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[Warframe Concept] Dryad, Nature/plant Warframe


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With the Release of the void, I can be the only one noticing the weird &#! foliage that dots Orokin towers and the Tenno Dojo. So what if you had a frame that attacked you with those weird &#! plants. and thus here we are.

Themes and Inspirations:

Dryad, Her main animal motif would be that of the Deer/Antelope.
Though looks wise, I'm thinking something more like a Celtic warrior woman/ shaman.

Now Wood and Forests are actually a fairly used theme in Asian myths and iconography. Even in War philosophy. The idea that the forest is alive -It is- has a will or a representative is an interesting angle to take in a setting where lets face it... Nature has seen better days.

Role: A supportive frame meant to use techno organic plants to aid allies and inhibit enemies.


Health: 75 / 225
Shields: 100/ 300
Power: 150 / 225
Armor: 10
Shield recharge: 35
Sprint: 1.0

Polarities are Double Bar, Prime version adds a Defensive


1st: Creeper 25 energy

"Dryad entangles an enemy in a powerful vine that restrains their movement, The vine will then seek out other enemies nearby"

Duration in seconds/ Max number of enemies that can be ensnared/ Range the vine will jump to the next enemy

Rank 0/1: 5 seconds / 6 enemies / 3 meters
Rank 2: 7 seconds / 12 enemies / 6 meters
Rank 3: 10 seconds / 18 enemies / 9 meters

Special Attribute: If any enemy is suffering a status when he is hit with Creeper, any enemies that are constricted after him will have that status applied to them..

Example: If you light a guy on fire with Ember's 1st and then use Creeper, The fire damage effect will be carried to all the others just like if Ember had casted the move on them individually.

Cast Freeze and then Creeper... Multi freeze

Cast Energy Vampire or Well of Life... I think you see where this goes.

This is her go to CC and Stun skill, useful for stopping an enemy charge of your position or cast it on the guy at the door and you'll get the guys hiding in the room.

In layman's terms, think of it as a Non damage Chain lightning -though no repeat bouncing-

Now note there is a slight delay since the vine has to wrap the enemy before it launches off toward the next one so you will have to think about it and the vine is somewhat random -generally picking the closest enemy at the moment it latches onto a target before its next jump-

2nd: Oak Guardian 50 energy


"Unleashing a burst of Energy, Dryad empowers her surrounding Tenno with increased fortitude."
  Range 7 meters around Dryads


Duration/ Defense Buff %


Rank 0/1  8 seconds / 30%


Rank 2  12 seconds / 40%


Rank 3 18 seconds / 50%

3rd: Ancestor's Fury 50 energy


 " Releasing an enriched pollen, Dryad and her fellow Tenno's combative prowess"


Range 7 meters around Dryads


Duration/ Attack Buff % / Attack Speed Buff %


Rank 0/1  8 seconds / 20% / 10%


Rank 2  12 seconds / 20% / 20%


Rank 3 18 seconds / 30% / 30%



4th Elysian Euphoria

" Generating a large blossom, a powerful pollen cloud is released into the air,,, lowering all enemies desire to kill and defend themselves with in range"

An ultimate level debuff, enemies caught with the radius of this move will not only take longer to attack if you attack them -hell they might forgot your attack them if you time your shots well" Their defense and attack power is significantly lowered almost assuring their death.

Range/ Duration/ Defense down / Attack down

Rank 0/1 10 meters, 12 seconds / 15% / 5%
Rank 2 13 meters , 18 seconds / 20 %/ 10%
Rank 3 18 meters / 25 seconds / 30 % / 20%

Enemies will basically stop fighting you if you hit them with this and will respond slowly if you do attack them, in their weakened state they're easy prey.

-I'm going to try somewhat different approach here, instead of listing all the moves at once, I'm going to post abilities a few at a time so I can gauge feedback to each move overall, and hear alternatives. Make it more of a feedback workshop-

Alternative Helmet

Eden -Gives her big Elk/Stag horns XD-

increases energy cost of her moves for increased duration

20% increase in Energy cost
for a 25% increase in duration.

Name Terminology

Dryad: The Name of the Greek Tree Nymphs or Spirits

Creeper: Any type of vine that wraps itself around other plants and buildings in an overtaking manner. Think space kudzu.The Empire stands no chance

Hemlock: A Greek poison.

Elysian: is a reference to the Elysian fields the place where renowned good souls go to spend eternity in the greek after life.

Eden: a Reference to the biblical garden.

Edited by FrostWolf
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I really like this idea.

Edit: I think you should make the Vines more efficent by giving them a small or average damage over time effect, since rooting our gun-wielding enemies won't do all that much to help.

I'll hang on to this post to give more feedback. :)

Edited by tatcher
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I really like this idea.

Edit: I think you should make the Vines more efficent by giving them a small or average damage over time effect, since rooting our gun-wielding enemies won't do all that much to help.

I'll hang on to this post to give more feedback. :)


They are tied up, they can't shoot you!


Wait AHHH Shoulder guns!



I'll consider added a low dps effect.

Edited by FrostWolf
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Liking the 2nd abillity too, but wouldn't that put Trinity in the dirt since It's far more superior than her Energy Vampire? Just woondering. :P


Superior... no not really

Energy Vampire's only limiting factor is, You need an enemy to damage and the energy regain is based on damage to the enemy... which can be kinda a tight when you have four people strapped for energy locking for the glowing purple one.


It still has the perks of movement and range along with a more instant energy recovery



Sun Blossom is more for people that want to dig in or find themselves in lull,  Say after a tough wave of enemies and you pretty much spent most of your energy orbs just fighting them off. It has the advantage of being consistent energy regain to everybody -not just the first person who can kill the target-, however it has the weakness of being nowhere near as fast and being limited to an area.



-Added a synergy bonus to Creeper-

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Added the Third skill


Personality wise


Dryad has queues from Neliel and Kurama. IE is generally gentle and holds no true ill will towards her opponent, In fact she's the most likely one you could receive mercy from. -Too bad the Grinner are engineered to fight to the death, Corpus are all indoctrinated nimrods and the infested just want to hug! 



then you piss her off... and suddenly you have one of "these" growing out of you. 




and if you're lucky... It'll kill you... eventually.


if you're not lucky... if you listen to the dojo walls at midnight you can still here the poor sob screaming

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Ah okay, well the I guess the 2nd one is just perfect.

The 3rd abillity sounds good too, you're good at this :P Just don't let it have too much health ( Since you said they can break it?) And I like the restricted amount of them being up.

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Hmm.. The 4th abillity sounds interesting, but I wouldn't look at it as useful due to the current content being already very easy, so it wouldn't help out a lot, I'd rather make her 4th either a heavy support like Trinity's, Heavily defensive or Offensive, instead of having it in between all of those.

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While you are right that Enemies -atleast higher level ones- would need to brought up to snuff.



It is for the most part an agro killer and debuff, an indirect offensive measure meant to aid in allow the team to kill a large number of hostiles quickly while also reducing damage by making the enemies passive.



Now I can change it to where it either just effects attack or defense for a larger decrease and shorten the duration for balance issues.

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Though again, it'd be faster for anyone else in your group to just hit their 4 button and all of them would die before her 4 would be useful :P


Stopping  all aggressive behavior and making it to where they will take even more damage from all sources is useful in itself for Dryad solo.



What if you are playing solo and being swarmed? Being able to run away then take them out with little ammo due to the armor reduction.


A Frame concept has to be two fold, How it works by itself and how it works in team. and we already have plenty of "press 4 everything dies in the near vicinity" moves.


Yes it's not an immediate death, but it has Utility over DPS.

Edited by FrostWolf
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hmmm tried to create a few more offensive minded skills... and sadly the move you'd see coming a mile away.

Blood Rose 50 energy

"Summoning a Blossom Tree, Slain enemies will have their trace vital energies drained and the redistributed to Dryad and surrounding allies"

Duration/ HP restore per enemy killed/ Area of effect

Rank 0/1 10 seconds/ 5% HP restore/ 7 meters

Rank 2 15 seconds / 10% HP restore / 11 meters

Rank 3 20 seconds / 20% HP restore / 14 meters

This works similar to Sun blossom but is the HP version with a twist to it. To have the HP restore you must kill enemies within the AoE of the tree. Again this works best when the enemy is rushing your position and you need to bunker down however a good tactic is to plant it -puns- while in stealth in the middle of a group and just rush them guns blazing.

Thorn Maiden 50 energy

-Dryad wraps herself and Allies in a temporary armor of spectral iron like throne branches, Damaging enemies that make contact-

Duration/ Melee Damage return

Rank 0/1 7 seconds / 60%

Rank 2 11 seconds / 80%

Rank 3 16 seconds / 100%

This skill effects those within 7 meters of Dryad casting it.

This is the move you cast when you know there is going to be a melee brawl, Unlike Iron Skin this move isn't meant for Damage reduction or negation -you can still be stunned and poisoned. You use this to lighten the blow and make the enemies hurt themselves... now if you stack it on a Rhino with Iron skill his pretty much good to go. You should still us it in unison with other damage reducers.

Thorn Maiden is a play on Iron Maiden

Pool of Night Shade 75 energy

" Dryad creates a pool of concentrated Nightshade posion, Enemies will be slowed and take strong poison damage as they attempt to wade through the pool"

Duration/ size of the pool/ poison damage per second

Rank 0/1 15 seconds / 2.5 meters/ 150 per second

Rank 2 15 seconds / 4 meters / 250 per second

Rank 3 20 seconds / 5.5 meters / 400 per second

Another choke point trap skill, Enemies are slowed to 50% movement speed -and yes it stacks with freeze slow-
Dryad can only have three pools summoned at once,summoning the 4th with cancel the 1st.

Thanks to the slow though you can cast this on a group as a nice wake call opening or use agro drawing moves to really screw enemies over by luring them into the pools.

Nightshade is a type of flower, some are known to be immensely toxic.

I almost feel this should be an alt Saryn skill.

Sakura Flash 100
" Summoning blossom petals to draw energy around her Dryad, launches herself forward to deal massive damage to those in her path upon reaching her target Dryad unleashes all the energy stored up for fatal damage"

Damage is 1000, It has a slightly large hitbox of 2.5 meters around Dryad as she moves forward during the step but the ending move hits everything in front of her in a 7 meter cone. -The Flash-

Range -how far Dryad travels-/ Chance of instant kill during the Flash

Rank 0/1 7 meters / 10%

Rank 2 12 meters/ 20%

Rank 3 16 meter / 30%

OH NO SLASH DASH IN ULTIMATE form! or is it? this one requires a little aiming as the Dash part isn't really the flash... it just gets her there. Like most ultimate skills it is a point and kill move though this ones not a really good panic button since you have to take into account distance traveled to get the flash.

Sakura or Cherry Blossom petals-especially those falling- are a symbol of the moment of death in Japanese Culture.

-If you ever wondered why Marluxia has the Grim reaper/instant death motif going yet uses blossom petals and pink scythe there you go

2nd: Sun Blossom 50 energy

"Nurturing A Tree in a selected Area, The Plant draws in floating energy and gives it to those around it"
Energy regen per second/ Duration/ range

Rank 0/1 5 / 7 seconds / 3 meters
Rank 2 10 / 10 seconds / 4 meters
Rank 3 15 / 15 seconds / 5 meters

Low on energy, but have nothing to Vampire off of? Sun Blossom serves an alternative, trading the massive instant energy gains for a steady over time but it's not limited by the health and availability of enemies to damage. This is balanced out by the fact it is a stationary AOE and only restores a set amount.

3rd Hemlock Rosary 75 energy

" Summoning forth an interlocking numbers of vines and branches to form a solid barrier, Enemies trying to assail this sanctuary are coated in a lethal poison"

The Barrier is made up of destroyable sections -about 1.5 meter wide- that form a reverse horse shoe around Dryad. Enemies take poison damage by touching it.

Poison Damage per second -ignores armor-/ Number of sections/ Section HP ( X * Dryads Rank) / Duration / Damage reduction.

Rank 0/1: 20/ Three/ 25 / 10 / 0%
Rank 2: 30 / Five / 50 / 15 / 10%
Rank 3: 60 / Seven / 100 / 20 / 20%

Being swarmed by a melee rush, throw this down to give yourself some much needed breathing room and watch as the morons murder themselves trying to break down the highly toxic barricade.

This gives Dryad a lot of use against the Infested as Melee is their main form of attack but against the Grineer and the Corpus -though Corpus likes to rush to point blank range- This serves only as a temporary bullet shield. However that's if your not being creative Ranged units will foolishly focus on it... or if you trap them inside the horseshoe... foolishly try shooting you while running face first into the barricade trying to get out of melee range.

This is good for "those" types of bosses that like to run around

This has great synergy with Frost's Snowglobe -everything goes! great with Snow globe-

Is outright evil when combined with Radial Disarm.

You can only have Two rosaries up at a time.


Edited by FrostWolf
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I really like the original idea with esp the first skill creeper. But for balance , the creeper will extend energy vamp's range ( as in the number of targets that your allies can shoot to get energy ) , but the total cap of energy gained will still be 100

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I really like the original idea with esp the first skill creeper. But for balance , the creeper will extend energy vamp's range ( as in the number of targets that your allies can shoot to get energy ) , but the total cap of energy gained will still be 100


 Energy Vampire already has a cap  I believe but applying it in a generally sense would be a good balancing measure.

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Could it be more Tank like? The current trend in Warframes (save for Saryn) is fragility. If I play I woman, I want to be an Amazonian.. That and most "nature" or "plant" based anything tend to be of the caster class. Lets break out of the mold and make her a steamroller o:

Edited by Versal
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Could it be more Tank like? The current trend in Warframes (save for Saryn) is fragility. If I play I woman, I want to be an Amazonian.. That and most "nature" or "plant" based anything tend to be of the caster class. Lets break out of the mold and make her a steamroller o:


Already did that with Tiburon, I'm trying not to repeat myself

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Intresting idea but this isnt a fantasy game... would look a bit weird if your on a spaceship and plants start sprouting out the walls


Compared to the Space Fungi that is the Infested that pretty much grows like a plant through a ship and spreads via spores.


Techno-organic plants aren't weird infact the Infested pretty much are Techno organic weed. -and they spread by airborne spores-



Sci-Fi and Fantasy tend to intertwine with each other no matter how hard you try.  Hell in "true" Sci fi,   Advance Technology is pretty much treated as Magic... they just add a definition or an excuse -The aliens clearly work at an understanding far beyond us- that makes you think it's "scientifically" plausible. -See Mass effect-  It's still pretty much magic at the end of the day.


War frame is not going to be hard Sci Fi by any stretch of the imagination. I mean unless Steve has a codex where he explains ALL the mechanics. 


Making the argument this isn't Fantasy... BASED ON WHAT? We have Space Ninja that use raw elemental powers, defy gravity and a guy that can literally slow time by punching the ground.


What Scientific rules has the War frame  verse soo vehemently adhered to that the idea of  technocyte plants, nanobot  reanimated corpses and any other "fantasy" espe powers would just break lore and your disbelief.


Point them out to me. I'm curious.

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