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Forum Query: Which Weapons Do You Think Need A Buff?


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There is no "best weapon in the game". It's all mostly opinion.

Personally I think most (keyword: MOST. There are a handful of weapons that are god awful like most of the weapons of the machine gun class. Gorgon family mostly. I don't see why DE doesn't add anymore machine guns >.>) of weapons don't need any buffs.

Here's why I say this. It's because the scaling needs changed and the mechanics need change.

Enemy scaling is what I would call broken. Bringing survival in as an example; When playing in a survival it's hard to keep your life support up when your enemies are level 70+ and your damage starts to go down the drain when they're getting harder to kill and life support capsules are also dependent on RNG.

Speaking of scaling and since you brought up the soma prime as being "the best weapon", seeing as it's most definitely my most used weapon my main problem with it is the critical scaling. Just when your enemies start to be getting to around level 30-50 is when you'll notice it with any critical gun. The damage starts to drop off at a almost near dramatic amount and that's because the game seems to account for critical damage first, then base damage, then elemental damage, then faction. At an hour of t1 survival I found myself dealing double digits (no abilities accounted for) with the soma prime compared to my friends who were still barely breaking triple digits (This was before shotgun buffs, tonkor, etc. Yes it's still valid because there have been no changes to the critical hit mechanic since then). One of them were using a braton vandal and the other was using an amprex (that's a critical weapon to, I bet he even noticed). Personal note: after reading this do you still believe that the soma prime is one of the best in the game?

And Seriously the DoT is a joke, 10-100 damage per tick is stupid low, add DoT multipliers to amp that up or something (It would work sort of like critical damage). Let's be honest, status is at its best when you're spending a long time in an endless game mode.

Anyway point is: fix scaling and fix or change some mechanics before buffing weapons.

Now as for actually answering OP's question: As I've said above the Gorgon family, bronco and akbronco, glaive prime, sicarus prime, fang prime, galatine, sybaris, tetra, prisma tetra, pyrana, cestra, dual cestra, twin wraith vipers, akzani, akjagara, sancti castanas, all of the scythes, dark sword, the list could go on.

You didn't read it all did you? I stated people say Boltor prime and soma prime are best, I don't think there's a best besides nuclear jawsword and the nuke Prisma skana
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