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Mistress Asimina (Art Gallery) Updated 4/4/2019


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Neither does Asimina. 


But Saryn is magic, Asi is just vain.


All in all I'd say it fits with the Corpus "why'd you think that outfit was a good idea?"-vibe, even if I like to picture Asimina as drawing from a side of the Corpus that doesn't much care for that kind of thing.

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All in all I'd say it fits with the Corpus "why'd you think that outfit was a good idea?"-vibe, even if I like to picture Asimina as drawing from a side of the Corpus that doesn't much care for that kind of thing.


It's ... a difficult subject. Asimina personally doesn't really care for super elaborate "what the actual - " fashion, but more simple and form fitting one. Don't get me wrong, she still want to look her best, just not "holy hell" type of best.


BUT since she's sort of this authority person who people look up to, and the rest of her peers expect much from her due to status, she often wears the more over the top gowns and attires, as appearance is everything to her.

It's sort of a way to keep everyone pleased: she looks regal enough to wake a certain awe, and the outfits speak to the more ... what's the word, "religious" (??) audience, that the Corpus high-society is full of. They can just go "oh, she's totally one of us, she can barely walk in that dress! " and all is pleased. 


Most of these nutcase-outfits are also gifts given to her, so it's part of the etiquette to wear them in order show appreciation, obviously.


I've been waiting for a excuse to tell this for so long, thank you again, Morec0.



- Also, fun thing: Asimina has removed part of her sacrum and lumbar to make room for an implant that counters most, though not all, negative effects that come from wearing insane heels for centuries.

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I'm still trying to figure out what an Orphid is...


You still upset about the "thing-thing" ?


C'mon, you're better than this. You're the one person i always knew would keep their head cool when new lore was introduced. Get yourself together, you're awesome! 


I accepted the whole thing once i let myself just calm down, it's not that bad. I'm not 100% okay with it but i won't let it hinder my enjoyment of the game. 

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You still upset about the "thing-thing" ?


C'mon, you're better than this. You're the one person i always knew would keep their head cool when new lore was introduced. Get yourself together, you're awesome! 


I accepted the whole thing once i let myself just calm down, it's not that bad. I'm not 100% okay with it but i won't let it hinder my enjoyment of the game. 


There were a lot of thing-things I was ready to accept. But having it be a thing-thing-in-a-chair just... doesn't... sit well with me. It feels very disjointed and makes it kinda hard to really get into the universe knowing that


There's no risk, there's no danger, we're never are nor never were in any threatened position at any time and everything from Lotus getting worried about us when G3 attacked to Zanuka capturing us was completely meaningless. No Tenno were lost to Alad V's experiments, Vor's hunting of us never had any particular meaning... It just... feels WRONG for us to not be IN the Warframe but controlling it from a distance.


I'm ALREADY playing a video game, DE, you don't NEED to go this meta with it!


The game's still fun, but a good chunk of my immersion's having a hard time dealing with this.

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There were a lot of thing-things I was ready to accept. But having it be a thing-thing-in-a-chair just... doesn't... sit well with me. It feels very disjointed and makes it kinda hard to really get into the universe knowing that


There's no risk, there's no danger, we're never are nor never were in any threatened position at any time and everything from Lotus getting worried about us when G3 attacked to Zanuka capturing us was completely meaningless. No Tenno were lost to Alad V's experiments, Vor's hunting of us never had any particular meaning... It just... feels WRONG for us to not be IN the Warframe but controlling it from a distance.


I'm ALREADY playing a video game, DE, you don't NEED to go this meta with it!


The game's still fun, but a good chunk of my immersion's having a hard time dealing with this.


I'm sure DE will pull some explanation out of their sleeve for all/most of that.



I think of as, in a way Lotus doesn't want the Warframe's ending up in the wrong hands. She does mention how their power is "sacred" and she did go as far as hide the frames into cryogenic pods just so no-one else could get to them and they could wait to be used. They still are as important, since the thing-thing is just raw power that needs the Warframe's to channel it correctly


And it's not like they could be completely empty ... but this starts to go into spoiler-territory and speculation. 



If you wanna talk about this just PM me, i'm always eager to listen. I even got my own specultaions starting to brew, maybe will come up with something that doesn't cause BSOD on everyone.

Edited by evergreenmind
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Mostly it just I don't feel like a badass Tenno warrior anymore, I don't even feel like someone whose been THROUGH badass Tenno warrior things and certain... dialogues don't help with that.


I'm honestly having a hard time seeing how a bunch of kids made all these badass warrior culture elements and mastered these Warframes and beat the Sentients and Orokin and everything but STILL talk and think like average kids.


But I may take up your offer on that.

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So like I think the Warframe is its own kind of living entity, kind of like an Evangelion or something, where they are controlled remotely but are still very important living creatures. I also think that there are cases when the mind-link with the Warframe isn't entirely severed when the Warframe is lost, and those are the situations in which the more tragic things happen. And when the mind is lost the body of the Tenno means nothing. Remember Rhino's codex? How the Warframe went berserk? I mean, you could read that as the Tenno mind doing it, but you could also read that as an unbound Warframe, not yet tied to a Tenno, raging about its Frankenstein-ish existence as an experimental lifeform, having no meaning or knowledge of the world around it, etc. IDK, hoping DE has some lore in mind that re-validates the emotional weight of the Warframes themselves.

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So like I think the Warframe is its own kind of living entity, kind of like an Evangelion or something, where they are controlled remotely but are still very important living creatures. I also think that there are cases when the mind-link with the Warframe isn't entirely severed when the Warframe is lost, and those are the situations in which the more tragic things happen. And when the mind is lost the body of the Tenno means nothing. Remember Rhino's codex? How the Warframe went berserk? I mean, you could read that as the Tenno mind doing it, but you could also read that as an unbound Warframe, not yet tied to a Tenno, raging about its Frankenstein-ish existence as an experimental lifeform, having no meaning or knowledge of the world around it, etc. IDK, hoping DE has some lore in mind that re-validates the emotional weight of the Warframes themselves.

^^^ Pretty much how i view it, some things aside.

Kaz, now that i have your attention, what type of goods and/or services do i have to throw into your general direction to see a sketch of Frohd and Asimina together by you?

Just curious UvU

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I agree with Syncrasis' point of view. The Warframe and Tenno are linked but I don't believe the Tenno controll them like machines, be it as they are suits. I believe they are also seperate beings too. There's clearly something going on in the cinematics, especially when the thing happens at the end of the quest [tried my hardest not to spoil anything].

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So like I think the Warframe is its own kind of living entity, kind of like an Evangelion or something, where they are controlled remotely but are still very important living creatures. I also think that there are cases when the mind-link with the Warframe isn't entirely severed when the Warframe is lost, and those are the situations in which the more tragic things happen. And when the mind is lost the body of the Tenno means nothing. Remember Rhino's codex? How the Warframe went berserk? I mean, you could read that as the Tenno mind doing it, but you could also read that as an unbound Warframe, not yet tied to a Tenno, raging about its Frankenstein-ish existence as an experimental lifeform, having no meaning or knowledge of the world around it, etc. IDK, hoping DE has some lore in mind that re-validates the emotional weight of the Warframes themselves.


I agree


I've always believed that the Warframes were living creatures the presence of the Tenno mind somehow kept them in line...


but it just feels like a HUGE letdown, smack in the fate, and utter disappointment that they're controlled from a distance, though, rather than the Tenno actually being INSIDE of them in one way or another.


Maybe if I'd watched Evangellion as a kid I'd be a little more used to this kind of idea of "kid controlling things from afar saves world", but everything I watched had a character physically there in the conflict, risking themselves for their ideals. Just... well, not what we already are doing: sitting in a chair playing a video game.

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^^^ Pretty much how i view it, some things aside.

Kaz, now that i have your attention, what type of goods and/or services do i have to throw into your general direction to see a sketch of Frohd and Asimina together by you?

Just curious UvU

Hmm, actually... if I could call a favor...


I have run out of my favorite teas and normally, I buy a large stock of them every 3 months. I've been doing this for 8 years now, but I haven't had the... ability to make my usual purchase for the last 6+ months or so. All I have left currently are either my special aged pu-erhs or flavors I don't particularly enjoy, most of them non-black teas. 


I wouldn't ask you to fully restock me, no... but I do miss my favorites. Is there any way we could make, hmm, arrangements?

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Aahh, in Evangelion they are inside the creatures with a neural link actually.


I guess for me to accept the new lore among the old lore I have to think of it like the kids are being plugged in like in The Matrix, where if you kill the projection of the person inside the program, their body dies in the real world because "the body cannot function without the mind", except that they can escape through the phone line. In WF maybe there is a process to "escape" from the Warframe before it is destroyed/killed too, but sometimes that can't happen... I'd imagine that would be the case of Mag and Excal in the PS4 trailer with Alad, and in the extreme situations the lore behind most of the Warframes.


Also to elaborate a little on the Warframes themselves: I think they are a combination of crafted and grown materials, all artificially combined into something which is imbued with life. And that is not a small feat.


Ok I promise to stay on topic now lol

Edited by Syncrasis
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I wouldn't ask you to fully restock me, no... but I do miss my favorites. Is there any way we could make, hmm, arrangements?

I'm all for sometype arrangement. I wonder what the current tea-to-art ratio is ...?

Ah, but i don't want the comments turning into neither a spoiler debate or a trade market, so could you please mind to PM me what exactly you have in mind?

And about the rest; some organism-shize is surely going on since we bleed and get poisoned and such, we just don't know what. I remember one synth-scan entry (crewman me thinks, the one with a council meeting) that did stab into something i feel is connected to this but i can't be sure.

And never watched Evangelion, too weird for me.

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