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Slaughtering Depths [Ic - Invite Only 18+]


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"Come at me. I can handle every story you throw at me" Jay said in a taunting voice

"If you say so." He stood up.

"My partner and I were on a mission, to recover some data from some Corpus...Corpus thingy, you get the point. We were nearing the location until our ships were shot down by an unknown object. We were lucky to survive, but the crash had scattered our gear. Not only that, but my partner was wounded. We were still instructed to recover the data, and survive as long as possible until an evacuation ship could find and evacuate us. It seemed impossible, we were unarmed, and it was freezing. Before we made it inside, I looked to my side and noticed my partner wasn't there. I looked back, and noticed she was lying on the ground. I rushed to her side...but she had bled to death before I could help."  He stopped, and sighed.

"It's a shame. We've been through everything together, and now she's gone." (Apologies if this is too long.) He sat down, and shook his head. "I can't finish the story, Jay, why don't you share another story?" 

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"If you say so." He stood up.

"My partner and I were on a mission, to recover some data from some Corpus...Corpus thingy, you get the point. We were nearing the location until our ships were shot down by an unknown object. We were lucky to survive, but the crash had scattered our gear. Not only that, but my partner was wounded. We were still instructed to recover the data, and survive as long as possible until an evacuation ship could find and evacuate us. It seemed impossible, we were unarmed, and it was freezing. Before we made it inside, I looked to my side and noticed my partner wasn't there. I looked back, and noticed she was lying on the ground. I rushed to her side...but she had bled to death before I could help."  He stopped, and sighed.

"It's a shame. We've been through everything together, and now she's gone." (Apologies if this is too long.) He sat down, and shook his head. "I can't finish the story, Jay, why don't you share another story?" 


Jay didn't react at first. He just stared into the distance, and then said in a quiet, unusually calm voice "s..sorry, this story reminds me of something..." he then entered the shelter that zax made and started meditating for the night.

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Temya was listening in, but seemed largely unimpressed, "Really?" She says to Harik, looking over at Jay afterwards, "You two can't be serious. You people are trained killers. You expect me to believe that you'd get all choked up just because one of your teammates bled out?"

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The commander - who else could a lone soldier with high-security access be? - raised his Sonicor slightly and aimed it at Kenshi as a subtle threat. "You know nothing of us. Nothing of our kind. Nothing of what happened to us or what we had to do after you murdered an arena full of innocents and sent the system to hell, Betrayer. I have seen loyal men fighting to save their families torn apart by Grineer cannons, by Infested swarms, by what lies beyond the Solar Rails and your own blades."

With that, he stood and started walking off. He needed to end this mission before it got out of hand. And before he passed out of sight with his short cape whipping in the wind, he looked back over his shoulder with a few parting words. "We're more human than you will ever be. Don't pretend otherwise."

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Temya was listening in, but seemed largely unimpressed, "Really?" She says to Harik, looking over at Jay afterwards, "You two can't be serious. You people are trained killers. You expect me to believe that you'd get all choked up just because one of your teammates bled out?"


"I wouldn't expect a Corpus to understand all you care for is money." Kenshi said a hint of agression in his voice.


The commander - who else could a lone soldier with high-security access be? - raised his Sonicor slightly and aimed it at Kenshi as a subtle threat. "You know nothing of us. Nothing of our kind. Nothing of what happened to us or what we had to do after you murdered an arena full of innocents and sent the system to hell, Betrayer. I have seen loyal men fighting to save their families torn apart by Grineer cannons, by Infested swarms, by what lies beyond the Solar Rails and your own blades."

With that, he stood and started walking off. He needed to end this mission before it got out of hand. And before he passed out of sight with his short cape whipping in the wind, he looked back over his shoulder with a few parting words. "We're more human than you will ever be. Don't pretend otherwise."

Zax exited the lab, only to find Tenno and Corpus arguing. "Stop this at once, we are a team, we shouldn't be fighting. Kenshi... the corpus aren't all about money. Commander, I do not disagree with you." He looked to Temya, "Not all of us are heartless bastards that don't care about our allies." Saying that, Zax walked to the shelter. Today had been only the tip of the iceberg, Zax feared for what's to come.

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When the frost enters he looks up from the chair he's on. "Thank god, Somebody to keep my sanity alive... Mind making a slushie? well, if you can and all." He'd laugh at that, since he isn't really a guy for jokes, and thinks it's funny.


"Also, Jay, i got a story! It is a future tense one, Let me recite it for you! It all happened with a limbo called Jay, He would never SHUT UP, So after a few more minutes of listening to his annoying stories, Brando pulled out his prova, AND CUT THE DAMN TENNO'S HEAD OFF!" He'd say in a condesending way until the end

Edited by superapple22
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"How you going to chop his head off with a stun stick?" Anec looked up from the nade launcher he'd been fiddling around with as the others told their tales, his hands still randomly fumbling with the thing.

"I mean maybe with enough time you can bash a regular guy's neck into paste so the head is technically off, but a Tenno?" He looked over Jay. "Do you guys even need your head on your necks?"

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Zax sat down with his legs crossed and leaned against the walls of ice. He looked at Brando and said, "I can't make slushies with this type of ice... If you ate it... It... Uhh... might kill you from the inside out."

Zax put his supplies beside him, which contained provisions, ammo, and some other tools. He waved to the people that hadn't came into the shelter and shouted, "Hey guys you might wanna come in! I'm closing the entrance off!"

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The commander, outside of the safety of the shelter, ignored the Tenno's call and wandered the lab, searching for a security office or somewhere he could access the inner workings of the systems. Maybe these people, before being killed, knew what was going on with this invisible threat - that, and he wanted to be away from them. His regard for the Tenno was necessity, not trust. Respect for what they could do, not for them as beings. It didn't help that, as a major player in Pluto's military forces he could be on one of their hit-lists somewhere.

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"I'll find my ways anec... I'll find... My... Ways..." He's say while looksing at his prova lovingly "I'll... Find... My.... W- sorry about that" He'd mutter as he places his prova back. Seems like the limbo did shut up after brando's story, Thank god for that.

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Osa gave Zax a bit of a skeptical look, but didn't speak on it. She hunkers down in the shelter, making a point of finding a relatively defensible spot. If there's a desk or piece of cover, she'll use that. "Who's got first watch?" She asks. Surely they weren't all going to sleep at once, they'd have to take turns keeping an eye out for more infested.

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"Harik, Take my hyena with you, Just incase, because this thing don't sleep so might aswell have some use." He'd tap onto his data wrist pad and aim it at Harik, the hyena proxy would then walk up to Harik and sit down. "Make sure it doesn't get destroyed... I'm too important to be executed from failing to protect this prototype" He'd say then sigh and lower his mask, pressing a button which would turn off the camera making him see nothing, and closes his eyes to get some rest.

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