enemies outside normal range" - it will work only on small range of powers. While it provide relatively small benefit to lesser powers, Ash will be way too happy with his Bladestorm.

Seeing as I've admitted in the OP that the power needs a definitive list of powers it can and cannot interact with, this criticism is only half right. Until the list is complete, I can't comment further.

I will say that I'll definitely keep abuse of certain ultimates in mind.


Also it is not clear how this power actually work:
- Is linking enemies one time thing or it is aura, that affect enemies when they walk in range?
- If it is one time thing, what is purpose of node itself?
- If it is constant aura thing then coupling with infinite duration this power is OP as hell.

Outlined in the OP: Any enemy within 15 meters of a node is linked due to their proximity to that node.

Any enemy 15 meters in proximity of the previously linked enemy is then linked to that enemy (and by default back to the node).

Enemies may link up to 3 new enemies.

That said, with a better understanding of cheese this year (that I didn't have last year), I see your point's about needing some hard limitations. Will address it in a rework.


- Does AoE powers, that require line of sight affect targets? I mean it could mean return of Radial Blind / Mirage disco ball stunlocking whole level through walls.

Good points.


2a) Neuro Scanner:
I suggest this as replacement to Network - remove stun part, make it full utility and move node-link part to third power.
On N.Scanner cast Nzeru launch scanning pulse from target spot, that send wave like Sonar. It highlight enemies in power range and make them visible through walls for 1-2 seconds, then leave small halo around head area of each enemy, that is visible through walls for 20 seconds (small halo markers wouldn't be so confusing as full enemies).

A halo is more confusing than a full enemy highlight. Players would have no idea what enemy unit they are seeing.

That said, let's see where this power goes.


Applied crowd control powers and status effects have extra 50% duration on marked enemies.

Selected number of warframe powers can target these halo markers to cast powers at enemies through walls:
- Nyx Mind Control.
- Trinity Energy Vampire.
- Nekros Soul Punch.
- Ash Teleport.
- Loki Switch Teleport.
- Nzeru Blindspot.

• Range: 12 / 15 / 18 / 20 meters 
• Duration: 10 / 12 / 13 / 15 seconds 
• Cast Time: 1 seconds, one-handed cast.
• Energy Cost: 25
• Re-castable

In other words Neuro Scanner is spammable alternative to Sonar, but with control/status boost instead of damage bonus.

This is quite good, and helps to better define the kinds of powers that should work on enemies.

I actually keep a list of warframe power types (based on the list DE gave us when creating the modular Corpus) and I might be able to use that as a classification system here:

---perception powers

---buff/debuff powers

---damage powers

---mobility powers

I really like your thoughts on this, but would more than likely keep Network's core form and functions (with added limitations to prevent infinite god mode and cheese).

I can't say I won't add some damage powers to the list, but they would more likely be those less used powers (thus allowing Nzeru to make them powerful, tactical tools).


3) Serenity
Sorry, but it is just Chaos with different flavour. Stealth effect is redundant with first power. I want to suggest completely different power.

See the OP for my feelings on Nyx and Nzeru similarities, but briefly, Chaos is offensive/damage focused control.

Serenity is pacification focused control that reinforces stealth.

They are two completely different playstlyes, polar opposites.

Serenity may need something more than "sleeeeeeeep", though.

I've got some ideas.


3a) Feedback Retranslator.
Nzeru throw/shoot retranslator to target spot, that link to all enemies in range. When status effect applied to one linked enemy, retranslator apply it to all linked enemies. Set one enemy on fire and every linked foe will feel like being burned alive and panic.
Retranslator work as aura - enemies link to node when they enter range and unlink when they exit.
Only one retranslator can be active, it can be attached to enemy or ally like Ivara arrows.

If Nzeru cast Blindspot on linked enemy, it destroy Feedback Retranslator, but apply Blindspot to all linked enemies.

• Limit one status type sharing pulse per 1 second (similar to Banshee Sonar Resonanse limitation).
• Range: 12 / 15 / 18 / 20 meters 
• Duration: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 seconds 
• Cast Time: 1 second
• Energy Cost: 50
• Re-castable

Feedback Retranslator is unique control power/booster.

I like the idea, but as soon as you've got a poor status type (or a poor build, or no status at all), the ability falls short.

I do like the idea, and will consider incorporating it somehow.


4) Somatic Link
I don't think that this power can work as you described. I understand desire to make body-stealing puppet master, but I don't think that direct enemy controlling is easy to implement. So while while your idea sounds great I want to try to come with concept that is more possible gameplay wise.

If you could state the reasons why this would be hard to implement, I'd be interested in hearing them.

I think the active target control has been demonstrated with Ivara's Navigator power.

I think we could easily allow Nzeru to use a wider field if view via the Remote Camera code. Player would be able to both see their target groups and Nzeru/allies, without a claustrophobic first person view.


4a) Hi-Jack Virus
Channeling weapon power. After cast Nzeru equip Neuro-jack - melee weapon with whip moveset. Neuro-jack deal mediocre damage, but have 100% knockdown chance on channeling strikes.
Charge attacks, stealth and ground finishers with Neuro-jack disable enemies and ready them for reprogramming - continious action by 'Use' action, similar to Inaros devouring.

Reprogramming cost 10 energy per second and require 5 seconds to be completed. During that time Nzeru is vulnurable and interrupted reprogramming have to be started anew.
Alternative idea - it cost 5 energy per second and start "hack" minigame, similar to hacking downed bursa.
Successful reprogramming kills the enemy and spawn friendly Specter, permanently (or just very long - 5 minutes at least). Every jacked corpus or grineer enemy give 500 credit. Also successful jack open any locked container in 50m range and give temporary cipher, that exist till end of mission and can be used to hack consoles.

 There could be up to 4 Specters at same time, they have 400% of health/armor, but disarmed, if they had any weapons.

Unallerted enemies ignore reprogrammed Specters and Specters does not attack unalerted enemies. Nzeru is invisible when she is in 5m range from a Specter.
When you strike Specter with channeled Neuro-Jack it will drop it's weapon, charge toward closest enemy, disable it and start to reprogramm it for 10 seconds. If Nzeru send several Specters, then each will choose different target.
Enemies jacked by specters become ally ones for 20 seconds, after that they die.

Idea behind the Hi-Jack Virus is horror movie The Cell - first you catch lone ones, then use them to subdue rest. In the end everyone will be under your control, muahahAHAHA.

I appreciate the depth here, but unfortunately I am not a big fan of abilities that spawn specters. They are little more than meatshields. A few exceptions exist, yes, but overall creating allies from enemies can be lackluster.

Nzeru's focus is active control for stealth applications. It is something every specter (built or spawned from an ability) is currently incapable of.

Is it too ambitious? Maybe. But my gut tells me to stand by it. I do think it needs something extra, though, so I will think on it. If I can use any of your thoughtful suggestions in some way, I will.

I think you have gotten me out of writer's block (and a reluctance to deal with Nzeru's kit).

Thank you.

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3 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

This functionality already exists in Signal Block:

"Nzeru blocks signals in enemies’ brains/CPUs, cutting off sensory, memory, and recognition information. Enables stealth whether or not Nzeru has been seen. Enemy remains un-alerted for the duration of the effect."

I didn't meant that functionality change for un-alarmed part of power, just renamed it to better reflect nature of power.

As for active part of power, I just thought that blind+deaf is stronger debuff, than accuracy decrease + disarm. Considering, that Bombards have target seeking missiles, flamethrowers doesn't caring about accuracy at all and corpus mine throwers F*** you up regardless of accuracy there are plenty of enemy types that won't be affected too much.

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On 9/26/2016 at 9:12 PM, -MNT-Erlking said:

I didn't meant that functionality change for un-alarmed part of power, just renamed it to better reflect nature of power.

Ah, understood. 

On 9/26/2016 at 9:12 PM, -MNT-Erlking said:

As for active part of power, I just thought that blind+deaf is stronger debuff, than accuracy decrease + disarm. Considering, that Bombards have target seeking missiles, flamethrowers doesn't caring about accuracy at all and corpus mine throwers F*** you up regardless of accuracy there are plenty of enemy types that won't be affected too much.

That's a good point (on the accuracy not working on some enemies), but I think the stronger debuff you suggested would make for a kit with less limitations. Nzeru needs some limits. I will consider figuring out how to beef the alerted version without making it work nearly identically to the unalerted version.

19 minutes ago, (PS4)B_Psycho2 said:

Wouldn't it be better to control one enemy, and just make them four times as strong+tough, rather than four at once?

It might. However, my reasoning was:

-Nzeru has options with more targets

-She can sacrifice pawns for distractions while the more valuable piece makes its way to the objective (hacking, an important stealth kill, what have you).

A single, beefed up target would encourage using the puppetry for pure offense, which isn't what I'd like to aim for.

I'll think about it, but why would you rather have a single, beefier target?

Thanks for your interest.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)B_Psycho2 said:

Well, micromanaging 4 targets seems like a lot of work.

It probably would be if it worked that way, but Somatic Link's lets the group follow the actively controlled target (unless you/Nzeru specifies that they don't).

I don't think you'd have to keep switching between targets to manage them unless you need to.

I could see a situation where you could solo the new sabotage using one to draw fire, one to extract/destroy coolant, and one to hack the computers in a sabotage. 

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  • 2 months later...

Pulled the trigger and nuked the entire, broken first post. I've started restoring it, so there is something to look at.

Spoilers now work properly. 

Two new art pieces have been added to the front page.

Still to come: restoring the rest of her information. Adding more of my own splash-page images to condense text. Thank you notes. Patch and revision notes.

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  • 2 months later...


On 12/5/2016 at 9:49 PM, Rhekemi said:

Still to come: restoring the rest of her information. Adding more of my own splash-page images to condense text. Thank you notes. Patch and revision notes.

This is still forthcoming, as is a new look for Nzeru. Time hasn't been on my side with concepts, but it's on the to-do list.

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