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Stuff I Shoulda Mentioned When I Began Playing


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Hey there, well i guess i should explain the topic more; you ever notice how you start playing and somethings are just off or unexpected or incomplete? i wonder if you know what i mean.... Imagine this, running through a laser barrier door for the first time, you know those corpus ones with the green horizantal bars of lasers, from top-to-bottom. You know it's dangerous so you take out the camera since the red alerts you towards it, but what if you're in a hurry? you run through hoping nothing too bad happens. Awkwardly, you trip through the lasers...and fall flat to your face.

It almost makes no sense tripping over a plane of lasers arranged in such a manner. No offense, but that needs some animation works or somesorta negative effect.

Another thing is the melee and stance, the stances, you can't really tell whether you've added the stance mod in without a stance animation, right? just like in tekken or streetfighter, more accurately soul calibur, the way they just stand is a stance.

Now melee doesn't feel melee enough. What i mean is that one button when you equip your melee weapon is no enough. I mean sure the right-clicks/left trigger (dependent on what you use to play) add to the combos, but still goes back to using that one button. With the return of the charge attacks, i have yet to know how they'll implement it since Holding E/B in combo already does something, it could have a separate button like X on the controller, which is barely used while melee is equipped, Besides it could add some flow to gameplay, like light and heavy/charge attacks.

These are the things i wanted to eagerly mention; questions for discussion;


How do you think they should make the tripping over laser doors work?

Will the stances interrupt with the idle/noble animations already with the warframes?

When you equip your melee weapon, do you need more buttons to press for combos? Will it make it easier/harder to land combos?

Should you be able to stealth/finisher kill from above the enemy while they're unaware of your presence?

What other things can be included to the suggestions above?







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You know it's dangerous so you take out the camera since the red alerts you towards it, but what if you're in a hurry? you run through hoping nothing too bad happens. 

Gonna have to stop you RIGHT there. You're running into a LASER GRID, in a door way, on a space ship in which security cameras activate them and you're going to "hope nothing bad happens?" Dude, wow. Just seriously read that over again.


Onto the grids themselves, however, which direction you are sent flying is dependent on your speed at the time you cross its hitbox. If you approach it slowly, you are knocked away from it. If you're rushing through it, you're tripped forward. If that's really the main complaint, then all that needs be is an animation adjustment. But considering there is already an animation specifically for losing balance and falling forward... it seems like a pointless addition and changes absolutely nothing about the mechanics.


That said, if you are; rolling, spin attacking, bullet jumping, air gliding while casting most warframe abilities, blocking, or otherwise doing anything other than simply moving/sprinting through the laser doors, nothing happens to your momentum or your stability. It's an obstacle that's easily overcome by reflexes.


Another thing is the melee and stance, the stances, you can't really tell whether you've added the stance mod in without a stance animation, right? just like in tekken or streetfighter, more accurately soul calibur, the way they just stand is a stance.

Um, have you ever looked at the bottom right corner of your screen? Once you enter melee mode by holding weapon swap (or using a keybind specifically to do so), it displays your weapon name and the equipped stance. Every time you rank up that weapon, it displays the weapon's name, its new rank and what stance you are equipped with.



Now melee doesn't feel melee enough. What i mean is that one button when you equip your melee weapon is no enough. I mean sure the right-clicks/left trigger (dependent on what you use to play) add to the combos, but still goes back to using that one button. With the return of the charge attacks, i have yet to know how they'll implement it since Holding E/B in combo already does something, it could have a separate button like X on the controller, which is barely used while melee is equipped, Besides it could add some flow to gameplay, like light and heavy/charge attacks.


How do you think they should make the tripping over laser doors work? narp

Will the stances interrupt with the idle/noble animations already with the warframes?

When you equip your melee weapon, do you need more buttons to press for combos? Will it make it easier/harder to land combos?

Should you be able to stealth/finisher kill from above the enemy while they're unaware of your presence? Lil too metal gear: revengence for me

What other things can be included to the suggestions above?


Okay so here's the real meat. I was actually discussing this same problem with melee just yesterday with someone. To me, the major problem is that melee feels like nothing more than grinding good-looking animations up against enemies, wherein the weapon is hot steel and all enemies are made of paper mache and butter. There does not feel like any form of actual mechanics behind melee in this game at all, and there never has. It falls into exactly what you described; the fact melee is attributed to a single button.


If I may go a bit off topic here, sorta; Bayonetta. This game quintessentially uses only two buttons to accomplish its breadth of combos, and uses light-taps and long holds to get everything done with those two buttons. There is a jump button and a "use a piss-weak auto homing gun" button as well, but those play into actual combat mechanics about as much as the wrapper on a double cheese burger matters. (i'm hungry af right now)


As just my own suggestion and where I'm coming from here; actively using certain attacks on enemies from certain combos basically is impossible. One of the primary reasons people love Crimson Dervish so much is that its major damage bolstering ability occurs on its initial strikes. In point of fact; people like being able to control what they do. Having to wildly swing at the air and delay your combo in a suitable manner to make sure the lunge attack from a Nikana, for example, actually hits what you want—or do you forgo using the dash slash at all and thereby waste your time pointlessly swinging at nothing just to try to get a certain part of the combo to hit an enemy...


It's cumbersome to say the least. By the very name "stance," I would like to see players given the option to actually enter STANCES, and activate key attacks from the stance mod at their whim. Going with the Soul Cal suggestion, swinging once and then continuing to hold an attack key would be a pretty viable way to enter them ala: Nightmare. Sure you're swinging at the air still, but it's only once and you know exactly what you're getting yourself into.

Edited by DiosGX
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Gonna have to stop you RIGHT there. You're running into a LASER GRID, in a door way, on a space ship in which security cameras activate them and you're going to "hope nothing bad happens?" Dude, wow. Just seriously read that over again.


Onto the grids themselves, however, which direction you are sent flying is dependent on your speed at the time you cross its hitbox. If you approach it slowly, you are knocked away from it. If you're rushing through it, you're tripped forward. If that's really the main complaint, then all that needs be is an animation adjustment. But considering there is already an animation specifically for losing balance and falling forward... it seems like a pointless addition and changes absolutely nothing about the mechanics.


That said, if you are; rolling, spin attacking, bullet jumping, air gliding while casting most warframe abilities, blocking, or otherwise doing anything other than simply moving/sprinting through the laser doors, nothing happens to your momentum or your stability. It's an obstacle that's easily overcome by reflexes.

.I did state, "Imagine this, your running...FIRST TIME" so im assuming this from new player experience. And yes, it is on the animation adjustment,  i mean having been tripped doesnt make sense when there is a grid of lasers from top to bottom. its awkward. And even as your reflexes kick in and you slide right through it, as if meantto dodge like in the movies, still doesn't make sense, animation wise, not mechanic wise.




Um, have you ever looked at the bottom right corner of your screen? Once you enter melee mode by holding weapon swap (or using a keybind specifically to do so), it displays your weapon name and the equipped stance. Every time you rank up that weapon, it displays the weapon's name, its new rank and what stance you are equipped with.


yeah i know, but my point is stances are not stances. You can just be standing normally, next thing you do is some drunken movement like a slithering snake and dancing on your toes. The transition from norm to craze is weird, but in this case minor.


Okay so here's the real meat. I was actually discussing this same problem with melee just yesterday with someone. To me, the major problem is that melee feels like nothing more than grinding good-looking animations up against enemies, wherein the weapon is hot steel and all enemies are made of paper mache and butter. There does not feel like any form of actual mechanics behind melee in this game at all, and there never has. It falls into exactly what you described; the fact melee is attributed to a single button.


If I may go a bit off topic here, sorta; Bayonetta. This game quintessentially uses only two buttons to accomplish its breadth of combos, and uses light-taps and long holds to get everything done with those two buttons. There is a jump button and a "use a piss-weak auto homing gun" button as well, but those play into actual combat mechanics about as much as the wrapper on a double cheese burger matters. (i'm hungry af right now)


As just my own suggestion and where I'm coming from here; actively using certain attacks on enemies from certain combos basically is impossible. One of the primary reasons people love Crimson Dervish so much is that its major damage bolstering ability occurs on its initial strikes. In point of fact; people like being able to control what they do. Having to wildly swing at the air and delay your combo in a suitable manner to make sure the lunge attack from a Nikana, for example, actually hits what you want—or do you forgo using the dash slash at all and thereby waste your time pointlessly swinging at nothing just to try to get a certain part of the combo to hit an enemy...


It's cumbersome to say the least. By the very name "stance," I would like to see players given the option to actually enter STANCES, and activate key attacks from the stance mod at their whim. Going with the Soul Cal suggestion, swinging once and then continuing to hold an attack key would be a pretty viable way to enter them ala: Nightmare. Sure you're swinging at the air still, but it's only once and you know exactly what you're getting yourself into.

finally /sigh

I imagine a ninja-space theme to have the edge with melee modes, adding diversity and probably simple stuff, like the one-two combo press of buttons. What bugs me most, if you can't tell by now, is that it's all in that one button! why? idk really. Barely do i see people brag about melee skill, as the only skill you can say about yourself is modding the weapon right. That's it. That's skill. Another issue is that the multiplier drops in like 0.1 seconds, almost immediately after killing an enemy. Never had such a feeling afterwards. The melee system doesn't feel rewarding enough because of this, you don't feel the strikes getting any stronger the more you attack, thats why, as you say certain stances have initial strikes been stronger/strongest, players prefer certain weapons. So in the long run, weapon utility is still limited (considering how they updated parkour to have weapon of choice and not manoeuvrability). Just want more button pressing honestly.

And that's exactly what i meant, or was trying to explain by entering the STANCE. 

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