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De On Fp Bp: "we Never Meant To Imply It Was Exclusive" Wait, What?


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I'm fine with time limited exclusivity for things in the game, I don't need super-special virtual ninjamen to fill a void in my life. The only real problem is that, since the FP blueprint drops along with all the parts, and you'll probably get another before getting all the parts, it was a kind of useless reward.


The community's behavior and attitude doesn't do much to encourage them to talk, either.

The forums could use stricter moderation. They shouldn't be afraid to get rid of toxic discussions/individuals for the sake of everyone else.

Edited by PositronicSpleen
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Is it not just as petty to complain about how unfair it is that we got a limited edition item and you did not?


Haha actually I wasn't complaining about anything. I said what I meant and vice versa. I participated in the event every day it was live.


I had a blast shooting down laser moas of doom, farming tons of Rubedo, trying to figure out/wonder what the reward was and was super happy when I not only got the mystery reward that I was expecting (which turned out to be a blueprint for a friking Prime Frame, but also what turned out to be a surprise reward of 100K credits. (basically a free dethcube bp)


I assure you, that the only element of pettiness comes from those who continue to argue that others should not be allowed to attain this item in game. 


The fact that I say all this having earned my frost prime bp and having it sit comfortably in my foundry should tell you something...

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Probably because the Vandals aren't event rewards.

Braton vandal was given by logging on and buying it during a weekend. How is that any different from how frost prime was given out to most people?

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Braton vandal was given by logging on and buying it during a weekend. How is that any different from how frost prime was given out to most people?


Closed beta was a test. People actively helped fix and contribute to the game being completed, and then also had to deal with having all their mod progress basically wiped out, even if they got cores. 


I'd say theres a bit of difference between that and logging on, killing ONE fusion moa in 10-15 mins. of gameplay and getting free stuff for it.


Plus for the love of....all this postulating and theorizing is absolutely pointless.


They can do whatever the hell they want. According to the agreement we all accepted, if they scrapped the entire game and decided to make a call of duty clone, and reimburse your platinum for purchase of weapon skins in the new game, it's entirely within their rights. And that's not even the issue, they didn't even do anything ethically wrong, as so many are implying/screaming.


so WHAT exaclty is the issue?! srsly....

Edited by LuxAngel7
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Braton vandal was given by logging on and buying it during a weekend. How is that any different from how frost prime was given out to most people?


Sure, I guess you could see that as an event if you really cared enough. Open Beta Weekend was a server stress test and the Vandal was put in the market for purchase, one Credit. It was something to get people to log into the game and it was a thank you gift for helping them. Then it went back into Closed Beta.


That would leave the Lato, which was strictly for Closed Beta. But people only cared about the Vandal, right?

Edited by FatalX7
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I got one in 40 runs.

Did a level 3 Void and got the Frost Prime bp on first run, so now I have 2, and my 3 friends who just started playing this week got 1. Not bad, but would have liked to have an exclusive, hope the Excal prime stays exclusive.

Edited by anarchysince88
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Closed beta was a test. People actively helped fix and contribute to the game being completed, and then also had to deal with having all their mod progress basically wiped out, even if they got cores. 


I'd say theres a bit of difference between that and logging on, killing ONE fusion moa in 10-15 mins. of gameplay and getting free stuff for it.


Plus for the love of....all this postulating and theorizing is absolutely pointless.


They can do whatever the hell they want. According to the agreement we all accepted, if they scrapped the entire game and decided to make a call of duty clone, and reimburse your platinum for purchase of weapon skins in the new game, it's entirely within their rights. And that's not even the issue, they didn't even do anything ethically wrong, as so many are implying/screaming.


so WHAT exaclty is the issue?! srsly....

This is still beta.


Or isn't it?


Sure, I guess you could see that as an event if you really cared enough. Open Beta Weekend was a server stress test and the Vandal was put in the market for purchase, one Credit. It was something to get people to log into the game and it was a thank you gift for helping them. Then it went back into Closed Beta.


That would leave the Lato, which was strictly for Closed Beta. But people only cared about the Vandal, right?

Lato vandal too. I said the vandals. They're exclusive items, yet everyone who has an argument against exclusive items seems fine with them for some reason (or at least pretends they don't exist).

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*looks at launcher*


Yeah, beta.


And yeah, again, you said Vandals, but only replied with the Braton, because it's the only one that somewhat works for you. Still a reward for Beta testing.


This is the first community I've come across that demands Closed Beta items, and to a large extent.

Edited by FatalX7
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*looks at launcher*


Yeah, beta.


And yeah, again, you said Vandals, but only replied with the Braton, because it's the only one that somewhat works for you. Still a reward for Beta testing.


This is the first community I've come across that demands Closed Beta items, and to a large extent.

Lato vandal is also exclusive, given to people just by existing before open beta.


Anyone who argues that exclusives do not have to be exclusives should not be ignoring these, but they are.

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Lato vandal is also exclusive, given to people just by existing before open beta.


Anyone who argues that exclusives do not have to be exclusives should not be ignoring these, but they are.



Or they're ignoring them because "exclusive(not even remotely important) items" in a VIDEO GAME/VIRTUAL REALITY/NOT REAL LIFE do not even matter?

Edited by GoatGodJohn
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Or they're ignoring them because "exclusive items" in a VIDEO GAME/VIRTUAL REALITY/NOT REAL LIFE do not even matter?

If nothing here matters to you, then why are you on the forum discussing the game?

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That's a moot question.  I'm just here for the FUN and entertainment.  Not the "HURR DURR MUH EXCLUSIVENESS"

This is a thread about exclusiveness. If you don't care, why are you jumping in just to scream that it doesn't matter?

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My thanks to the OP for data mining to show that.

Clearly, decisions changed or poor words were chosen.

Either way, simply say which and we move on. Trying to retcon it to 'what I really said was' is not an advisable strategy, ever, as this stuff lives on indefinitely, always there to be referenced.

Personally, I think it was a combination of not understanding the power of the exclusive remarks to their fanbase coupled with later recognition that they would have a severe problem if people were securing Frost Prime Part BP's from the Void but could never source the main BP.

I've said it before and I shall remind again, DE has admitted a fundamental unfamiliarity and liability with Economic game models. I think this is another case where they didn't forecast structures far enough ahead to plan out the consumption rates/seed rates and had to adjust on the fly for the BP opportunity; that or there was internal mis-communication on what would/would not be seeded and why when U8 wasn't ready yet.

I am still not betting on deceit here so much as human error and a bit of 'face saving' commentary in the interview.

Probably not best course of action all around but overall, the BP being more accessible is a better structure, and once the void runs are seeded with a lot more possible reward outcomes (much needed!) things will be better all around.

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Lato vandal is also exclusive, given to people just by existing before open beta.


Anyone who argues that exclusives do not have to be exclusives should not be ignoring these, but they are.


Because they're beta rewards.


Anyone who has played more than one online game should understand that Beta rewards don't get handed out to everyone. It's childish and selfish to expect and demand otherwise, just because of a different item and different event. (An event as in a general happening, not a game event)

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So it said that the reward was originally going to be Plat?  Tbh at this point I would have rather gotten Plat, and would have probably used it to buy void keys, and farm FrostPrime, or on something silly like color templates, and stuff like that..

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Because they're beta rewards.


Anyone who has played more than one online game should understand that Beta rewards don't get handed out to everyone. It's childish and selfish to expect and demand otherwise, just because of a different item and different event. (An event as in a general happening, not a game event)

We're still in beta.

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Hm. I'll repost something I posted in another topic that has been since deleted. Thank you, Lazarus.

The thing is, Frost Prime shouldn't be put into the same drop pool as its parts. Consider that people worked for hours killing MOA to get a reward, then start farming the Void to try to get the parts they need - and in the process, they get a duplicate Frost Prime blueprint. That kind of devalues the hours of work they put in. They could have skipped out on all those hours of work entirely and still have received the Frost Prime. It is subject to RNG, yes, but it's in the same drop pool and with the way the drop rates are borked right now...

People who worked in the event, as the situation is right now? They didn't get it any earlier - they had to wait for update 8. They didn't get it any more easily - they're as likely to get a Frost Prime BP before they even finish farming the parts, in fact. That reward ultimately feels like nothing to them, and that work feels like it matters less. I can completely understand this, even if I'm personally more concerned about the Void system right now.

Exclusivity is but one factor, but I really don't think it's the core of the problem. Not really. It's the way that effort feels like it doesn't matter anymore. That's disheartening to players. =/ Of course there are people who only logged on to kill one Fusion MOA, but I doubt those are the same folks that feel really slighted about it. Some people put in hours and pulled all-nighters. Of course they feel upset.

In my opinion? Game items shouldn't be a reward for events like this in the first place, to be honest. It would have worked just as well if completing the event unlocked a global award (everyone can farm for Frost Prime!), and if it failed it would be plat only (which is what DE originally intended for the item). That's just an example, but yeah, global unlock. Then participants could be rewarded tiered cosmetic items or something. Just my thoughts.

I do think people should have the Frost Prime. I suspect their reasoning was something along the lines of wanting F2P players to have at least one frame with which they could unlock whatever way the Void is supposed to interact with Prime frames, possibly because they put a good deal of effort into it? Also because it'd be weird for people to be earning the parts and have no blueprint. Would be a smack in the face for them each time >_>

Edited by Quetzhal
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